Šesť rokov po udalostiach z filmu Deadpool 2 (2018) žije Wade Wilson pokojným životom, pretože časy žoldniera Deadpoola nechal za sebou, až kým ho TVA – byrokratická organizácia, ktorá existuje mimo času a priestoru a monitoruje časovú os – nevtiahne do novej misie. Keďže jeho domovský vesmír čelí existenčnej hrozbe, Wilson sa neochotne pridá k ešte neochotnejšiemu Wolverinovi na misii, ktorá zmení dejiny Marvel MCU.

A couple falls in love and agrees to meet in six months at the Empire State Building - but will it happen?

Nostalgicky ladený, ľahko úsmevný príbeh o jeseni života a priateľstve, ktoré pomáha prekonávať ťažkosti života, sa odohráva v Atlante, v štáte Georgia. Začína v roku 1984, kedy Boolie Werthan najme pre svoju matku, sedemdesiatdvaročnú vdovu, vodiča Hokea Colburna. Hoci stará dáma vodiča spočiatku odmieta brať na vedomie, a keď už, tak len preto, aby mu vynadala, časom jej averzia voči sympatickému šesťdesiatnikovi poľavuje. Nepriateľský postoj sa pomaly mení v dôveru a nakoniec v hlboké priateľstvo, ktorému nebránia ani spoločenské rozdiely. Ročné doby sa striedajú a príbeh pomaly prepláva roky, nesený drobnými epizódami zachytávajúcimi premenu zvláštneho vzťahu medzi svojhlavou starou dámou a jej vodičom.

A music-mad 16-year-old outcast at a rugby-mad boarding school forms an unlikely friendship with his dashing new roommate.

Berlin at the end of the 19th Century. Alexander Hoffmann is an ambitious PhD student of Ethnology. When a delegation of the Herero and Nama tribes travels to Berlin during a ‘Colonial Exhibition’, he takes a special interest in their young female translator Kezia Kambazembi as subject for his studies.

Rodičua už majú po krk toho hovoriť na všetko „nie“, a tak nechajú deti, aby si raz určili pravidlá sami.

Christopher Gill is a psychotic killer who uses various disguises to trick and strangle his victims. Moe Brummel is a single and harassed New York City police detective who starts to get phone calls from the strangler and builds a strange alliance as a result. Kate Palmer is a swinging, hip tour guide who witnesses the strangler leaving her dead neighbor's apartment and sets her sights on the detective. Moe's live-in mother wishes her son would be a successful Jewish doctor like his big brother.

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

Claude a Marie Verneuilovci v prvom filme vydali svoju štvrtú dcéru a v druhom úspešne udržali všetky svoje dcéry a ich rodiny vo Francúzsku. A práve keď sa im podarilo presvedčiť ich, aby neodchádzali, nečakali, že všetci skončia v ich malebnom Chinone, viac-menej vždy na krku. Dcéry a ich rodiny sa im chcú odvďačiť za ich starostlivosť a starostlivosť a využívajú skutočnosť, že Claude a Marie oslavujú štyridsať rokov spoločného života. Začnú pre nich pripravovať veľkú oslavu v ich rodinnom dome, a pretože to musí byť veľká oslava, pozvú do Francúzska aj ich rodičov. Claude a Marie budú musieť pod svojou strechou privítať rodičov svojich zaťov Rachida, Davida, Chao a Charlesa. Toto “rodinné” stretnutie sľubuje, že bude veľmi bohaté na udalosti. Stačí, že tieto rodiny pochádzajú z celého sveta a rozhodne ich nespája rovnaká viera. Nechajte sa prekvapiť a predovšetkým pobaviť.

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.

Bruce, the owner of an aerospace company, is infatuated with Jennifer and hires her to be his biographer so that he can be near her and win her affections. Is she actually a Russian spy trying to obtain aerospace secrets?

Experienced Green Beret sergeant Johnny Gallagher is escorting a prisoner, Airborne Ranger Thomas Boyette, back to the US, but Boyette escapes and Gallagher must risk life and limb to catch him.

Diabolik narrowly escapes Inspector Ginko's latest trap, leaving his partner in crime Eva Kant behind. Furious, Eva offers Ginko her help in capturing him, but the former has to face first the return of an old flame of his, noblewoman Altea.

A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.

A frontier widow aims to raise sheep despite a cattle rancher in old Wyoming.

Middle-class suburbanites Larry and Kitty grow bored with their lives and respective marriages. Although each always found the other's manner grating, they fall in love when thrown together--without their spouses--on vacation. On returning home they try to break things off, only to grow closer. A holiday together will finally settle whether they should end their marriages.

A wealthy teen and his friends attending an elite private school uncover a dark conspiracy while looking into a series of strange supernatural events.

Sneaking out. Hooking up. Melting down. The cast and crew of a blockbuster action franchise attempt to shoot a sequel while quarantining at a posh hotel.

Alfie meets his romantic match when the modern-day Casanova falls in love with a career woman. Alfie soon realises that Abby, a magazine editor, is just as romantically ruthless as he is.

When a real-estate promoter attempts to take over the homes of two electronics whizzes and boot them out, they contrive ingenious ways to inconvenience and harass him. By pooling their knowledge, they are able to pull off a crucial robbery using a very special box of chocolates.