Радња прати Чихиро, десетогодишњу девојчицу која се са родитељима сели у градић у унутрашњости. Због грешке приликом скретања њихов ауто завршава на једносмерном путу који се завршава улазом у тунел. Одлучују да мало истраже околину и откривају напуштено место са забавним парком. Чихиро наилази на дечака који јој саопштава да је у опасности и приликом повратка код родитеља схвата да су исти претворени у свиње, а да је место пуно демона и духова, док су људи претворени у животиње…

Прича о Марго Ченинг, угледној бродвејској звезди која одлучи да помогне једној од својих највећих обожаватељки, Еви Харингтон. Ченингова јој даје посао ПР менаџера, али Ева се све више уплиће у живот велике глумице, и озбиљно прети да угрози њену каријеру и односе са пријатељима.

Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.

In Italy in the 1930s, sky pirates in biplanes terrorize wealthy cruise ships as they sail the Adriatic Sea. The only pilot brave enough to stop the scourge is the mysterious Porco Rosso, a former World War I flying ace who was somehow turned into a pig during the war. As he prepares to battle the pirate crew's American ace, Porco Rosso enlists the help of spunky girl mechanic Fio Piccolo and his longtime friend Madame Gina.

У овој топлој причи, редитељ Тим Бартон својом неверојатном маштом нас води на пут којим улазимо дубоко у бајковит однос између једног оца и његова сина. Едвард Блум је одувек препричавао приче из свог бурног живота док је био младић кад су га његова лутања одвела из малог града у Алабами на пут око света. Његове догодовштине су опсенарски опчињујуће, а у њима су дивови, сњежне мећаве, вештица и сијамске близанке певачице. Својим неверојатним причама Блум очарава свакога кога сусретне, осим свога отуђеног сина Вила. Кад их његова мајка Сандра покуша зближити, Вил ће морати научити како разликовати стварност од маште како би упознао свога оца, његова достигнућа и неуспехе.

Paris, in the early 1990s: a group of young activists is desperately tied to finding the cure against an unknown lethal disease. They target the pharmaceutical labs that are retaining potential cures, and multiply direct actions, with the hope of saving their lives as well as the ones of future generations.

As Garibaldi's troops begin the unification of Italy in the 1860s, an aristocratic Sicilian family grudgingly adapts to the sweeping social changes undermining their way of life. Proud but pragmatic Prince Don Fabrizio Salina allows his war hero nephew, Tancredi, to marry Angelica, the beautiful daughter of gauche, bourgeois Don Calogero, in order to maintain the family's accustomed level of comfort and political clout.

Неколико дана након што је постао премијер Велике Британије, Винстон Черчил мора да се суочи с једним од најтурбулетнијих и најизазовнијих дешавања - да прихвати понуду мира с нацистичком Немачком и да предводи нацију у борби за идеале слободе. Пошто се претња инвазијом чини беспоговорном, јер се нацистичке снаге крећу Западном Европом, народ је неприпремљен, краљ скептичан, а у својој партију кују заверу против њега, Черчил преживљава најцрње сате у намери да измени светску историју.

Following the Civil War, headstrong rancher Thomas Dunson decides to lead a perilous cattle drive from Texas to Missouri. During the exhausting journey, his persistence becomes tyrannical in the eyes of Matthew Garth, his adopted son and protégé.

Young Jin-hee is taken by her father to an orphanage near Seoul. He leaves her there never to return, and she struggles to come to grips with her fate. Jin-hee desperately believes her father will come back for her and take her on a trip.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Када развој људског града угрози шумско станиште заједнице магичних ракуна, они су суочени са реалном могућношћу изумирања. Ракуни, који могу да мењају свој облик, ангажују се у очајничкој борби како би зауставили изградњу и очували свој дом...

A recently released patient from a mental institution returns home with her sister, only to face disturbing events between her stepmother and the ghosts haunting their house – all of which are connected to a dark past in the family's history.

An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: "Dumplings", directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong; "Cut", directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea; "Box", directed by Miike Takashi of Japan. The first film "Dumplings" was extended and turned into a full-length theatrical film of the same name.

Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.

An elderly heiress is killed by her husband who wants control of her fortunes. What ensues is an all-out murder spree as relatives and friends attempt to reduce the inheritance playing field, complicated by some teenagers who decide to camp out in a dilapidated building on the estate.

His life in shambles after youthful dreams of becoming a golf champion yield disappointing results, bored stock exchange worker Seungwan receives a second chance at success after a freak accident puts his life back on track. Severely beaten after inexplicably angering local mob boss Ma Gangseong, Seungwan passes out after meeting a man who appears to be his clone. Upon regaining consciousness, Seungwan learns that the life he knew is no more; he is no longer a miserable failure, but a famous golf champion. Though his marriage had been heading down a rocky road for some time, his new found success and passion finds him and his wife Jiyeong falling back in love. Though everything suddenly seems to be falling into place for Seungwan, an upcoming golf championship threatens to unravel his ideal world unless he is able to pull it all together for one shot at a life of happiness.

After murdering her abusive husband, a woman on the run develops a friendship with another widow.

Newly-arrived Ahmed tries to integrate his family to the canadian society, while attempting to control his son's life orientation.

An archaeological site in China was selected to send two teams, North and South Koreans, and students to collaborate and continue reconciliation of the two countries. But the team leader of the South decided to dredge the leader of the North group.