In Big Time Movie, the guys must tap their inner spy as their adventure finds them driving exotic cars and jumping out of helicopters, while trying to make it to their first world tour concert on time. Hot on their trail are evil henchmen named Maxwell, British secret agents and Swedish spies as well as billionaire businessman, Sir Atticus Moon who wants back his precious device code named: “The Beetle,” an anti-gravitational device with enormous power. Once they learn they’re carrying this precious cargo, the guys get pulled into a madcap mission throughout London, which threatens the onset of their world tour. With the help of teen spy Penny Lane, the guys set out to save Penny’s father MI6 Agent Simon Lane and stop Sir Atticus Moon’s plot to use “The Beetle” to gain world domination.

Prof. Walter Vale (R. Jenkins) predaje na fakultetu već dvadeset godina isti predmet. Izvan fakulteta ni s kim se ne druži. Osim mjesta u kojemu živi, ima i stan u New Yorku, u koji rijetko dolazi. Ovaj put stiže zbog znanstvenog simpozija i u svojem stanu neočekivano zatekne mladi par, Sirijca Tareka (H. Sleiman) i Senegalku Zainab (D. Gurira). Neki im je prevarant iznajmio Walterov stan i uzeo novac. Tarek i Zainab namjeravaju otići, no kad shvati da nemaju kamo, Walter im ponudi da ostanu u stanu dok se ne snađu. Uz Tareka uči svirati bubanj i prvi put nakon dugo vremena osjeća da je u nečemu dobar. Međutim, u jednoj od policijskih krontrola uhite Tarika, koji je odrastao u Michiganu i gdje mu živi majka (H. Abbass). Zainab se ne usudi posjetiti ga, pa je Walter jedini čovjek preko kojega može komunicirati s vanjskim svijetom. Walter se nakon dugo vremena osjeća potrebnim i korisnim...

Tajno društvo "Bijela ruža" nenasilno se bori protiv nacizna, a cilj im je razotkriti javnosti zločine režima. Društvo sačinjavaju mladi ljudi, uglavnom studenti, a među njima su i sestra i brat Sophie i Hans Scholl, te njihov prijatelj Cristtoph Probs. Sophie i Hans počinju dijeliti protunacističke letke na sveučilištu, ali ih uhvate. U policijskoj stanici ih saslušava iskusni Robert Mohr, ali Schollovi sve poriču. Ipak, Hans uskoro sve priznaje. Da bi zaštitila ostale članove Bijele ruže, to čini i Sophie. Inspektor joj ponudi blagu kaznu ako se odrekne svojih uvjerenja i cinka ostale. Šta će Sophie izabrati i kako će završiti.

Geeky 14-year old Ethan is left to babysit his younger sister, Jane, with his best friend Benny but after Ethan inadvertently puts Jane in harm's way, his parents hire a professional babysitter, the beautiful yet mysterious 17-year-old Sarah who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a fledgling vampire.

Troje umirovljenih ubojica vrate se u akciju kad im se putovi ukrste s poštenom policajkom odlučnom da pronađe neuhvatljivog ubojicu.

Set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I, and the Essex Rebellion against her, the story advances the theory that it was in fact Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford who penned Shakespeare's plays.

When the body of Army Capt. Elisabeth Campbell is found on a Georgia military base, two investigators, Warrant Officers Paul Brenner and Sara Sunhill, are ordered to solve her murder. What they uncover is anything but clear-cut. Unseemly details emerge about Campbell's life, leading to allegations of a possible military coverup of her death and the involvement of her father, Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell.

Brazil is a contract killer, willing to take any job if the price is right. Flint left the assassin game when a ruthless drug dealer’s brutal attack left his wife in a coma. When a contract is put out on the same coldblooded drug dealer, both Brazil and Flint want him dead – one for the money, the other for revenge. With crooked Interpol agents and vicious members of the criminal underworld hot on their trail, these two assassins reluctantly join forces to quickly take out their target before they themselves are terminated.

An FBI informant has kept his new identity secret for 15 years. Now an old flame has recognised him, and the bad guys are back for revenge.

Corporal Evan Albright joined the elite Marine Corps Security Guards to save the world and see some action-not necessarily in that order. But his first assignment, protecting a U. S. Embassy in a seemingly safe Middle Eastern capitol, relegates his unit to wrangling "gate groupies" protesting outside the compound and honing their marksmanship by playing video games. So Albright and his team are caught off guard when well-armed and well-trained militants launch a surprise attack aimed at killing an informant in the embassy. Heavily out-gunned, they will have to muster all the courage and fire power they can as their once routine assignment spirals into all-out war.

A secret service agent is framed as the mole in an assassination attempt on the president. He must clear his name and foil another assassination attempt while on the run from a relentless FBI agent.

Doug (Tim Allen), Woody (John Travolta), Bobby (Martin Lawrence) i Dudley (William H. Macy) muškarci su srednjih godina koji žive u predgrađu Cincinnatija. U želji da pobjegnu od monotonije i besmisla, odluče uzeti odmor i motorima se uputiti u avanturu prema pacifičkoj obali. Na putu se društvo zaustavi u Novom Meksiku, u baru u kojem se okluplja zloglasna motoristička banda Del Fuegos. Kada banda ukrade jedan od motora koji pripada društvu, oni odluče ne predati se bez borbe.

After leaving the prison, the dwarf criminal Calvin Sims joins to his moron brother Percy to steal an expensive huge diamond in a jewelry for the mobster Walken. They are chased by the police, and Calvin hides the stone in the purse of the executive Vanessa Edwards, whose husband Darryl Edwards wants to have a baby. Percy convinces Calvin to dress like a baby and be left in front of the Edwards's house to get inside the house and retrieve the diamond. Darryl and Vanessa keep Calvin for the weekend and decide to adopt him, while Walken threatens Darryl to get the stone back.

Deputy Sheriff Lou Ford is a pillar of the community in his small west Texas town, patient and apparently thoughtful. Some people think he is a little slow and maybe boring, but that is the worst they say about him. But then nobody knows about what Lou calls his "sickness": He is a brilliant, but disturbed sociopathic sadist.

While trying to save their childhood orphanage, Moe, Larry and Curly inadvertently stumble into a murder plot and wind up starring in a reality TV show.

Carl Lucas / Frankenstein has won four of his races and needs to win one more to win his freedom. Before his final race, Lucas and his team, car and all, are transferred to another prison where they will compete in a Death Race in the desert. Also, at the same time, Ceaser runs into a marketer who wants to franchise the Death Race program.

When a possessed pair of jeans begins to kill the staff of a trendy clothing store, it is up to Libby, an idealistic young salesclerk, to stop its bloody rampage.

Kada je bio beba, roditelji su malog Norbita (Eddie Murphy) ostavili na stubištu kineskog restorana, koji je ujedno bio i sirotište, pa ga je odgajao vlasnik, gospodin Wong (Eddie Murphy). U sirotištu se Norbit sprijateljio s Kate (Thandie Newton), ali djevojčica je ubrzo posvojena, pa je Norbit opet ostao sam. Kako se ne bi osjećao napuštenim, o njemu se brine velika debela Rasputia (Eddie Murphy), koja brzu hranu tamani kao da sutra ne postoji. Kada odrastu, Rasputia se pretvori u zastrašujuću ženu, koja Norbita natjera na brak. Našem junaku se čini kako više doista ne može izdržati životne nepravde, ali baš tada se u grad vraća Kate, koja od gospodina Wonga želi otkupiti sirotište. Norbit se ponovno zaljubljuje, ali Rasputia, njena braća gangsteri i Katein zaručnik imaju drugačije planove.

The popular Bratz dolls come to life in their first live-action feature film. Finding themselves being pulled further and further apart, the fashionable four band together to fight peer pressure, learn what it means to stand up for your friends, be true to oneself and live out your dreams.

When an overachieving high school student decides to travel around the country to choose the perfect college, her overprotective cop father also decides to accompany her in order to keep her on the straight and narrow.