Relatare cronologică a evoluției trupei rock "The Doors", cu accentul pe interpret - Jim Morrison (1943-1971) - de la înființarea ei în 1965, primele spectacole, primul album, până la moartea lui Morrison, după ani de consum în exces de alcool și droguri.

Yowamushi Pedal: Re:ROAD compiles the second half of the Inter High arc from the second television anime season with some cuts of new footage added.

A troubled and bullied high school student fights against judgement from his community after threatening to bomb the football team.

A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.

Pe 18 februarie 1952, o furtună masivă a lovit New England, distrugând orașe de-a lungul Coastei de Est, cu consecințe dezastruoase asupra navelor, inclusiv SS Pendleton, un petrolier T-2 pornit spre Boston, care a fost literalmente rupt în două, cu peste 30 de marinari prinși în interiorul pupei ce s-ascufundat rapid. În calitate de ofițer superior la bord, primul inginer asistent Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck) își dă seama repede că trebuie să preia comanda echipajului speriat și să inspire oamenii să lase deoparte…

After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!

Fiecare dragoste își scrie propria poveste. La fel și a lui Eleanor și Connor; o dragoste creată pentru a supraviețui catastrofelor mici și mari ale vieții de zi cu zi. Până în ziua în care relația lor este pusă în mod neașteptat la încercare. Odată un cuplu de vis, amândoi reacționează complet diferit la ruperea iminentă a fericirii lor: Eleanor se retrage din ce în ce mai mult până când dispare complet. Ceea ce rămâne este un Connor disperat care încearcă să ridice bucățile rupte din căsnicia lor. Împinși de prieteni și familii și mânați de propria lor neputință și neliniște, amândoi urmează noi planuri de viață, doar pentru a realiza în sfârșit că soarta are un final diferit pentru povestea lor de dragoste decât se așteptau.

A story about the man who is confused with his love life finds solace in his birthplace with his childhood love.

A vampire attacks a horror author on the street and then invites him to a nearby club as a gesture of gratitude, which turns out to be a meeting place for assorted creatures of the night. The vampire then regales him with three stories, each interspersed with musical performances at the club.

Multiple lives intersect in the aftermath of the violent mugging of a Columbia University philosophy professor.

Owen and Isabel's love story simmers with spiteful rage and unfortunately for everyone, Isabel is pregnant with Owen's child. To prove to her that he can become a stable father, Owen agrees to reconnect with his only living relatives at Isabel's request. The couple take a trip to visit his perversely devoted grandmother and his sister Pearl, who was severely burned in a fire, to finally bury the hatchet. But sometimes the ties that bind can cut off all circulation.

Transposing the story of the Passion of Jesus to Sardinia, Su Re draws for the very first time on the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John together. Giovanni Columbu's distinct view is shot in a landscape unaffected by modernity and played out by an amateur cast, offering still new insights into the life of Christ.

Singurul șerif american repartizat în Antarctica, Carrie Stetko va părăsi în curând mediul aspru pentru totdeauna – în trei zile, soarele va apune și Stația de cercetare Amundsen-Scott se va închide pentru iarna lungă. Când un cadavru este descoperit pe gheață, investigația lui Carrie despre prima omucidere de pe continent o cufundă adânc într-un mister care ar putea să o coste viața.

While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with cold feet, Casey tries to call off her wedding but before she's able to, she starts exhibiting insect like traits. Between her physical transformation and her wedding anxiety, Casey succumbs to her new instincts and begins creating a hive that not only houses her translucent eggs, but feeds on the flesh of others. As her transformation becomes complete, Casey discovers that everything can change with a single bite.

Welcome to Monsterland! A terrifying place where savage beasts, carnivorous creatures, and grotesque abominations are the new normal; and the human race is now at the bottom of the food chain.

When a strange signal pulsates through all cell phone networks worldwide, it starts a murderous epidemic of epic proportions when users become bloodthirsty creatures, and a group of people in New England are among the survivors to deal with the ensuing chaos after.

A methodical killer is systematically slaughtering a group of women who are connected and bound by the same dark secret.

A family intervention goes horrifically awry within the snowy confines of an isolated lake house.

The satellite has vanished and the only clue is a trail leading to a small village nestled on the outskirts of forest line. As the team begins to investigate they quickly discover that something else came back from space, something not of this world. As their time runs out, the team must battle to unlock the terrifying truth behind the ill-fated mission.