BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.
Uprostred série nevysvetliteľných udalostí a počas skúmania príčin veľkého výpadku elektriny stretne elektrikár Roy Neary na opustenej ceste ufo. Roy začína byť ufom a podprahovými správami, ktoré prichádzajú po jeho stretnutí, posadnutý, čím sa vzďaľuje svojej žene a deťom. No zároveň sa dostáva k paralelnému vyšetrovaniu vedcov, armády a ďalších ľudí, ktorí majú podobný zážitok a ktorí sa snažia komunikovať s neznámou mimozemskou prítomnosťou.
Kaitou Kid dares to challenge the police once more, setting his sights on the Russian Imperial Easter Egg. With the date, time, and place, the Osaka police force scrambles to stop him. But this time, Kid may have bitten off more than he can chew—Conan Edogawa, Heiji Hattori, and numerous others are also trying to get their hands on the jeweled egg.
There have been few military leaders through the ages to have become truly memorable but one strategist stands out from the crowd in the 21st Century, even though he lived long, long ago, before the birth of Christ. The man in question is of course Hannibal, the great Carthaginian General who took an entire herd of elephants across the Alps in his war against the Roman Empire. Today if you mention Hannibal, the Conqueror it’s the elephants that everyone remembers, however there’s much more to the story of this incredible man than you could possibly imagine. Hannibal was without doubt the father of strategy and following his journey from ancient Carthage in North Africa to the gates of Rome will prove the point. As a tactician he was brave and courageous, in fact so brilliant is his reputation that Hannibal’s failure to win his war with Rome is usually overlooked.
Hannibal is a Chicago native, currently living in New York City where he regularly performs and lives alone with no pets. Animal Furnace was recorded in December of 2011. Hannibal's credits include writing for 30 Rock, SNL and performing in several basements of bars in NYC and Chicago. His jokes cover topics like personal stories, current events, the streets and even food.
Hrdinkou modernej hudobnej verzie rozprávkového príbehu o Popoluške je stredoškoláčka Mary, ktorá žije s macochou a dvoma nevlastnými sestrami, a túži študovať tanec. Stane sa slávny Joey Parker, ktorý zavítal do mesta, jej princom?Hrdinkou modernej hudobnej verzie príbehu o Popoluške je stredoškoláčka Mary, ktorá žije s macochou a dvoma nevlastnými sestrami, ktorým musí posluhovať, v San Fernando Valley. Keď však do mesta zavíta slávny Joey Parker a hľadá tu novú tanečnicu pre svoj klip, Mary, ktorá tanec miluje, urobí všetko pre to, aby zvíťazila v súťaži a získala Parkerovo srdce. Na maškarnom plese ho pri tanci okúzli, ale zmizne skôr, než mu stačí povedať svoje meno. Mladík sa ju snaží nájsť, ale Maryine sestry spolu s Joeyho expriateľkou vymýšľajú plán, ako tých dvoch rozdeliť. Skoro sa im to podarí, ale rozprávkový príbeh predsa musí mať šťastný koniec.
In his first hour-long special on Comedy Central, comedian and podcast host (You Made It Weird) Pete Holmes perfects his signature silliness and really gets into that time Juan won one. While he may look like a youth pastor, he's as comfortable talking about religion as he is secretly hating his girlfriend's friends and being a straight man who is 100% Gay for Ryan Gosling. Trust us, this special is McDonald's.
A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.
Triton, vládca podmorskej ríše Atlantída, pri tragickej udalosti príde o svoju milovanú ženu a jeho sedem dcér stratí matku. Nešťastný kráľ trúchli a zakáže v svojej krajine akýkoľvek spev a hudbu. Kráľovské dcéry sú znudené z každodenných nezáživných povinností, na ktoré dozerá ich prísna opatrovateľka. Ariel, najmladšia z princezien, začne túžiť po zábave a trocha vzrušenia. Spriatelí sa s rybkou Flounder, ktorá si aj napriek kráľovmu zákazu spieva a zavedie Ariel do tajného klubu, kde hrá hudba a podmorské tvory si tu môžu zaspievať. To ale nie je všetko, po čom Ariel túži. Ako sa jej podarí obmäkčiť otca, aby mohla hudba a spev slobodne znieť po celej Atlantíde? Táto úloha bude o to ťažšia, o čo väčšmi sa ju bude snažiť intrigánska opatrovateľka prekaziť.
In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.
Third film of the Mardock Scramble series. Rune Balot goes to a casino connected to the October corporation to try to wrap up her case once and for all.
Manny has moved to a new school, and it's not easy to fit in. After wishing he had more friends, Manny finds a mysterious collar and puts it on Rufus, the family dog. Suddenly, Rufus turns into a boy! Manny's not sure what to do, so he enrolls Rufus in school. When the other students notice Rufus's silly dog antics -- chasing squirrels, eating without utensils, asking for belly rubs, and catching a soccer ball with his mouth -- he immediately becomes the most popular kid around. Manny is jealous of his new best friend but eventually learns that a dog's loyalty to his owner always comes first.
Demetri Martin entertains the New York City audience with a terrific set that brings the hysterical wonders of his smart, quick witted imagination to life.
Iris invites her friend Jack to stay at her family's island getaway after the death of his brother. At their remote cabin, Jack's drunken encounter with Hannah, Iris' sister, kicks off a revealing stretch of days.
Jedného dňa Veľké údolie zakryl mrak. Priletel tam veľký kŕdeľ vtákov podobných moriakom, zničilo každú rastlinu v okolí. Teraz je úrodná krajina prázdna a pustá a stáda z údolia musia ísť hľadať nový domov, kým listy zase nevyrastú. Dospelí sa ale hádajú a vyzerá to, že sa rozídu, preto Nožička so svojimi kamarátmi vyrazia na vlastnú päsť. Ich cesta vedie cez Veľkú vodu - kde žijú a plávajú podivné zvieratá až na pobrežie záhadného ostrova.
Red's peaceful morning routine is interrupted by a pesky visitor.
Americká študentka Paige sa zamilovala do dánskeho princa Edvarda. Ale dánske zákony sú pre svojich obyvateľov s modrou krvou veľmi prísne. Aby princ zostal princom, smie sa Edvard oženiť iba so šľachtičnou. Pokiaľ si vezme obyčajné dievča, je povinný sa vzdať trónu. Pretrvá ich láska všetky strasti a pasce?
When a group of tourists on a New Orleans haunted swamp tour find themselves stranded in the wilderness, their evening of fun and spooks turns into a horrific nightmare.
A look at the lives of Carlo, Giulia, and their friends some 10 years after the events of L'Ultimo bacio.
A married doctor lands in trouble when his flirtatious ways lead a woman to fall for him.