The Beatles stormed through Europe's music scene in 1963, and, in 1964, they conquered America. Their groundbreaking world tours changed global youth culture forever and, arguably, invented mass entertainment as we know it today. All the while, the group were composing and recording a series of extraordinarily successful singles and albums. However the relentless pressure of such unprecedented fame, that in 1966 became uncontrollable turmoil, led to the decision to stop touring. In the ensuing years The Beatles were then free to focus on a series of albums that changed the face of recorded music.

Zachary, 17 years old, gets out of jail. Rejected by his mother, he hangs out in the mean streets of Marseille. He falls in love with Shéhérazade, a young prostitute of whom he becomes the pimp without realizing it...

Three characters living in an unfinished painting venture out into the real world in search of their creator to convince him to finish his work.

A drama about the less known aspects of the trading activity inside one of the biggest banks in the world - Société Générale. The movie tracks the rise and fall of anonymous trader turned superstar turned escape goat - Jérôme Kerviel - just as the 2008 financial crisis was unfolding

Šri Lankoje vyksta pilietinis karas: viena iš šalies mažumų, tamilai, kovoja dėl nepriklausomybės. Tarp liepsnų ir degančių kūnų slampinėja Dypanas. Jis buvo vienas iš kovotojų už tamilų laisvę, bet dabar yra priverstas bėgti iš krauju permirkusios šalies ir ieškoti prieglobsčio Prancūzijoje. Paskui jį keliauja jauna moteris Jalini ir devynmetė mergaitė Ilaijal. Prancūzijoje Dypanas randa darbą statybose, Jalini prižiūri sergantį vyrą, o mažoji pradeda lankyti mokyklą. Šri Lankoje jie buvo nepažįstami, o Prancūzijoje tampa šeima. Atšiauriame Paryžiaus priemiesčio daugiabutyje vienas kitam jie tampa vieninteliu paguodos šaltiniu.

Kler ir Markas išvyksta iš miesto savaitgaliui, palikdami prižiūrėti savo sūnų "geram vyrukui" Frenkui. Sekantį rytą porelę pažadina policijos skambutis, kuri praneša, jog jų namas apverstas aukšytn kojomis, o sūnus prapuolė. Įvykio vietoje policija suranda vaizdo kamerą, kurioje įamžinti visi praėjusios nakties įvykiai. Tik peržiūrėję įrašą nelaimėliai tėveliai sužinos, kur prapuolė jų vaikas, bei kas vyko tą naktį, kai Frenkas šventė savo 30-metį.

The story revolves around Alain, a busy businessman who is always in a rush. In his life, there is no room for spare time or family. But one day, he suffers a stroke, which makes him lose his grasp of language and use one word in place of another.

During the summer of 1977, a killer known as the Son of Sam keeps all of New York City on edge with a series of brutal murders.

With gun-toting rivals on his tail, a daring bank robber takes refuge in the quiet residential street here he grew up and where his mother, Maniette, still lives. An unscrupulous property developer, Korazy, is buying up the neighborhood to turn it into a gleaming new banking district, but to her son's disgust Maniette leads the inhabitants resistance. Her ingenious methods provoke her boy's admiration, but he fights back with sneaky traps and underhand tricks when Maniette tries to force him to do the right thing just once in his life.

Lee Hayden yra aktorius veteranas, leidžiantis dienas rūkydamas marihuaną ir nedirbdamas. Sužinojęs, kad serga kasos vėžiu, nepraneša savo šeimai ir tampa atsiskyrėliu. Jis vėl išpopuliarėja tapęs komikės Charlotte Dylan širdies draugu. Šis įsimylėjimas jam padeda susigrąžinti savo apleistas buvusią žmoną ir dukterį.

December 1994. On Saturday 24th, four GIA terrorists hijack an Air France A300 Airbus, bound for Paris, with 227 passengers on board, at the Algiers airport.

Adrien, 40 years old and totally immature, is dumped by Maude, 35 years old, eager to finally found a family. In an attempt to regain the love of his life, Adrien decides to move into the future ex-married apartment: a nursery home - The beginning, an improbable educational experience.

Antoine, a bachelor party-goer, gets new roommates: Jeanne and her two children.

On a mission to loosen up, a miser's sets about buying a house in the country for his family.

It's the end of the school year. The long-awaited moment of the holidays is arrive. The little Nicolas, her parents and Grandma take the road towards the sea, and settle in for some time at the Hotel Beau-Rivage.

Mourning his brother's recent death, Pierrick accepts his best friend Tessa's invitation to stay in her family home — at last, a week alone. But when her gets there, he finds the house already occupied by Tessa's sister Marie.

Leslie Konda young talented French footballer spotted in his teens by Didier , a small-scale agent who was able to take under his wing , has signed its first contract striker in a large Spanish club . At the same time, his growing reputation and its origins Botswanga , small, poor state of Central Africa, earned him an invitation by the President of the Republic in person Babimbi Bobo , a football enthusiast, freshly installed in power after a coup military state. Leslie therefore went for the first time in the country of his ancestors accompanied by Didier to be decorated by the President Bobo which quickly turns out, despite his great humanist discourse be a megalomaniac and paranoid dictator under the bad influence of his wife .dropoff window Hardly have they landed Bobo enters into a sordid deal with Didier put pressure on his player so that it plays for the national team : Crocodiles of Botswanga ...

If Paris is the city of lovers, it is also that ... ex! Antoine does not dare to commit, Didier regrets his ex-wife, Father Laurent must celebrate the marriage of his ex, Julie, Serge is harassed by Lise, the ex of his girlfriend of the moment, while Greg consoles With the dog ... of his ex! So many characters whose lives will be telescoped in a joyful disorder and who could fall back in love! But of whom? Whether they obsessed us or loved to hate them, deep down, it is difficult to forget their ex!

3 childhood friends who have never left their hometown in the suburb try to get into porn as a way of earning easy money.

Jis laimingai vedęs nedidelės sporto prekių parduotuvės savininkas, kurio gyvenimas ima griūti, kai žmona praneša jį paliekanti, o slaptas meno kūrinių vagis pasinaudoja juo pervežant vertingą paveikslą.