While vacationing, Koenma is kidnapped by a pair of demons known as Koashura and Garuga, who demand the possession of Lord Enma's coveted "Golden Seal." Botan finds Yusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara on their summer vacation as well, and asks for their assistance in Koenma's rescue.

The team of people who saved Winter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital.

Emerald Green is the stunning conclusion to Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red Trilogy, picking up where Sapphire Blue left off, reaching new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-traveling society and learns her fate.

An independent group of researchers called the Godzilla Prediction Network (GPN) actively track Godzilla as he makes landfall in Nemuro. Matters are further complicated when a giant meteor is discovered in the Ibaragi Prefecture. The mysterious rock begins to levitate as it's true intentions for the world and Godzilla are revealed.

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

Seventeen year old, Emma joins a high school cheerleading team when she moves to Australia with her dad who is a former Air Force Officer.

A transfer student at a rough high school tries joining the cheer-leading squad and finds that she not only has to face off against the head cheerleader, but also against her former school in preparation for a cheer-off competition.

A nightmarish evening unfolds for David, a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert, accidentally hit a girl on her bike. Buzzed and disoriented, David lets Robert convince him to flee the scene and leave the girl for dead, in order to protect his career. Robert shows no remorse, and in the name of friendship he does unspeakable things to protect the secret. Now that the police are full-on hunting for the hit-and-run killer, things begin to spiral out of control when David’s local newspaper sends him to cover the story where he meets the deceased girl’s sister Vanessa. Despite the circumstances, and her deep desire to find her sister’s killer, the two immediately have a romantic connection, which surprises and haunts David, while pushing Robert to take brutal steps to keep his new friend to himself.

Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to agree to a treaty. However, what they didn't realize was that the handsome Persian was in fact a sexual sadist. So, it is up to the King's half- brother, some Hungarian prince, to save Angélique from the evil troll's clutches.

Најбоље пријатељице Миа и Мел уживају у животу, водећи њихову козметичку компанију, које су створиле од нуле. Нажалост, западају у финансијске проблеме, када добијају више него примамљиву понуду од неприкосновеног мага козметичке индустрије, Клер Луне. Та понуда довешће у питање пријатељство које између Мие и Мел траје годинама.

Sent to Paris to visit their grandfather, the twins fall in love with France, not to mention two French boys.

Clare and Aidan, after making a pact that they would break up before college, find themselves retracing the steps of their relationship on their last evening as a couple. The epic date leads them to familiar landmarks, unexpected places, and causes them to question whether high school love is meant to last.

Након што је изгубио своју вољену Кишу у саобраћајној несрећи, Малком почиње изнова, па се поново жени. Овај пут жени Меган, мајку двоје деце. Када ствари почну да се враћају у паранормално, циљајући и децу и имовину, ствари се још више закомпликују него кад је био са Кишом…

When new students can't get onto their college cheerleading team, they form their own squad and prepare for a cheer off.

When a driven doctor doesn't get the prestigious position she planned for, she unexpectedly finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town. While she meets the locals and even starts a new romance, she has to learn to let the life she planned for give way to a love she never could have imagined, and finds this festive small town is hiding one big holiday secret.

A young, hip-hop A&R falls in love with a seemingly perfect woman but eventually must decide whether he is willing to accept the colossal baggage she comes with or risk walking away from his soulmate.

Када детињасти Роб Андерсон (Марлон Вајнс) стигне у Чарлстон, на венчање са девојком из његових снова (Реџина Хол), уместо да припреми текст брачног завета, научи да игра или припреми одело и прстен, он одлази у луди провод са својим кумом. Следећег јутра дешава се нешто чудно. Роб се буди голишав у лифту схвативши да има само један сат да стигне до цркве, на своје венчање. И док голишав покушава да стигне кроз гужву у граду, избегавајући локалну полицију која га јури због неприкладног излагања у јавности, нови шок стиже када када се поново буди у истом лифту и започиње исти понижавајући циклус. Непозната сила заробила је Роба у овој петљи док не одрасте и схвати шта значи одговорност.

A high school student suffers from a strange amnesia, causing her memories to only last a week. After she befriends a new student, his kindness and persistence make her gradually open up.

The popular Bratz dolls come to life in their first live-action feature film. Finding themselves being pulled further and further apart, the fashionable four band together to fight peer pressure, learn what it means to stand up for your friends, be true to oneself and live out your dreams.

Планинарење у дивљину претвара се у очајнички покушај опстанка петорице пријатеља који беже од мистериозног стрелца.