On olemas kaks reaalsust: see, milles me päevast päeva elame, ja teine, mis asub selle taga. Neo otsib tõde Matrixi kohta, millest ta on kuulnud vaid arglikke sosinaid ja kuulujutte. See on midagi salapärast ja ohtlikku ning Neo on kindel, et see kontrollib kõigi inimeste elusid. Ta usub, et Morpheus, keda peetakse kõige ohtlikumaks meheks maailmas, on just see, kes suudaks anda vastuse küsimusele: mis on Matrix?

The story of August Pullman – a boy with facial differences – who enters fifth grade, attending a mainstream elementary school for the first time.

101-year-old Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story of her life aboard the Titanic, 84 years later. A young Rose boards the ship with her mother and fiancé. Meanwhile, Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets aboard the ship. Rose tells the whole story from Titanic's departure through to its death—on its first and last voyage—on April 15, 1912.

Harry Potter on pealtnäha täiesti tavaline, pisut tagasihoidlik poiss, kes peale ema ja isa traagilist surma on sattunud elama oma tädi juurde. 10 aastat on ta pidanud taluma tädi Petunia, onu Vernoni ja nende poja Dudley terroriseerimist. Ühel päeval aga hakkavad saabuma salapärased kirjad ning ilmub välja hiiglasekasvu, kuid sõbralik Hagrid, kes Harryle räägib, et ta polegi tavaline poiss, vaid hoopis võlur. Nii asubki Harry õppima Sigatüüka kooli, kus ta õpib võlukunsti erinevaid vorme, leiab endale sõbrad Ron'i ja Hermione'i ning peab vastu astuma igasugustele ohtudele.

In 1960s Wyoming, two men develop a strong emotional and sexual relationship that endures as a lifelong connection complicating their lives as they get married and start families of their own.

Alates ajast, mil ta vanemad mõrvati, on miljonär Bruce Wayne rännanud mööda maailma, püüdes jõuda selgusele, kuidas võidelda kurjusega ning pöörata hirm nende vastu, kes teisi on kogu aeg hirmu all hoidnud. Viimaks pöördub ta tagasi kodulinna, Gotham Citysse ja öösiti hakkab selle tänavail tegutsema Batman, maskis võitleja, kes kasutab oma jõudu, mõistust ja iseäralikke tööriistu, et võidelda linna ähvardavate tumedate jõududega.

Christine Collins is overjoyed when her kidnapped son is brought back home. But when Christine suspects that the boy returned to her isn't her child, the police captain has her committed to an asylum.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

After being coerced into working for a crime boss, a young getaway driver finds himself taking part in a heist doomed to fail.

Film saab alguse 1926. aastal, kui Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) on just lõpetanud ülemaailmse retke, et leida ja dokumenteerida tervet hulka maagilisi elukaid. Kui ta lühikeseks peatuseks New Yorki jõuab, võiks ta sealt ühegi juhtumuseta lahkuda… kui poleks No-Majit (ameeriklaste mugu) nimega Jacob (Dan Fogler), valesse kohta sattunud maagilist olendit ja mõnede Newti fantastiliste elukate põgenemist, mis võiks tuua pahandusi nii võlumaailma kui ka No-Majide maailma.

Expecting the usual tedium that accompanies a summer in the Catskills with her family, 17-year-old Frances 'Baby' Houseman is surprised to find herself stepping into the shoes of a professional hoofer—and unexpectedly falling in love.

A teenager who's lived a sheltered life because she's allergic to everything, falls for the boy who moves in next door.

An other-worldly story, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962, where a mute janitor working at a lab falls in love with an amphibious man being held captive there and devises a plan to help him escape.

Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, master thief Scott Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor, Doctor Hank Pym, protect the secret behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a new generation of towering threats. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.

Iseseisev üksikema, kellele kuulub väike hotell idüllilisel Kreeka saarel, Donna (Maryl Streep), on valmis laskma oma tütrel Sophie´l (Amanda Seyfried) alustada oma elu. Shopie pulmadeks on Donna külla kutsunud oma kaks parimat sõbratari - asjaliku Rosie (Julie Walters) ning rikka, mitmekordselt lahutatud Tanya (Christine Baranski)- oma endise bändi liikmed, Donna and the Dynamos. Et leida oma õige isa, kes saadaks Shopie altari ette, kutsub ta külla kolm meest Donna minevikust Vahemere paradiisi, mida mehed külastasid 20. aastat tagasi. Film on inspireeritud ABBA lauludest, nagu näiteks ”Dancing Queen” ja ”S.O.S.”, ”Money, Money, Money” ja ”Take a Chance on Me”.”Mamma Mia!” on flm, mis räägib emadest ja tütardest, vanadest sõpradest ja uuest leitud perekonnast.

Terry is a small-time car dealer trying to leave his shady past behind and start a family. Martine is a beautiful model from Terry's old neighbourhood who knows that Terry is no angel. When Martine proposes a foolproof plan to rob a bank, Terry recognises the danger but realises this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. As the resourceful band of thieves burrows its way into a safe-deposit vault at a Lloyds Bank, they quickly realise that, besides millions in riches, the boxes also contain secrets that implicate everyone from London's most notorious underworld gangsters to powerful government figures, and even the Royal Family. Although the heist makes headlines throughout Britain for several days, a government gag order eventually brings all reporting of the case to an immediate halt.

After their father is called into work, two young boys, Walter and Danny, are left in the care of their teenage sister, Lisa, and told they must stay inside. Walter and Danny, who anticipate a boring day, are shocked when they begin playing Zathura, a space-themed board game, which they realize has mystical powers when their house is shot into space. With the help of an astronaut, the boys attempt to return home.

Bioloog värvatakse ohtlikule, salajasele ekspeditsioonile salapärasesse tsooni, kus loodusseadused ei kehti.

During the Civil War, at a Southern girls’ boarding school, young women take in an injured enemy soldier. As they provide refuge and tend to his wounds, the house is taken over with sexual tension and dangerous rivalries, and taboos are broken in an unexpected turn of events.

Cabbie-turned-chauffeur Jimmy Tong learns there is really only one rule when you work for playboy millionaire Clark Devlin : Never touch Devlin's prized tuxedo. But when Devlin is temporarily put out of commission in an explosive accident, Jimmy puts on the tux and soon discovers that this extraordinary suit may be more black belt than black tie. Paired with a partner as inexperienced as he is, Jimmy becomes an unwitting secret agent.