A love letter from a young mother to her daughter, the film tells the story of Waad al-Kateab’s life through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria as she falls in love, gets married and gives birth to Sama, all while cataclysmic conflict rises around her. Her camera captures incredible stories of loss, laughter and survival as Waad wrestles with an impossible choice– whether or not to flee the city to protect her daughter’s life, when leaving means abandoning the struggle for freedom for which she has already sacrificed so much.

Doba je uoči Građanskog rata, na američkome jugu živi Scarlett O'Hara, razmažena i tašta djevojka, jedna od triju kćeri posjednika plantaže Geralda O'Hare, koji je uči o važnosti zemlje. Scarlett je prekrasna, lijepa i pametna, te ima brojne prosce, no potajno je zaljubljena u Ashleyja Wilkesa, koji se namjerava oženiti skromnom i ljupkom Melanie Hamilton. U znak protesta i prkoseći Ashleyevoj odluci, kad mnogi mladići odlaze na bojište, Scarlett se na brzinu odluči udati za Melaniena brata Charlesa. Mladi suprug međutim ne preživi ni prvu bitku te Scarlett gotovo odmah ostaje udovica. Kako pritom uopće ne tuguje, uskoro zapne za oko poznatom zavodniku Rhettu Butleru, ciničnom i inteligentnom muškarcu koji unatoč njezinom odbijanju neće tek tako odustati...

Poslije teške prometne nesreće u Los Angelesu, Rita ostaje jedina preživela, ali ima za posljedicu totalu amneziju. Lutajući po njoj sada stranom dijelu centra grada, njezina se priča čudno isprepliće sa Betty, mladom ženom blistavih očiju u potrazi za srećom na filmu u Hollywoodu. Međutim Bett, intrigirana Ritinom situacijom, ostavlja trenutno po strani svoje snove u želji da joj pomogne riješiti njenu misteriju. Dvije žene ubrzo otkrivaju da ništa nije kao što izgleda u tom gradu snova. Obje bivaju uvučene u psihotičnu iluziju koja se tiče opasne plave kutije, direktora Adama Keshera, kao i misterioznog noćnog kluba ‘Silencio'.

Louise (Susan Sarandon) je konobarica u restoranu brze hrane, koja se nikako ne može pomiriti sa činjenicom kako je njezin dečko, glazbenik, stalno na putu. Thelma (Geena Davis) je kućanica oženjena za Darryla (Christopher McDonald), koji od nje traži da bude tiha, kako bi on bez ometanja mogao pratiti utakmice na televiziji. Jednoga dana, njih dvije zajednički shvaćaju kako im je dosta svakodnevnog života u kojemu moraju biti tihe i poslušne, te se odluče zaputiti na cestovni put automobilom. Njihovo putovanje, međutim, ne započinje očekivano, jer Thelmu pokuša silovati muškarac kojega Louise ubije kako bi spasila prijateljicu. Sumnjajući u razumijevanje nadležnih organa, Thelma i Louise pokušavaju pobjeći u Meksiko.

A war widow determined to clear the name of her disgraced husband, who was court-martialed for desertion and executed. Official records have been destroyed, and the ministry that distributes benefits continues to deny her a pension. Twenty-six years after the war, she seeks out four survivors of her husband's garrison. Each tells a dramatically different story about her husband's conduct, but she is determined to learn the truth.

Onoff is a famous writer, now a recluse. The Inspector is suspicious when Onoff is brought into the station one night, disoriented and suffering a kind of amnesia. In an isolated, rural police station, the Inspector tries to establish the events surrounding a killing, to reach a startling resolution.

Royal Tenenbaum and his wife Etheline had three children and then they separated. All three children are extraordinary --- all geniuses. Virtually all memory of the brilliance of the young Tenenbaums was subsequently erased by two decades of betrayal, failure, and disaster. Most of this was generally considered to be their father's fault. "The Royal Tenenbaums" is the story of the family's sudden, unexpected reunion one recent winter.

The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra bets against the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, that her people are still great, even if the times of the Pharaohs has long passed. She vows (against all logic) to build a new palace for Caesar within three months. Since all her architects are either busy otherwise or too conservative in style, this ambivalent honor falls to Edifis. He is to build the palace and be covered in gold or, if not, his fate is to be eaten by crocodiles. Edifis calls upon an old friend to help him out: The fabulous Druid Getafix from Gaul, who brews a fantastic potion that gives supernatural strength. In order to help and protect the old Druid, Asterix and Obelix accompany him on his journey to Egypt. When Julius Caesar gets wind of the project succeeding, he has the building site attacked by his troops in order to win the bet and not lose face. But just like the local pirates, he hasn't counted on Asterix and Obelix.

Arthur and Anatole are two little robbers. They want to rob money, money that will travel in a special train from Paris to Bruxelles. They don't know that other people have planned to do the same thing.

A former circus artist escapes from a mental hospital to rejoin his mother - the leader of a strange religious cult - and is forced to enact brutal murders in her name.

Tom Cruise glumi u napetom filmu OPERACIJA VALKIRA temeljenom na istinitoj priči o odvažnoj, genijalnoj zavjeri za eliminaciju jednog od najopakijih tirana koje je svijet ikad poznavao. U svijetu u kojem su pravda i čast potkopani, a policijska država nadzire svaki potez, skupina muškaraca skrivenih unutar najviših dometa moći odlučuje krenuti u akciju.Pukovnik Claus von Stauffenberg odani je časnik koji se nada da će netko pronaći način da zaustavi Hitlera prije nego što Europa i Njemačka budu uništene. Budući da vrijeme ističe, sam kreće u akciju i pridružuje se njemačkom otporu. Naoružani lukavom strategijom da iskoriste Hitlerov vlastiti plan za hitne slučajeve poznat kao Operacija Valkira, pripadnici otpora planiraju atentat na diktatora i rušenje nacističke vlade iznutra.

Simon, a Jewish police inspector, arrests Karim, a Muslim, in the bust of a drug smuggling cargo ship, only to realize that Karim is an undercover agent from the military intelligence, whose mission he was not aware of. The two men pursue the narc investigation, which will lead them to confront middle eastern terrorists together.

Ocvali glumac u filmovima za odrasle pokušava se pričom ponovo umiliti svome rodnom gradu u Teksasu dok planira povratak u Hollywood.

Dominick and Eugene are twins, but Dominick is a little bit slow due do an accident in his youth. They live together, with Dominick working as garbage man to put Eugene through medical school. Their relationship becomes strained when Eugene must decide between his devotion to his brother, or his need to go away to complete his training. Things are also not helped by Dominick's co-worker, or Eugene's budding romance.

While being transferred to another prison, two convicts - Stéphane Carella and Paul Brandon - effect a miraculous escape. They are pursued across the Verdon Gorge before arriving at an isolated farmhouse whose owner, Laura, offers them sanctuary. Since the death of her husband, Laura has longed to get her own back on the police and she agrees to help Carella and Brandon in their scheme to rob a casino in Nice. After a shoot out with the casino’s owners, Carella realises that not everything is what it seems. Brandon is not what he appears...

A dark tale of working-class life in Marseilles, a city in crisis. Interesting characters include a hard-bitten but compassionate fish market worker with a drug addicted daughter and a moody bartender with a shocking secret life.

Morgan, an aggressive and self-admitted dreamer, a fantasist who uses his flights of fancy as refuge from external reality, where his unconventional behavior lands him in a divorce from his wife, Leonie, trouble with the police and, ultimately, incarceration in a lunatic asylum.

A deranged man hides in the attic of a new house and becomes obsessed with the unsuspecting family that moves in.

Evelyn and her oblivious son Ziggy seek out replacements for each other. As Evelyn tries to parent an unassuming teenager at her shelter, Ziggy fumbles through his pursuit of a brilliant young woman at school.

Inspector Leroux is investigating the owner of a contemporary art gallery Helen Duvernet who is suspected of being involved in trafficking of stolen paintings. He is both intrigued and attracted by the young woman, follows her everywhere and finally falls in love...