Two young men, Martin and Rudi, both suffering from terminal cancer, get to know each other in a hospital room. They drown their desperation in tequila and decide to take one last trip to the sea. Drunk and still in pajamas they steal the first fancy car they find, a 60's Mercedes convertible. The car happens to belong to a bunch of gangsters, which immediately start to chase it, since it contains more than the pistol Martin finds in the glove box.

Gilbert Grape is a small-town young man with a lot of responsibility. Chief among his concerns are his mother, who is so overweight that she can't leave the house, and his mentally impaired younger brother, Arnie, who has a knack for finding trouble. Settled into a job at a grocery store and an ongoing affair with local woman Betty Carver, Gilbert finally has his life shaken up by the free-spirited Becky.

A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.

During a writing slump, playwright J.M. Barrie meets a widow and her four children, all young boys—who soon become an important part of Barrie’s life and the inspiration that lead him to create his masterpiece. Peter Pan.

Full-throttle melodrama about an ill-starred romance set against the backdrop of the siege of Sarajevo. A mother brings her teenage son to Sarajevo, where his father died in the Bosnian conflict years ago.

Christiane je trinaestogodišnja djevojka koja živi s majkom i sestrom u jednome od betonskih nebodera berlinske četvrti Gropiusstadt, četvrti u kojoj uglavnom žive ljudi s ozbiljnim socijalnim problemima, nakon što ih je napustio otac nasilnik. Ne imajući moralnu obiteljsku potporu, ona se počinje družiti s mladima iz škole koji svi konzumiraju alkohol i lake droge te izlaze u obližnju popularnu diskoteku. Ovdje upozna mladića Detleva s kojim se odmah zbliži. On, također ne skrivajući svoje osjećaje prema njoj, uvede je u svoje društvo u kojemu su svi ovisnici o heroinu. Malo pomalo i Christiane će postati dio tog svijeta...

An Innuit hunter races his sled home with a fresh-caught halibut. This fish pervades the entire film, in real and imaginary form. Meanwhile, Axel tags fish in New York as a naturalist's gofer. He's happy there, but a messenger arrives to bring him to Arizona for his uncle's wedding. It's a ruse to get Axel into the family business. In Arizona, Axel meets two odd women: vivacious, needy, and plagued by neuroses and familial discord. He gets romantically involved with one, while the other, rich but depressed, plays accordion tunes to a gaggle of pet turtles

Skeptical young detective Ichabod Crane gets transferred to the hamlet of Sleepy Hollow, New York, where he is tasked with investigating the decapitations of three people – murders the townsfolk attribute to a legendary specter, The Headless Horseman.

A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.

A mentally ill young woman finds her love in an eccentric man who models himself after Buster Keaton.

Young Shakespeare is forced to stage his latest comedy, "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter," before it's even written. When a lovely noblewoman auditions for a role, they fall into forbidden love -- and his play finds a new life (and title). As their relationship progresses, Shakespeare's comedy soon transforms into tragedy.

Iako mu je tek dvadeset jedna godina, tvrdi da je spavao s više od 1500 žena. No jedan jedini put kada je bio odbijen od prave ljubavi, prekrasne i nevine Ane, Don Juan de Marco nema drugoga izbora, nego oduzeti si život. No u tom ga pokušaju spriječi policija, a veliki zavodnik završi u ustanovi za mentalne bolesnike, gdje će o svojim zgodama pričati punašnom, simpatičnom doktoru Mickleru. Uvjeren da je Don Juan samo mladić kojem treba dati malo vremena da se pribere, Mickler svakoga dana sluša fascinantne Don Juanove priče, uvjeren kako je riječ o pukoj mladićevoj imaginaciji. Kada se ljubavni život dr. Micklera poboljša, a njegov brak dobije novi vjetar u leđa, on shvati da Don Juan možda ipak govori istinu.

Frederick Abberline is an opium-huffing inspector from Scotland Yard who falls for one of Jack the Ripper's prostitute targets in this Hughes brothers adaption of a graphic novel that posits the Ripper's true identity.

A prim and proper schoolgirl goes against her society grandmother's wishes when she dates a motorcycle-riding juvenile delinquent.

A young Greek woman falls in love with a non-Greek and struggles to get her family to accept him while she comes to terms with her heritage and cultural identity.

Dean Corso (J. Depp) stručnjak je za stare i rijetke knjige i iznimno spretan trgovac čiji se poslovi mjere u stotinama tisuća dolara. Nakon svog posljednjeg poslovnog uspjeha angažira ga multimilijunaš i strastveni bibliofil Boris Balkan (F. Langella) za dosad najneobičniji zadatak u karijeri. Balkan, naime, traga za rijetkim rukopisom iz 1666. godine o kojemu kruži legenda da ga je napisao sam Sotona. Vjeruje se da postoje samo tri otiska rukopisa, a jedan je već kod Balkana: prodao mu ga je bivši vlasnik koji se nedavno objesio. Balkan želi i ostala dva. Dean, koji se upravo sprema na put u Europu, posjeti vlasnikovu udovicu Lianu (L. Olin) koja ga uvjeri da njezin suprug nikad nije imao namjeru prodati knjigu...

A successful, single businesswoman who dreams of having a baby discovers she is infertile and hires a working class woman to be her unlikely surrogate.

The story of John Wilmot, a.k.a. the Earl of Rochester, a 17th century poet who famously drank and debauched his way to an early grave, only to earn posthumous critical acclaim for his life's work.

Daleko u svemiru astronaut Spencer gubi svijest i kontakt s letjelicom na dvije dugačke minute. Po povratku na Zemlju on više nije isti, a Jillian kreće u neizvjesnu bitku za zdrav razum i istinu! Spencer Armacost (Johnny Depp) član je nove misije na Space Shuttleu. Strahovi njegove supruge Jillian (Charlize Theron), ostvaruju se kada ona dozna za nezgodu koja je na letjelici ugrozila živote Spencera i njegovog kolege Strecka (Nick Cassavetes). Pošto joj se muž uspješno oporavlja od te kratke nesvjestice, Jillian pomisli kako je sreća ipak bila na njihovoj strani. Uskoro Streck pogine od zagonetnog moždanog udara, a Spencer se počne neobično ponašati. Tada se u Jillian probude prvi znaci sumnje, a potvrda stiže kada shvati da Spencer želi nešto od nje... njihovo nerođeno dijete! Uz sumnju da je u Spencerovu tijelu izvanzemaljac, Jillian se pokušava othrvati silama izvan njene spoznaje...