After the insane General Jack D. Ripper initiates a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, a war room full of politicians, generals and a Russian diplomat all frantically try to stop the nuclear strike.

Resnična biografska zgodba o temnopoltem Solomonu, ki sredi 19. stoletja v New Yorku svobodno dela in srečno živi z družino. Zlobna dvoličneža mu ponudita delo, vendar ga ugrabita in na jugu ZDA prodata v suženjstvo. Med mukotrpnim delom na bombažnih poljih zamenja več lastnikov, dokler ne pristane pri sadističnem Edwinu, ki uživa v zlorabljanju sužnjev. Solomon kljub vsem krivicam ne obupa in išče način, kako bi se vrnil k svoji družini. Film je prejel Zlati Globus za najboljšo dramo.

Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

A circus' beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of side-show performers, but his deformed friends discover she is only marrying him for his inheritance.

Grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, and a satanic Sabbath: Benjamin Christensen's legendary film uses a series of dramatic vignettes to explore the scientific hypothesis that the witches of the Middle Ages suffered the same hysteria as turn-of-the-century psychiatric patients. But the film itself is far from serious-- instead it's a witches' brew of the scary, gross, and darkly humorous.

Režiser legendarnega Titanika in kultnih ZF akcij Osmi potnik ter Terminator se v nepozabni 3D pustolovščini poda na čudoviti neznani planet Pandora. Tja je namenjen tudi paralizirani vojak Jake, ki s pomočjo prenosa misli dobi novo - nezemljansko telo. V neznani pokrajini ga skoraj doleti smrt, a ga še pravočasno reši Pandorina staroselka Neytiri. Jake se zbliža s ponosno bojevnico in njenim plemenom ter ob tem spoznava pravo lepoto neukročene Pandorine narave. Toda kmalu se znajde ujet sredi epskega boja, kjer se mora odločiti med tem, kar mu veleva um, in kar mu narekuje srce.

Tampering with life and death, Henry Frankenstein pieces together salvaged body parts to bring a human monster to life; the mad scientist's dreams are shattered by his creation's violent rage as the monster awakens to a world in which he is unwelcome.

Batman must face his most ruthless nemesis when a deformed madman calling himself "The Joker" seizes control of Gotham's criminal underworld.

Zgodba je postavljena v svet visoke kulinarike in je izredno nenavadna kombinacija grozljivke, trilerja in komedije. Mladi par odpotuje na oddaljeni otok, da bi večerjal v ekskluzivni restavraciji, kjer je glavni kuhar pripravil razkošen meni z nekaj šokantnimi presenečenji...

In a Tokyo love hotel district, a woman is found dead in a derelict apartment. As police investigate, a romance novelist's wife lives a life that seems simply a daily repetition without romance. To break away from the loveless monotony, she follows her desires and becomes a nude model enacting sex in front of a camera. Soon, she meets a mentor and begins selling her body to strangers, while at home, she hides behind the façade that she's still the doting wife she's supposed to be.

When Rango, a lost family pet, accidentally winds up in the gritty, gun-slinging town of Dirt, the less-than-courageous lizard suddenly finds he stands out. Welcomed as the last hope the town has been waiting for, new Sheriff Rango is forced to play his new role to the hilt.

An ancient Egyptian priest named Imhotep is revived when an archaeological expedition finds his mummy and one of the archaeologists accidentally reads an ancient life-giving spell. Imhotep escapes from the field site and searches for the reincarnation of the soul of his lover.

In a remote region of Wales, five travelers beset by a relentless storm find shelter in an old mansion.

Hunter, a newly pregnant housewife, finds herself increasingly compelled to consume dangerous objects. As her husband and his family tighten their control over her life, she must confront the dark secret behind her new obsession.

Minila so štiri leta odkar so dinozavri uničili tematski zabaviščni park Jurski svet. Otok Isla Nublar je zdaj zapuščen, na njem prebivajo zgolj preživeli dinozavri, ki so v džungli prepuščeni samim sebi. Ko se začne prebujati otoški speči vulkan, se Owen (Chris Prat) in Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) odpravita na reševalno misijo. Owen bi rad končno našel svojega raptorja po imenu Blue, ki je še vedno pogrešan v divjini, Claire, ki do dinozavrov zdaj goji veliko spoštovanje, pa želi pomagati, kolikor je le v njeni moči. Ko prispeta na otok, so zaradi bruhajoče lave razmere že zelo nestabilne. Med reševanjem pride njuna odprava na sled zaroti, ki utegne naš planet izpostaviti vrsti nevarnosti, kakršnim ni bil izpostavljen že vse od prazgodovine.

Set in London in the early 1970's, supposedly for teen thrills, Johnny organises a black magic ceremony in a desolate churchyard. The culmination of the ritual, however, is the rejuvenation of Dracula from shrivelled remains. Johnny, Dracula' s disciple, lures victims to the deserted graveyard for his master's pleasure and one of the victims delivered is Jessica Van Helsing. Descended from the Van Helsing line of vampire hunters her grandfather, equipped with all the devices to snare and destroy the Count, confronts his arch enemy in the age-old battle between good and evil.

A countess from Transylvania seeks a psychiatrist’s help to cure her vampiric cravings.

Hungary, XVII century. After being widowed, the old countess Elizabeth Nádasdy, of the Báthory lineage, fortunately discovers a way to become young again; but the price to be paid by those around her will be high and bloody.

Within the decadent walls of the Frankenstein mansion, the Baron and his depraved assistant Otto have discovered the means of creating new life. As the Baron's laboratory begins to fill up with stitched body parts, the Baroness dallies with the randy new manservant and soon the decadent, permissive household is consumed by an outrageous, bizarre and hilarious combination of death and dismemberment.

Dr. Bill Cortner and his fiancée, Jan Compton, are driving to his lab when they get into a horrible car accident. Compton is decapitated. But Cortner is not fazed by this seemingly insurmountable hurdle. His expertise is in transplants, and he is excited to perform the first head transplant. Keeping Compton's head alive in his lab, Cortner plans the groundbreaking yet unorthodox surgery. First, however, he needs a body.