Priča o ljubavi, boli, prihvaćanju i da, sjajnoj glazbi. Slavljenje Freddijeva talenta i legendarnog rock benda, koji je svojom glazbom i osjećajem za avanturu i specifičnim nastupima prekršio sva pravila tadašnje scene.

Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best friend, Giovana, he plans to go on an exchange program abroad. When Gabriel, a new student in town, arrives at their classroom, new feelings blossom in Leonardo making him question his plans.

Bacurau je malo naselje u ruralnom Brazilu. Jednog jutra seljani se probude i otkriju da je Bacurau potpuno nestao sa satelitskih karti. Suočeni s nepoznatom prijetnjom, pripremaju se za krvavu i brutalnu borbu za opstanak.

Američki iseljenik Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) je u Londonu izgradio visoko profitabilno carstvo marihuane. Kad se pročuje vijest da se zauvijek želi maknuti iz tog posla, pokreće se niz zavjera, urota , podmićivanja i ucjenjivanja u pokušaju da se zauzme njegova pozicija. Ostatak zvjezdane glumačke ekipe čine Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell i Hugh Grant

Priča prati misterioznog H, zaštitara opakog pogleda koji radi za tvrtku koja prevozi novac u Los Angelesu i koji je odgovoran za prijevoz milijuna dolara po gradu. Tijekom pljačke vozila za koje su bili zaduženi, njegovi kolege ostaju iznenađeni preciznošću i vještinama koje će H pokazati i pitaju se tko je on zapravo i odakle je došao.

Legendarni plaćeni ubojica John Wick bježi zbog dva razloga. Love ga jer mu je za glavu raspisana tjeralica od 14 milijuna dolara te zato što je prekršio osnovno pravilo hotela Continental, a to je Ne ubij u hotelu. Ne samo to, već je žrtva bila član društva koje je naručilo Wickovu smrt, pa su stoga sve ubojice svijeta Wicku za petama.

Naš svijet su zauzeli naizgled neranjivi grabežljivci, koji - na najmanji mogući šum - odmah napadaju smrtonosnom silom. Sve se stoga odvija oko jednog bitnog pravila – kreći se pažljivo i nikada ne stvaraj nikakav zvuk, pa čak ni najmanji šum. Jedna je genijalna obitelj uspjela preživjeti u tišini, pažljivo prigušujući svaki mogući zvuk u svakodnevnom životu. U ovom nadnaravnom, napetom horor trileru uz Johna Krasinskog glumi i dobitnica nagrade Zlatni globus® Emily Blunt, Noah Jupe i Millicent Simmonds.

Quinzinho (Matheus Nachtergaele) has a promise to keep: to take his son, Neco (Vinicius Miranda), to the city to watch a Mazzaropi movie. They live in a small farm in São Paulo. In this odyssey through the towns of São Paulo, he also takes his wife Zulmira (Gorete Miracles), who goes unwillingly, and their donkey Policarpo. On their journey, they find regional peculiarities and undergo magical situations related to popular belief.

The life of George Falconer, a British college professor, is reeling with the recent and sudden loss of his longtime partner. This traumatic event makes George challenge his own will to live as he seeks the console of his close girl friend Charley, who is struggling with her own questions about life.

A young woman's desperate search for her abducted boyfriend draws her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a sect nobody ever escaped from.

Stênio, the nightshifter of a morgue, has the ability to communicate with the cadavers that are brought to him every night.

Stick Man lives in the family tree with his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three, and he's heading on an epic adventure across the seasons. Will he get back to his family in time for Christmas?

Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham brings his rude, crude and slightly demented posse of puppets to Ireland for a gleeful skewering of family and politics.

Tensions rise when the trailblazing Mother of the Blues and her band gather at a Chicago recording studio in 1927. Adapted from August Wilson's play.

A sweeping drama set in the chaotic aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq, where the life of top UN diplomat Brazilian Sérgio Vieira de Mello hangs in the balance during the most treacherous mission of his career.

Prošlo je mnogo godina otkad je čovjek zvani Tarzan napustio afričku džunglu i zamjenio ju civiliziranim životom u kojem se naziva John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, te kojeg živi zajedno sa svojom ženom Jane. No, sada, on biva pozvan natrag u Kongo kako bi služio kao trgovački ambasador Parlamenta, nesvjesan činjenice da je on samo pijun u smrtonosnoj igri pohlepe i osvete, koju dirigira belgijski kapetan Leon Rom. No, Leon nije nimalo svjestan što će njegov zlokobni plan pobuditi u Johnu.

A socially awkward woman with a fondness for arts and crafts, horses, and supernatural crime shows finds her increasingly lucid dreams trickling into her waking life.

A rich man gathers together friends and relatives at the abandoned theatre he owns, but the party isn't fun for long since apparently one of them is a murderer.

At a seaside city somewhere in the Tohoku area, the corpses of Nozomi, daughter of an affluent family, and Yamazaki, son of an engineer at the local nuclear power-plant, are found tied-to on a beach, as if they intended to commit double suicide. Nogami, a reporter, begins to investigate.

The world’s three most notorious, ballsy, and outrageous pranksters come together for the first time to unleash the most epic pranks in an outrageous feature-film event. Jam-packed with cameos from some of YouTube’s biggest stars, watch as Roman Atwood, Dennis Roady, and Vitaly Zdorovetskiy take fearlessness and unbelievable social experiments to the next level.