After being released from prison, Dr. Nise da Silveira is back at work in a psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro where she refuses to employ the new and violent electroshock in the treatment of schizophrenics. Ridiculed by doctors, she is forced to take on the abandoned Sector for Occupational Therapy, where she would start a revolution through paintings, animals and love.

Чувари галаксије морају да се боре да би своју новоосновану породицу одржали на окупу, док решавају мистерију правог порекла Питера Квила. Стари непријатељи постају нови савезници, а омиљени ликови из стрипова прискочиће у помоћ нашим херојима, док Марвелов филмски универзум наставља да се шири.

Након меденог месеца, Шрек и Фиона враћају се кући, а тамо их дочека позив на вечеру код Фиониних родитеља, Краља и Краљице, који не знају да је и њихова ћерка, у међувремену, постала зелено чудовиште. Када Вила открије да су Фиона и Шрек венчани, подсети Краља на њихов договор према којем се Фиона требала удати за њеног сина, Принца, па сада Краљ унајми Мачка у Чизмама, крвника зелених чудовишта, да убије Шрека.

Након пропале пљачке банке његов млађи брат је у затвору, Кони Никас се упустила у уврнуту Одисеју кроз подземље ЊуЈорка како би његов брат Ник изашао из затвора.

Emerald Green is the stunning conclusion to Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red Trilogy, picking up where Sapphire Blue left off, reaching new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-traveling society and learns her fate.

Aurora Teagarden is a beautiful young librarian with a passion for solving murders. After an exhaustive search for the perfect home, Aurora finally purchases her dream house, unaware of its murky history. As she prepares to move in, Aurora discovers that the family who once lived there mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

Star Chow, an officer in the elite police unit, resigns when he is made a scapegoat for a botched investigation. He goes undercover at a school to complete the case and realizes a bumbling detective is also undercover as a student.

A chilling vision of the House of Saddam Hussein comes to life through the eyes of the man who was forced to become the double of Hussein's sadistic son.

A female wildlife photographer arrives on an East African reservation where a group of men trap wild animals for zoos and circuses.

У овом наставку агенту Бенингу је намештен покушај атентата на председника из чега ће морати да извуче властиту агенцију и ФБИ док покушава да открије стварну претњу.

Dissatisfied with his new work at the Goethe-Gesamtschule, Mr. Müller is tired of early mornings and correcting exams. Meanwhile, director Gerster strives to be a symbol of the new company. To do so, her attempts to improve the school's image involve revoking the partnership from the Schillergymnasium with a Thai school. In a last-ditch saving grace, Mr. Müller, Mrs. Schnabelstedt, and the 10b must take a trip to Thailand.

Напети научнофантастични трилер глобалних размера о професору који долази до застрашујућих предвиђања будућности и покушава да спречи њихово остварење. То је уједно и очајничка борба једног самохраног оца да спасе своје једино дете. Пола века стара кодирана порука једне девојчице можда је једина препрека која стоји на путу светској катастрофи.

When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.

Nathan Flomm, in order to avoid the humiliation of having missed out on a hugely successful business, assumes a new identity on Martha's Vineyard. He plots revenge when his former business partner moves to the same town.

Andrea is a handsome and cocky 38-year old man with a successful business career. Shallow, womanizing and a confirmed bachelor, his life seems to be just perfect... until the day he comes home and finds there Layla, a teenage girl who claims to be his daughter. Alongside Layla is her grandfather Enzo, a former rockstar and the father of Andrea's first fleeting and forgotten conquest. And they've come to stay!

The career of a disillusioned producer, who is desperate for a hit, is endangered when his star walks off the film set. Forced to think fast, the producer decides to digitally create an actress "Simone" to sub for the star — the first totally believable synthetic actress.

Tired of the noise and madness of New York and the crushing conventions of late Eisenhower-era America, itinerant journalist Paul Kemp travels to the pristine island of Puerto Rico to write for a local San Juan newspaper run by the downtrodden editor Lotterman. Adopting the rum-soaked lifestyle of the late ‘50s version of Hemingway’s 'The Lost Generation', Paul soon becomes entangled with a very attractive American woman and her fiancée, a businessman involved in shady property development deals.  It is within this world that Kemp ultimately discovers his true voice as a writer and integrity as a man.

A group of friends take refuge in a deserted sanatorium after they are left stranded in a snowstorm. Later, the place becomes a death trap when man-eating cannibals surround them.

A group of people find themselves trapped in the backwoods of West Virginia, fighting for their lives against a group of vicious and horribly disfigured inbred cannibals.

A sudden and mysterious inheritance brings Danny and his friends to Hobb Springs, a forgotten resort deep in the West Virginia hills. Hobb Springs is being looked after under the watchful care of Jackson and Sally, a socially awkward couple who introduce Danny to the long lost family he's never known. A clan by the name of Hillicker. But soon Danny learns his relatives have a different way of living, that for generations, the Hillickers have observed ancient traditions rooted in cannibalism and other taboo rituals.