Ahnus ja klassiline diskrimineerimine ohustavad vastloodud häid suhteid jõuka Parki pere ja vaese Kimi pere vahel. Kimide poeg kutsutakse eraõpetajana Parkide juurde koduõpetajaks. Ja ta oskab kogu oma pere nende juurde tööle smugeldada aga ilma et Parkid teaksid et nad on sugulased.

After her werewolf lover unexpectedly dies in an accident, a woman must find a way to raise the son and daughter that she had with him. However, their inheritance of their father's traits prove to be a challenge for her.

Based on actual events that took place at Gwangju Inhwa School for the hearing-impaired, where young deaf students were the victims of repeated sexual assaults by faculty members over a period of five years in the early 2000s.

Peter Parker is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life from the high-stakes of being a super-hero. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.

Vaatajateni jõuavad taas maailma ühed kõige tuntumad mänguasjad, kauboi Woody ning kartmatu kosmoseavastaja Buzz Valgusaasta. Kuna nende peremehest Andyst on saamas tudeng, on lelude tulevik täis ootamatusi, kui nad maanduvad lastesõimes, kus põnnid ei jõua ära oodata, et saaks oma pisikesed kleepuvad näpud “uute” mänguasjade külge. See on täielik kaos, ent meie kangelased püüavad siiski kokku jääda, sest nad on alati tegutsenud vastavalt põhimõttele “ühtegi lelu maha ei jäeta”.

When 17-year-old Makoto Konno gains the ability to, quite literally, "leap" backwards through time, she immediately sets about improving her grades and preventing personal mishaps. However, she soon realises that changing the past isn't as simple as it seems, and eventually, will have to rely on her new powers to shape the future of herself and her friends.

Suddenly finding herself in the never-before-seen Land of Luck, the unluckiest person in the world must unite with the magical creatures there to turn her luck around.

Film põhineb Alasdair Gray 1992. aasta romaanil. Lugu keskendub Bella Baxterile, noorele naisele Viktoriaanlikus Londonis, kes ärkab ellu tänu geniaalsele ja ebatavalisele teadlasele Dr. Godwin Baxterile. Bella on näljane maailma tarkuste järele ning ta otsustab koos libekeelse ja dekadentliku advokaadi Duncan Wedderburniga seikluslikule rännakule minna. Bella seisab oma ajastu eelarvamuste vastu ning võitleb võrdsuse ja vabaduse eest

The story of how Richard Williams served as a coach to his daughters Venus and Serena, who will soon become two of the most legendary tennis players in history.

In 1970s Mexico City, two domestic workers help a mother of four while her husband is away for an extended period of time.

Love is blooming at Sakuragaoka High School. Natsuki Enomoto has finally mustered the courage to confess to her childhood friend, Yuu Setoguchi. However, in the final moments of her confession, an embarrassed Natsuki passes it off as a "practice confession." Oblivious to her true feelings and struggling with his own, Yuu promises to support Natsuki in her quest for love. While Natsuki deals with her failed confession, fellow classmate Koyuki Ayase struggles with his own feelings for Natsuki. Despite his timidness, he is determined to win over her heart. This movie follows Natsuki as she dreams of one day ending her practices and genuinely confessing to Yuu. Meanwhile, close friends also find themselves entangled in their own webs of unrequited love and unspoken affections.

When single mom Callie and her two kids Trevor and Phoebe arrive in a small Oklahoma town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.

In an underground world where tunnels extend everywhere, even though they live in dark and confined spaces, people wear protective clothes and lead quiet and enjoyable lives. Patema, a princess in her underground village, loves to explore the tunnels. Her favorite place is a "danger zone" that her village prohibits people from entering. Even though she's scolded, Patema's curiosity can't be held back. No one ever explained what the supposed danger was. On her usual trip to the "danger zone," Patema faces unexpected events. When hidden secrets come to light, the story begins to unfold.

Peter Parker on noor ja häbelik õpilane, kes on elanud koos oma tädi May ja onu Beniga alates vanemate surmast, kui ta oli väga noor. Peter on armunud oma kaunisse naabrusse, kuid tema karisma puudumine ei muuda teda keskkoolis eriti populaarseks. Ühel päeval hammustatakse teda geneetiliselt muundatud ämbliku abil, avastades järgmisel päeval, et tal on ebatavalised jõud: tal on ämbliku tugevus ja jaksu. Kuulsate Stan Lee ja Steve Ditko koomiksite põhjal loodud Ämblikmehe seiklused pühkisid Ameerika piletikassa ja purustasid esimesel nädalavahetusel rekordilised ettevõtmised: 114 miljonit dollarit, mis on ajaloos esimest korda õnnestunud murda 100 miljoni dollarine tõke tavalisel nädalavahetusel.

Tessa finds herself struggling with her complicated relationship with Hardin; she faces a dilemma that could change their lives forever.

A quiet teenage artist Rafe Katchadorian has a wild imagination and is sick of middle school and the rules that have been put before him. Rafe and his best friend Leo have come up with a plan: break every rule in the school hand book and as you expect trouble follows.

Paris, in the early 1960s. Jean-Louis Joubert is a serious but uptight stockbroker, married to Suzanne, a starchy class-conscious woman and father of two arrogant teenage boys, currently in a boarding school. The affluent man lives a steady yet boring life. At least until, due to fortuitous circumstances, Maria, the charming new maid at the service of Jean-Louis' family, makes him discover the servants' quarter on the sixth floor of the luxury building he owns and lives in. There live a crowd of lively Spanish maids who will help Jean-Louis to open to a new civilization and a new approach of life. In their company - and more precisely in the company of beautiful Maria - Jean-Louis will gradually become another man, a better man.

A common thief joins a mythical god on a quest through Egypt.

Determined to unseat Steve Finch's reign as the town's holiday season king, Buddy Hall plasters his house with so many decorative lights that it'll be visible from space! When their wives bond, and their kids follow suit, the two men only escalate their rivalry - and their decorating.