About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Drama descends upon two tennis-obsessed women as the tension moves from off the court and into the café.

Eagle Chief Yoh Xi-hung raises orphans to be his personal killers. One such is Chik Ming-sing who now wants to put his killer life behind him. When the Eagle Clan come after him, a stranger called Cheuk comes to his assistance It turns out that Cheuk is the son of a family who were robbed and murdered by the Eagles. Now they will team up to destroy the evil clan.

TAJOMARU is the famous 'bandit' of the forest from RASHOMON. Whoever kills Tajomaru inherits his name, status and sword. A royal brother leaves his kingdom to protect the princess he loves, only to find a series of harrowing adventures along the way which lead him back to where he came from, and then disinheriting his past to become the bandit TAJOMARU.

The Straw Hat Pirates landed at Asuka Island, home of the most valuable sword in the world: The Seven Star Sword. Which was said to curse anyone who takes it in possession. When they got back to the Going Merry, they discovered that Zoro is missing from his guard duty. Before they could plan out a search party to relocate him. Luffy and friends escape from the port as Marines were on their tail. They found a new place to dock, which is near a village. Whose job is to keep the Seven Star Sword sealed. Soon it was attacked by the Marines, and among them is Zoro. Luffy and the others don't know why he's helping out the Marines. But it all comes to conclusion when Luffy encounters Saga: Zoro's childhood friend from Swordsman training.

Relaxing on a cozy beach, the Straw Hat Pirates are taking a rest from their quest. Right until Luffy noticed the Going Merry has been hijacked and sailed off from the beach. This leads them to search the ship and find the thief who took it from them. They ran into a duo named the Theif Brothers, who informed them that their ship was stolen by a group of pirates called the Trump Kyoudai. When they encountered the Trump Pirates, Nami ended up getting kidnapped as well as Luffy's hat. They tracked down the pirates to their base on Clockwork Island. Now Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and the Theif Brothers must reclaim the Going Merry, Save Nami, and get back Shank's straw hat.

Polish animator Anna Błaszczyk’s humorous short—a collage of drawing, cut-out, and computer animation—was inspired by Stanisław Lem’s 1961 novel Return from the Stars, a time-paradox tale of an astronaut who returns to Earth after many years away.

A recently widowed, now single father struggles to raise his sixth-grade son with autism. The pressure of his job and coping with the loss of his wife proves to push him nearly to the breaking point.

De komiske geniene Blake Edwards og Peter Sellers møtes igjen i The Return of the Pink Panther. “Pink Panter-Diamanten” er stjålet, og tyven har kun etterlatt ett spor – en hvit hanske, kjennemerket til den verdenskjente juveltyven The Phantom. Selv om alle trodde han hadde trukket seg tilbake, blir han straks en av inspektør Clouseaus hovedmistenkte. The Phantom ønsker å renvaske seg, og forsøker å finne den virkelige tyven mens han setter Clouseau på sporet av en falsk ledetråd. Førstebetjent Dreyfus, sjefen til Inspector Closeau, får til slutt nok av Closeaus idiotiske påfunn, og bestemmer seg for å drepe ham for å bli kvitt ham en gang for alle!

Sagaen fortsetter mens kampen raser mellom de aristokratiske Death Dealers (vampyrer) og de barbariske Lycanene (varulver).

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

An adventure that delves into the dark caverns of the underworld and tells the tale of three chivalrous gangsters who attempt to escape the powerful clutch of their gang leader.

Master gunslinger Sabata arrives in Hobsonville, a town completely owned by McIntock, a robber baron who is taxing the inhabitants for the cost of future improvements to the town. Or that's what McIntock says he'll do with the money...

Three stories told simultaneously in ninety minutes of real time: a Republican Senator who's a presidential hopeful gives an hour-long interview to a skeptical television reporter, detailing a strategy for victory in Afghanistan; two special forces ambushed on an Afghani ridge await rescue as Taliban forces close in; a poli-sci professor at a California college invites a student to re-engage.

World traveler and adventurer Gulliver is invited to return to Lilliput, the town he previously saved from the enemy fleet of the neighboring Blefuscu.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

Soldatene på to stjerneskip har slått sine krefter sammen for å stanse et massivt insektsangrep på en av føderasjonens utposter. Før oppdraget er blitt avsluttet og de overlevende evakuert, reiser et av skipene plutselig og forblir uforklarlig stumt. De gjenværende, kampherdede soldatene kjemper for å redde flest mulig, bare for å oppdage at trusselen fra insektene er i ferd med å ta overhånd.

Mr. Freeze og Poison Ivy er den største utfordringen hittil for vår kappekledde venn og hans partner, Robin. Mr. Freeze har en kaldblodig plan på gang. Han har til hensikt å fryse ned Gotham City og tilintetgjøre byens innbyggere. Poison ivy på sin side er en livsfarlig skjønnhet med drepende kyss og dystre hensikter som omfatter hele verden. Når disse to slår seg sammen kan ingen føle seg trygge. Utstyrt med flunkende nye kjøretøy og spesialutviklede våpen tar Batman og Robin opp kampen for å redde Gotham City fra dens største trussel noensinne. Men de skal få ytterligere hjelp i kampen mot ondskapen – av Batgirl!