With their most formidable foe vanquished, Inuyasha and his comrades begin returning to their everyday lives. But their peace is fleeting as another adversary emerges: Kaguya, the self-proclaimed princess from the Moon of Legend, hatches a plot to plunge the world into an eternal night of the full moon. Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango and Shippou must reunite to confront the new menace.

Since 1912, baseball has been a game obsessed with statistics and speed. Thrown at upwards of 100 miles per hour, a fastball moves too quickly for human cognition and accelerates into the realm of intuition. Fastball is a look at how the game at its highest levels of achievement transcends logic and even skill, becoming the primal struggle for man to control the uncontrollable.

A feisty young woman returns to Glasgow to run her deceased father's curry house.

Aunt Mei's famous homemade dumplings provide amazing age-defying qualities popular with middle-aged women. But her latest customer, a fading actress, is determined to find out what the secret ingredient is.

Martha sa dozvie, že má rakovinu. Jej prvý pocit je uzavrieť sa pred svetom a potichu vyčkať na príchod konca. Presťahuje sa do komunity seniorov, kde však natrafí na Sheryl – ženu, ktorá jej nedovolí, aby sa ľutovala, pričom jej dodá životnú energiu a stratený elán. Vďaka tomu začne Martha auvažovať o dávnych snoch, ktoré by si ešte mohla na staré kolená splniť. Rozhodne sa založiť seniorský klub roztlieskavačiek a nové kamarátky jej v tom s radosťou a nadšením pomáhajú.

Company commander Claus Michael Pedersen and his men are stationed in Helmand, Afghanistan. Meanwhile back in Denmark, with a husband at war and three children missing their father, everyday life is a struggle for Claus' wife Maria. During a routine mission, the soldiers are caught in heavy Taliban crossfire. In order to save his men, Claus makes a decision that ultimately sees him return to Denmark accused of a war crime.

Traja mimozemskí kamaráti si naladia vysielanie teleshoppingu a okamžite sa zamilujú do špeciálneho, bezkonkurenčne najlepšieho masážneho matraca za tu najlepšiu cenu. Je úžasný a musia ho mať. Rozhodnú sa, že si ho zaobstarajú a potajomky sa k nám vydajú v lietajúcom tanieri. Sú ale nemotorní a stroskotajú. Luis je pozemský chlapec, trochu samotár a vďaka otcovi na mimozemskú inteligenciu vždy veril. Teraz rieši hrozbu toho, že bude musieť odísť z domova na internát, keď z okna uvidí lietajúci tanier. Stretáva bláznivú trojku ufónov a hneď je mu jasné, že s nimi bude zábava. Jeden se tvári ako veliteľ, ale myslí iba pár minút vopred, druhý sa vyhráža, že všetkých okolo premení, i keď to nevie, a tretí je pôžitkár a milovník života a žien z akejkoľvek galaxie. A všetci traja sa vedia premeniť na čokoľvek. Potrebujú získať vysnený matrac, poradiť si s riaditeľkou internátnej školy, skúsiť nezanechať za sebou úplnú púšť a tiež sa nejako musia dostať zo Zeme.

At the end of the Civil War, a Confederate team is ordered to rob a Union payroll train but the war ends leaving these men with their Union loot, until the Feds come looking for it.

Uprostred druhej studenej vojny, britské ministerstvo obrany hľadá zbraň, ktorá by zmenila všetko. Programátor Vincent McCarthy nerozumne poskytne odpoveď keď vytvorí Stroj, super silného ľudského kyborga. Keď chyba programovania spôsobí, že prototyp zdecimuje laboratórium, McCarthy sa so svojim posadnutým úsilím stiahne do podzemia, ďaleko od zvedavých očí.

Three female idols appear on a television show to investigate an exorcism. An exorcist with psychic powers named Unsui claims that the show’s subjects, the Kaneda family, are cursed by a demon that’s too powerful for him to banish on his own, so he calls in a fellow exorcist to help. Soon, a reckless ghost hunter enters the fray as the three idols witness a series of terrifying events.

As a huge electrical storm sweeps towards Texas, lineman Beau Ginner is haunted by memories of his brother's death by lightning years earlier. Since that tragic day, he has raised his niece Bailey and risen to foreman of a lineman team. However, there is friction when Bailey's on-off boyfriend Duncan joins the crew, while another new recruit is hiding PTSD symptoms. Beau and his team are soon putting their lives at risk in a race to replace miles of power cables to keep the electrical grid running before the deadly lightning storm strikes. Based on a true story; this film is a tribute to the heroes who risk it all to keep us safe.

An otherworldly evil is slipping into a small town in Sweden. Six unrelated girls have been chosen to fight this evil. Together they must overcome their differences in order to save themselves and the world.

Based on the wraparound story penned by Clive Barker in the author's "Books of Blood" collection, the story centers on a paranormal expert who, while investigating a gruesome slaying, finds a house that is at the intersection of "highways" transporting souls to the afterlife.

Tri krásne pozemšťanky sú nútené núdzovo pristáť na odľahlej a zabudnutej planéte, aby sa ich zmocnil miestny tyran Overdog. Vesmírny dobrodruh Wolff sa ich vydáva zachrániť a cestou stretáva osirelú Niki a ďalšieho lovca odmien Washingtona. S ich pomocou sa nakoniec dostane do sídla mocného a obávaného diktátora, z ktorého mechanických pazúrov sa pokúsi vytrhnúť pozemšťanky.

Kapitán William D. Stanaforth štartuje smerom k Marsu. Druhý kapitán, Emily Maddoxová, ho bude nasledovať. Will cestou vysvetľuje študentom v priamom prenose, ako vyrábal svoj prístroj na vodu. Potom sa stretne s druhou vesmírnou loďou, kde mu posádka odovzdá zásoby. Posádku tvoria dvaja muži a tí sa správajú veľmi čudne, ako by im bolo všetko jedno. Zásoby sú prenesené a Will pokračuje v ceste. Maddoxová už odštartovala a teraz má dosť veľké ťažkosti. Will nepočúva velenia zo Zeme a pomôže jej sám. Potom si skomplikuje život, keď si zničí zásobu vody. Do toho prichádzajú ďalšie komplikácie s Maddoxovou, ktorej sa opäť poškodila opravená vec. Will, ktorý nechce, aby ho velenie obrátilo späť, si oblieka skafander a odchyľuje sa od vopred stanoveného kurzu ...

A search and rescue team are transported through deep space to a distant mining colony to save the sole survivor of a biological outbreak. During their mission, they find a lethal weapon which is set to arrive on Earth within the hour.

Luc and his English friend Chris take a taxi to go home after partying hard all evening in Paris. At destination, they run away without paying the fare. They got the wrong driver for this... The taxi goes immediately into hunting mode, chasing them all night, wherever they go. But does he only want his money back?

Shivangi lives in London with her husband Veer Singh. One day, he receives a gift from Rajasthan. From then, strange things happen with Veer and his condition deteriorates.

A group of friends on holiday on an island experiment with a new designer drug that makes them lose their ability to control their urges.

Led by Major John Cafferty, a squad of US soldiers are sent on a mission,deep into the mountainous regions of Afghanistan with orders to extract a mysterious top secret package. Now they are back home in a military hospital because they have no memory of what happened to them, or even who they are. In time, they start to recall the strange events that occurred: apparitions that appeared, luring some of them to their deaths and readings of a powerful electromagnetic energy from a strange unearthly power source. But there is no time to dwell on the past, they need to face the bitter truth about how they ended up in Afghanistan to begin with and the betrayals that wiped out their minds and nearly destroyed their lives.