Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.

Vozovi, sandali in meči so se po več desetletjih pogumno in krvavo vrnili na velika platna v tem spektakularnem epskem filmu, ki je leta 2000 osvojil pet oskarjev, med drugim za najboljši film. Dobil ga je tudi Russell Crowe za svojo upodobitev Maksima, nekoč velikega rimskega generala, ki je končal v suženjstvu pod sadističnim in zavistnim vladarjem Komodom (Joaquin Phoenix). Maksim se želi maščevati za smrt svoje družine, ki so jo ubili Komodovi možje, in postane najsrditejši in najbolj priljubljen gladiator v vsem Rimu. To ga pripelje do neizogibnega spopada s svojim smrtnim sovražnikom. Igrajo še Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed (v svoji zadnji filmski vlogi), Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hounsou in Richard Harris. Film je režiral Ridley Scott (Osmi potnik, Hanibal) po scenariju Davida Franzonija, Johna Logana in Williama Nicholsona.

What if mankind had to leave Earth and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off? After hundreds of years doing what he was built for, WALL•E discovers a new purpose in life when he meets a sleek search robot named EVE. EVE comes to realize that WALL•E has inadvertently stumbled upon the key to the planet's future, and races back to space to report to the humans. Meanwhile, WALL•E chases EVE across the galaxy and sets into motion one of the most imaginative adventures ever brought to the big screen.

Lovec na zaklade, znani Brock Lovett in njegova ekipa leta 1996 med iskanjem ogrlice imenovane “Srce oceana” (angleško The Heart of the Ocean) najdejo sef na potopljeni ladji RMS Titanic. A v sefu ne najdejo diamanta, temveč čudovito risbo gole ženske, ki nosi Srce oceana na dan, ko se je Titanik potopil. Risba vzbudi zanimanje starejše Rose DeWitt Bukater. Po tem ko vidi risbo, na dan prikliče spomine sedemnajstletne sebe, ki se je vkrcala na Titanik. Ko vidi posnetke potopljene ladje, začne pripovedovati zgodbo. Glavna zgodba filma je postavljena v leto 1912, ko Titanik odpljuje na svojo prvo in zadnjo vožnjo.

Eden izmed bolj znanih obskurnih ter nenavadnih filmov je gotovo Blade Runner. Mojstrovina Ridleyja Scotta je kategorija zase – znanstvenofantastični noir film, kjer je Los Angeles antiutopično ozadje teme ter mračnosti.

A series of dark and troubling events forces Bill to reckon with the meaning of his life… or lack thereof.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.

Štiričlanska družina je prisiljena živeti v popolni tišini, da jih ne bi napadle skrivnostne sile, ki jih lahko najdejo samo, če jih tudi slišijo. Njihovo gibanje je omejeno, sporazumevajo se v znakovnem jeziku, tudi otroka sta prisiljena v igro, ki se odvija v čisti tišini. Čeprav so dobro organizirani in življenju v tišini posvečajo vso svojo pozornost in energijo, se kmalu zaplete.

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

A high school basketball player’s life turns upside down after free-falling into the harrowing world of drug addiction.

Melvin Udall, a cranky, bigoted, obsessive-compulsive writer of romantic fiction, is rude to everyone he meets, including his gay neighbor, Simon. After Simon is hospitalized, Melvin finds his life turned upside down when he has to look after Simon's dog. In addition, Carol, the only waitress at the local diner who will tolerate him, must leave work to care for her sick son, making it impossible for Melvin to eat breakfast.

Two co-dependent high school seniors are forced to deal with separation anxiety after their plan to stage a booze-soaked party goes awry.

A cross-cut of nearly 100 years of American movies. We see the most precious film sequences that we all remember: From Citizen Kane to Star Wars, from Some Like It Hot to E.T. The incredible short cuts of roughly a second each push the audience into a kind of trance and take them on a journey into their individual memories of great films of the 20th century. The film won an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.

A young and impatient stockbroker is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside information taken through a ruthless and greedy corporate raider whom takes the youth under his wing.

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.

V tajnem centru za genetsko raziskovanje - za vojaške namene - močne multinacionalke se pojavi virusni izbruh, ki okuži celotno zgradbo. Računalnik, ki nadzoruje središče, zajema puščanje, zapre celotno namestitev in sprva verjamejo, da vsi zaposleni umrejo, v resnici pa so postali divji zombiji ...

Lloyd and Harry are two men whose stupidity is really indescribable. When Mary, a beautiful woman, loses an important suitcase with money before she leaves for Aspen, the two friends (who have found the suitcase) decide to return it to her. After some "adventures" they finally get to Aspen where, using the lost money they live it up and fight for Mary's heart.

A lone scientist in the Arctic races to contact a crew of astronauts returning home to a mysterious global catastrophe.

Nathan Hayes is a religious man trying to hold onto his farm and keep his family in line. A real estate developer is trying to buy most of the farm property in the area, including Mr. Hayes family farm, in the hope that the Tennesse Valley Authority will choose the town for the site of a new dam and recreational area. The night of a terrible storm, an unidentified, glowing object crashes on the Hayes farm and with it comes a horrible curse for the Hayes family and the members of the community.