Since taking office last June, President Rodrigo Duterte has been waging a deadly anti-drug campaign. In the past year, police and vigilantes have reportedly killed over 7,000 people suspected of participating in the drug trade.


Born of a chance meeting in Venice, Silvestro and Camilla's rocky romance unfolds over 10 winters as new lovers come and go but they are eternally thrust back into one another's arms.

The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.

A Colorado family is thrust into the international media spotlight when they fight for the rights of their 6-year-old transgender daughter in a landmark civil rights case.

Judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino would eventually fall at the hands of Italy’s Cosa Nostra in 1992. However, before that, in 1985, they were preparing for the ‘Mafia Maxi Trial’ when a tip-off of a planned attack against their families sees them taken to an island in Sardinia to wait out the threat. This situation, somewhere between a forced vacation and witness protection, sees the men delve further into their work, the retreat allowing them to hone their case. Fate, however, is not to be escaped, and all too soon danger returns.


在波兰媒体上被称为“龙”的怪物男子正在绑架年轻女孩。他在网络上受到赞扬,但警方没有采取任何措施阻止这一行为。只有一个年轻人会抓住机会战胜威胁。他将利用自己的所有才能来实现这个目标 - 拯救女孩。

Paulo, a young pianist, meets Ilir, a double-bass player originally from Albania. It's love at first sight. Confronted by Anka, Paulo finds himself out on the street. Despite Ilir's misgivings, Paulo moves in with him. One day, when Paulo promises that he will love Ilir for the rest of his life, Ilir leaves the city and doesn't return. A few days later, Paulo finds out that Ilir is in jail, and the two lovers embark on an heart-breaking relationship.


17岁女孩安妮爱上了中学里最受欢迎的女生萨沙,并为此颇为苦恼。当她把这件事告诉了她的男闺蜜克里夫顿后,一直暗恋她的克里夫顿想尽办法进行阻挠。   本片由Kerem Sanga自编自导,根据其妹妹的真实经历改编。




Arianna is nineteen, but she's still waiting to get her first period. As the summer begins, her parents decide to renew their acquaintance with their country house on Lake Bolsena, where Arianna lived until she was three, and has never been back. As the family settle in for the summer, long-repressed memories start to re-emerge, and Arianna decides to stay on after her parents return to the city.

  二战末期,德国节节败退,德国国内人心惶惶,希特勒忧心忡忡。宣传部长戈培尔还没有放弃希望,想尽一切方法试图重新鼓舞德国人的士气。于是他找来了一个犹太演员,Adolf Grünbaum(赫尔基·施楚奈德 Helge Schneider饰),让他来扮演希特勒,在一个大型集会上面向全国人民进行演讲。于是演员Adolf开始了他模仿希特勒的表演生活,同时,他也想伺机寻找机会杀掉希特勒,为他的犹太同胞们复仇。在他与希特勒的接触中,他了解到这个高高在上的纳粹首领许多心理的阴暗面,许多不为人知的奇怪习惯,而且都和希特勒童年的经历有关。在一次次暗杀计划失败后,演员Adolf该如何是好,在本片中,观众们也将了解到希特勒身上许多秘密的一面,是真是假,观众也只能自己去判断了。

著名导演格斯·范·桑特和弗兰兰继“米尔克”后再次合作,拍摄一位非常有争议的前同性恋人物:迈克尔·格莱茨。他曾是美国重要同志活动家,本人也是同志,创办了青少年同性恋杂志《YGA》。却在2004年因一场心脏病,突然转变为保守基督徒,告别同性身份和娶妻,鼓吹“去同志化”和声称同性恋毒害青少年。格斯·范·桑特担任监制,弗兰兰主演,扎克瑞·昆图饰演兰兰变直前的男友... ◎QAF


贝丝·雷默离开了她在佛罗里达做脱衣舞娘的工作,来到了拉斯维加斯,做了一个鸡尾酒吧的女招待。虽然这不是一个理想中的工作,但是贝丝自己却又是一个稀里糊涂的女孩子,也没有太多的工作可以挑选。这个时候,丁克出现了,他是一个职业赌徒,专门子啊各种体育比赛中赌博。他看透了贝丝的生活和现状,所以他就雇佣了这个漂亮的女人来为自己工作,在全城的各个赌场里进行投注,让他赚取一点小小的佣金。 很快,丁克就发现了贝丝对数字的敏锐和天赋,并且利用她的这个特长开始在赌场里小试身手。很快,这个赌徒和这个女人结合成了珠联璧合的赚钱搭档,这点让丁克的那个漂亮的但是小气的老婆图利普大为光火。 无奈之下,丁克只好抄了贝丝的鱿鱼。贝丝走了之后,丁克的好运似乎到了头,他在赌博界一败涂地。而贝丝则来到了纽约,从事着更加违法的工作--看上去,她已经深陷其中无法自拔了……

To help her financially struggling mother, a teenage girl turns to escorting and meets a wealthy man who makes a proposal she can't refuse.