After an emotional exchange between a Lebanese Christian and a Palestinian refugee escalates, the men end up in a court case that gets national attention.

A police raid in Detroit in 1967 results in one of the largest citizens' uprisings in the history of the United States.

A sinful martial arts expert wants to start a new tranquil life, only to be hunted by a determined detective and his former master.

Based on a true story, this riveting western follows a headstrong New York widow as she journeys west to meet Sioux chief Sitting Bull, facing off with an army officer intent on war with Native Americans.

A brutal home-jacking goes hopelessly wrong. Dave, one of the two robbers, manages to run off, leaving his brother Kenneth behind. Four years later, Kenneth is released from prison and much has changed. Dave has his life back on track and is trying to help Kenneth however possible, but is witnessing how the highly strung Kenneth tries to win back his ex-girlfriend Sylvie.

In Bolivia, Butch Cassidy (now calling himself James Blackthorn) pines for one last sight of home, an adventure that aligns him with a young robber and makes the duo a target for gangs and lawmen alike.

Jocelyn predstavuje presne ten prototyp muža, ktorý sa snaží oklamať a uloviť každú ženu, ktorá okolo neho prejde a stojí za hriech. Využíva základné postupy: vyťahuje sa, pretvaruje sa a predovšetkým stále klame. A keď ho náhodou pristihne nová suseda Julie v situácii, keď práve sedí na invalidnom vozíku po matke, a chce sa začať o neho starať, jeho srdce zaplesá. Repertoár postupov profesionálneho zvodcu si práve rozšíril o nový trik a navyše sa vďaka nemu zoznámil s krásnou ženou. Ale všetko sa skomplikuje, keď príjme jej pozvanie na obed k jej rodičom. Stretne sa tu totiž s Juliinou sestrou Florence. To by samozrejme v inej situácii uvítal, ale ona tiež sedí na invalidnom vozíku. Bohužiaľ sa na rozdiel od neho nedokáže len tak z neho zdvihnúť. A Jocelynovi sa prihodí niečo, čo vôbec nečakal. Beznádejne a romanticky sa do Florence zamiluje, ale ako jej má prezradiť, že im na spoločnú prechádzku stačí len jeden vozík?

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

Aging sidekick Lefty Brown has ridden with Eddie Johnson his entire life. But when a rustler kills Eddie, Lefty is forced from his partner’s shadow and must confront the ugly realities of frontier justice.

Summer 1943, Piedmont, Italy. Milton loves Fulvia who plays with his love: she only likes the depth of his thought and the letters he writes to her. One year later, Milton has joined the Resistance and fights beside other partisans. He learns during a conversation that Fulvia was secretly in love with his best friend Giorgio, a partisan like him. Milton decides to go find Giorgio in the Langhe region of Italy with all its misty hills...But Giorgio has just been arrested by the Fascists.

Slepá klaviristka Sofia počuje zo susedného bytu hádku, ktorá sa skončí údajnou samovraždou mladej ženy. Ako nežiaduca svedkyňa smrti svojej priateľky Veronique sa stane terčom jej otca, vojnového zločinca Zorana. Už čoskoro sa ocitne v ohrození života a jediný, kto ju môže ochrániť pred zabijakmi, je jeden z nich – charizmatický Marc.

In their blue hotel room, a clandestine couple of two married lovers plan an impossible future, as death shutters their already frail tranquillity. Now, the noose tightens more and more around innocents and sinners; but, was there a crime?

The sudden disappearance of a wealthy banker's wife cracks open a dizzying world of secret fetishes, desperate acts and elaborate deceptions.

Gary Hart, former Senator of Colorado, becomes the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1987. Hart's intelligence, charisma and idealism makes him popular with young voters, leaving him with a seemingly clear path to the White House. All that comes crashing down when allegations of an extramarital affair surface in the media, forcing the candidate to address a scandal that threatens to derail his campaign and personal life.

Jay má tajomstvo. Odcestuje z Veľkej Británie do Pakistanu, aby sa zúčastnil svadby. Má so sebou revolver, lepiacu pásku a plán, ako uniesť budúcu nevestu. Pri úteku musí so svojou rukojemníčkou prekročiť hranicu, aby sa po strastiplnom putovaní ocitli v indickom Dillí.

During a pro lockout, Doug "The Thug" Glatt is injured and must choose whether to defend his team against a dangerous new enemy, or be there for his wife as she prepares to give birth to his daughter.

Hired to steal a rare painting from one of the most enigmatic painters of all time, an ambitious art dealer becomes consumed by his own greed and insecurity as the operation spins out of control.

In November 2009, French security van driver Toni Musulin makes off with nearly 12 million euros, then turns himself over to the authorities a week later.

Nicolas Cage v hlavnej úlohe dystopického trileru, ktorého dej sa odohráva v roku 2030. Vo svete zmietanom hospodárskou recesiou a prírodnými katastrofami, prežije len ten, kto je užitočný.

Brutálni teroristi unesú bývalého špióna Leonarda Turnera a prototyp ničivej superzbrane a vyhrážajú sa rozpútaním apokalypsy nepredstaviteľných rozmerov, ak nebudú splnené všetky ich požiadavky! CIA preto vyšle do akcie svoju najlepšiu agentku Victoriu, aby ich vystopovala a zachránila Leonarda aj svet. Lenže problém je, že po nich pátra nielen ona, ale napriek výslovnému zákazu vedenia CIA na vlastnú päsť aj jej expriateľ, Leonardov syn Harry, ktorý je rozhodnutý nájsť a oslobodiť svojho otca za každú cenu!