Na začetku, se vrača v temačni Gotham, kjer se temačni maščevalec Batman v zavetju noči še vedno bori proti zločincem. S pomočjo predanega policijskega poročnika Gordona in zavzetega tožilca Denta se zdijo kriminalu šteti dnevi, toda na prizorišče stopi okrutni Joker, ki najprej odstrani konkurenco, nato pa skuje srhljiv načrt ustrahovanja celotnega mesta. Da bi premagal psihotičnega veleuma, se mora Batman soočiti z najglobljimi strahovi.

The epic saga continues as Luke Skywalker, in hopes of defeating the evil Galactic Empire, learns the ways of the Jedi from aging master Yoda. But Darth Vader is more determined than ever to capture Luke. Meanwhile, rebel leader Princess Leia, cocky Han Solo, Chewbacca, and droids C-3PO and R2-D2 are thrown into various stages of capture, betrayal and despair.

What lengths will a robot undergo to do his job? BURN·E is a dedicated hard working robot who finds himself locked out of his ship. BURN·E quickly learns that completing a simple task can often be a very difficult endeavor.

The starship Enterprise and its crew is pulled back into action when old nemesis, Khan, steals a top secret device called Project Genesis.

The evil Darth Sidious enacts his final plan for unlimited power -- and the heroic Jedi Anakin Skywalker must choose a side.

Peter Parker vse težje prenaša breme junaka, saj ga vloga Spider-Mana vedno bolj omejuje. Ljubezen do Mary Jane je vse bolj oddaljena, Petrov prijatelj Harry želi uničiti Spider-Mana, mesto pa terorizira zlobni Doc Ock, nekdaj Petrov vzgled.

Corinne (Barbie) is a young country girl who heads to Paris to pursue her big dream – to become a female musketeer! Never could she imagine she would meet three other girls who secretly share the same dream! Using their special talents, the girls work together as a team to foil a plot and save the prince. It's all for one and one for all!

When a litter of dalmatian puppies are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the parents must find them before she uses them for a diabolical fashion statement. In a Disney animation classic, Dalmatian Pongo is tired of his bachelor-dog life. He spies lovely Perdita and maneuvers his master, Roger, into meeting Perdita's owner, Anita. The owners fall in love and marry, keeping Pongo and Perdita together too. After Perdita gives birth to a litter of 15 puppies, Anita's old school friend Cruella De Vil wants to buy them all. Roger declines her offer, so Cruella hires the criminal Badun brothers to steal them -- so she can have a fur coat.

After years of war, the Federation and the Klingon empire find themselves on the brink of a peace summit when a Klingon ship is nearly destroyed by an apparent attack from the Enterprise. Both worlds brace for what may be their deadliest encounter.

Batman must face The Penguin, a sewer-dwelling gangleader intent on being accepted into Gotham society. Meanwhile, another Gotham resident finds herself transformed into Catwoman and is out for revenge...

While Yeung Kam Wing is trying to remove all connections between the mob and him, his actions are being carefully observed by Lau Kin Ming, who bears a personal grudge against him.

James Bond v Rusiji išče ukradene kode za velikansko vesoljsko orožje s kodnim imenom Goldeneye, ki lahko proti Zemlji izstreli smrtonosen elektromagnetni pulz. Bondu se po robu postavi sovražnik, ki je sposoben predvideti vsak njegov korak: njegov nekdanji sodelavec ter bivši agent 006, zdaj pa odpadniški terorist Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean). Bond mora obračunati tudi s Trevelyanovo zaveznico, zapeljivo in neusmiljeno morilko Xenio Onatopp (Famke Janssen). Med reševanjem sveta Bondu na pomoč priskoči Natalya Simonova (Izabella Scorupco), ruska strokovnjakinja za satelite. V po vrsti sedemnajstem filmu o slavnem britanskem vohunu v režiji Martina Campbella agenta 007 prvič upodobi Pierce Brosnan.

With the world now aware of his dual life as the armored superhero Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark faces pressure from the government, the press and the public to share his technology with the military. Unwilling to let go of his invention, Stark, with Pepper Potts and James 'Rhodey' Rhodes at his side, must forge new alliances – and confront powerful enemies.

Velikansko podvodno plovilo ugrabi angleško in rusko podmornico. Svet se zaradi napetosti med velesilama vnovič znajde na robu vojne. Britanskega vohuna Jamesa Bonda (Roger Moore), ki združi moči s čedno rusko agentko Anyo Amasovo (Barbara Bach), sledi pripeljejo do ladijskega mogotca Karla Stromberga (Curt Jurgens). Ta v svojem velikanskem podvodnem domovanju pripravlja strašen načrt, s katerim namerava uničiti New York ter nazadnje zavladati svetu. Stromberg v boj proti Bondu pošlje neuničljivega velikana Jawsa (Richard Kiel) z jeklenimi zobmi, ostrimi kot rezilo. Zamero do Bonda pa goji tudi Anya, ki ima s slavnim agentom lastne načrte.

V Jonskem morju potone britanska vohunska ladja. Britanska tajna služba najame morskega raziskovalca Timothyja Havelocka, da bi jo našel. Kajti na ladji se nahaja dragocen tovor: mogočni sistem A.T.A.C., ki bo najditelju omogočil nadzor nad jedrskimi podmornicami. Havelocka in njegovo ženo napade Kubanec Hector Gonzales ter ju ubije. Napad preživi le njuna čedna hči Melina (Carole Bouquet), ki je odločena, da bo maščevala smrt svojih staršev. Tako združi moči z Jamesom Bondom, ki mora najprej ugotoviti, kdo je Gonzalesa najel. Sledi ga pripeljejo do grškega poslovneža Kristatosa, nekdanjega nacističnega dvojnega agenta, ki zdaj dela za rusko obveščevalno službo.

When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men—led by Professor Charles Xavier—and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organised under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.

Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

Optimus Prime in preostanek Avtobotov se vrača v nadaljevanju akcijske uspešnice Michaela Baya iz leta 2007 "Transformerji".

Tokrat jim preglavice dela eden najbolj iskanih kriminalcev na svetu, ki mu uspe pobegniti iz pripora nerodnega šefa policije Gilberta. Krivdo zvalijo na neodločnega detektiva Emiliena, ki se za pomoč pri iskanju zločinca obrne na starega prijatelja – najhitrejšega francoskega taksista Daniela. Podata se na vratolomne cestne pregone, ki se kot po pravilu končajo z obilico zverižene pločevine.

A popular and beautiful politician plans to expose the evil-doings of a multinational corporation. Hoping to silence her, the corporation's top executives decide to hire the most incompetent detective they can find to act as her bodyguard.