故事发生在法国,这是一个有着优良骑术传统的民族。皮艾尔-杜兰德是法国青年队的一名障碍马术选手,在没遇到Jappeloup之前,他在各种比赛中表现平平,没有人注意过他。   Jappeloup是一匹Selle Francais种的黑公马,这种马素以体力充沛、爆发力强著称,是法国黑骑士马术团的特选用马,曾作为骑兵团的英雄马驯养。可惜的是,由于Jappeloup身材矮小,只有15掌半,经常被人讥笑为拉车马。 杜兰德在首次看到Jappeloup的时候,也半信半疑,估量着它的能力。经过一段时间的"磨合"之后,杜兰德对这匹马的出色表现感到非常满意,确信能通过它改变自己的一生。在1982夺得法国锦标赛的冠军之后,Jappeloup又接连在一系列国际大赛中获胜。     1988年,汉城奥运会,Jappeloup和杜兰德代表法国参加决赛,在众多好手和名马中脱颖而出,为祖国赢得一块奥运金牌。四年之后,参加完巴黎国际障碍赛,在退役仪式上,希拉克总理亲自出马对这匹勇敢的骏马大加赞赏。而从此以后,杜兰德再也没有出现在国际马术赛场上,用他自己的话讲:"法国只有一匹Jappeloup。"

Two soldiers return home from their military service in southeastern Turkey with disabilities.

Juan returns to Cape Town with his family from their life in England when he discovers his mother is dying. She insists she wants her conflicted son to reconcile with his alcoholic dad, but all the younger man remembers of his childhood is disappointment and shame and although he wants to be with his mother he intensely dislikes his father, though it's probably more a case of Juan hating who he is himself, because of his father.

After accidentally killing a bearded goat with their father’s pick-up truck, two incompatible siblings in their teenage years, embark on a journey of reconciliation.


When a planeload of Pakistani orphans are shipped to his state for permanent relocation, the governor of Idaho defies the president and closes the state's border. News Net Television, a cable news program that makes hay by reporting on political scandals, quickly spins the racist act into an overnight media sensation, creating a divide in national opinion over the issue.


Paul is married to Sali. Everything would be fine if they could get a child. Until the day when Sali receives the call that they have been waiting for so long: their adoption file is approved. He is adorable, he is 6 months old, his name is Benjamin. He is blond with blue eyes and white. They - are black.

仿紀錄片的真的,假不了;假的,又真不了。導演欲探索女明星的心路,帶著攝影師一個一個的跟。明星不但出奇地願意講,更歌舞片癮發又跳又唱。啊,Charlotte Rampling原來是個書蟲,J u l i e D e p a r d i e u 最愛的工餘活動是在家中的園圃裡養雞,Jeanne Balibar 怒火中燒時會打人!你有壓力我有壓力,馬爾雲最想展露的,其實是星光燦爛背後的困惑:爭取角色和一般打工仔爭份工,一樣是個爭鬥。此時此刻,安坐軟枕看好戲上演的觀眾就是最舒服了。


影片根据70年代一则引起轰动的新闻事件改编。故事讲述在1976年的法国尼斯,地中海宫殿酒店所有者家的千金艾格尼丝(阿黛尔·哈内尔 饰演)爱上了比她大十岁的成功律师莫里斯(吉约姆·卡内 饰演)。莫里斯有着很多段风流韵事,但是艾格尼丝对他死心塌地。莫里斯因为赌博惹上了麻烦,他让艾格尼丝去接近弗拉托尼,后者是一个危险的男人,并且是艾格尼丝母亲(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 饰演)事业上的对手。弗拉托尼愿意出300万法郎来换取对赌场的控制权。艾格尼丝同意了,但之后因为自己的背叛感到异常痛苦。莫里斯渐渐地疏远了艾格尼丝。艾格尼丝尝试过自杀,后来她失踪了…


A Fine Step is an uplifting family drama centering on Cal Masterson (Luke Perry, Beverly Hills 90210) an award winning horseman whose relationship with his beloved horse Fandango allows him to achieve multiple championship wins. However tragedy strikes when Cal and Fandango are involved in a serious accident, ending Cal's horse riding days forever. Cal's devastation is slowly overcome when his new neighbour, 14 year old Claire Mason (Anna Claire Sneed, Glee) takes an interest in Fandango and convinces him that Fandango's competing days might not be over.

Octave Parango, the former concept creator/editor of 99 francs has become a model scout in Moscow. This cynical hedonist leads a very pleasant life in the arms of young Russian models and in the private jets of his oligarch friends... until the day that he is contacted by The Ideal, the world's leading cosmetic's firm, embroiled in a huge media scandal. Our antihero has seven days to find a new muse by traveling through the confines of post-Communist Russia, under the orders of Valentine Winfield, a hard and authoritarian visual director.

故事发生在1933年,英国飞行员比尔在一趟飞行任务中迷失了方向,坠落在撒哈拉沙漠之中,从此了无音信,他的情人玛丽(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)不相信比尔已死,于是坚定的踏上了寻找他的旅途。 在途中,玛丽被迫降落在隶属于法国的骆驼骑兵驿站中,在那里,她结识了上尉文森特(Guillaume Marquet 饰),玛丽向文森特寻求帮助,但因为阿尔及尔此刻正值动乱时期,指挥部拒绝了玛丽的飞行请求。既然不能依靠飞机来寻找比尔,玛丽决定陆行,她加入了执行任务的骑兵连,并且邂逅了中尉安东尼(吉约姆·卡内 Guillaume Canet 饰)。这一路上的艰险可想而知,但寻找爱人的坚定信念一直支撑着玛丽前行。

Antoine is a social wannabe who drops an elusive aristocrat's name to get into an exclusive party. The name - Jordan - gets him whisked by two burly bodyguards into the office of the host, von Bulow, who won't accept Antoine's admission of lying, gives him $100,000, and promises $900,000 more when led to Jordan. Enticed by the money, Antoine, with the help of his friend Étienne, begins his search. He follows trails through Paris's night scene, gets beaten up and bitten, and meets Jordan's sister, Violaine. After a surreal night, he's hooked on her charms but leery of continuing his pursuit of Jordan. Von Bulow insists. Can he find Jordan, get his reward, and attract Violaine?

Jessica is the leader of a group of lost boys with a violent past who now seek peace and harmony. She is the only one to have ever brought them love and understanding. They only wish to create a world where they can live in peace together, and forever.

