Самозваният "екскурзовод" Еспозито (Тото) продава на американски турист фалшива антична монета. Полицаят Ботони го арестува, но Еспозито избягва. Ботони е заплашен с уволнение и трябва на всяка цена да намери мошеника... "Филмът е своеобразна ексцентриада по подобие на класическите гоненици от времето на немите комедии, от които е заимствано и физическото различие на противоположните типове. В комедията е заложен обаче и дълбок социален подтекст. Освен с чисто жанровото обогатяване на новото италианско кино с включване на ексцентриадата в неговите изразни средства и укрепването на връзките на неореализма с традициите на простонародното изкуство, филмът е значим и с атаката си срещу безсмислието на буржоазното благоприличие... Той бележи един от върховете в актьорското майсторство на Тото и Алдо Фабрици

A boy and a girl fall in love but their fathers take a strong dislike to each other, clashing repeatedly during the preparations for the upcoming marriage.

Michele Casali is a middle-class professor in Fascist Italy who teaches at the same high school attended by his only daughter, Giovanna. A shy and sensitive girl, her insecurities are only magnified by Michele's overprotectiveness—reaching a point of no return.

A man is forced to completely change his habits when he decides to move from the country to the city.

A comedy about the adventures of several families during their sea vacations.

Наоми Уотс и Лив Шрайбер изпълнят главните роли в драмата по действителен случай “The Bleeder”. Филмът разказва истинската история на професионалния боксьор Чък Уепнър, който е известен като човека вдъхновил Силвестър Сталоун да напише сценария на хита си от 1976-та година “Роки“. Сюжетът на “The Bleeder” е за периода от живота на Уепнър, в който той се радва на най-голяма популярност. Освен, че е познат на почитателите на бокса най-вече с продължилата 15 рунда среща срещу легендарния Мохамед Али, Чък Уепнър е известен и с многобройните си извънбрачни връзки.

Nerdy office worker Min gets his kicks taking sneaky snaps of his female co-workers, spying on his neighbours having rough sex, and coating himself in oil before bashing one out to internet porn; things change, however, when he mixes ingredients from his late grandfather's medicine shop to create the ultimate aphrodisiac/date-rape drug, which he uses to satisfy both his sexual urges and his desire for revenge on office bullies Winnie and Peter.

Marco, a nine year old boy, is in love with his elementary teacher, and feels neglected by his workaholic parents. When they forget about his birthday he wishes he could grow up at once. This really happens and Marco begins a new life as an adult. He rents a room in his teacher's flat and she falls in love with him. He even fakes a kidnapping when he runs out of money but he is mistaken for the kidnapper.

A wealthy millionaire decided to commit suicide but meets a homeless with whom he experiences a lot of funny adventures until finally makes order in his life.

In the barracks of the "Settecamini" fire brigade in Rome, the shabby Squadra 17 tackles missions with resounding failures, waiting in vain for a chance for redemption.

Далмацио (Паоло Виладжo), Амалио (Лино Банфи) и Егист Сираги (Масимо Болди) са три бедни души, които се опитват да получат малко пари, като намерят временна работа. Далмацио е бил преди охранител в банка, Амалио е бил гледач на куче, а Егист продавач и чистач на прозорци на автомобили спрели на светофари. Нито един от тях, в крайна сметка няма късмет...

A poster worker must remove the poster of the original movie, when the figures of Renato and Paolo suddenly moves and leaves the poster driving an ambulance dressed as nurses.

A teenager in modern-day Miami finds a magic lantern and out pops a genie, who's been asleep for 200 years and in his gratitude grants the boy several wishes.

Following a twinning between the national fire brigade and the special forces of the Canadian firefighters, Captain Carter arrives in Rome.

Two Italians are on holiday in Aspen in Colorado. The first one is Lorenzo whose daughter is crazy about Luke Perry (Beverly Hills 90210 actor) and wants to meet him at all costs. The second one wants to win back his wife who has left him because of his gambling problem.

The adventures of the Milanese yuppies continue, always polished, "at home" in via Montenapoleone or at Nepentha, impeccable in dressing and "winning" at work, a little less in private life.

3 episodes set in Monte Carlo. In the first one a priest is compelled to become the lover of a princess. In the second, a con woman tries to cheat an insurance man. In the third, a man has to deal with his wife's suicidal attempts.

Several characters coincide during the Christmas holidays in the winter season of Saint Moritz.

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.

While on holiday in the Caribbean, a bankrupt family pins their hopes on a rich man, two strangers fall in lust, and a technophile gets shipwrecked.