Live at Wembley Arena, the British girl group Little Mix performed their third concert tour in support of their third studio album, Get Weird.

Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

პროფესორი ნორმან ტეიერი, 80 წლის, დიდი ხანია პენსიაზე გავიდა. მას ესმის, რომ დიდხანს არ რჩება სიცოცხლე, მაგრამ სიკვდილზე მეტად ის წუხს, რომ ვერ შეასრულებს მამაკაცურ მოვალეობას. უფრო მეტად ის განიცდის უთანხმოებას თავის ქალიშვილთან. ფილმის მოვლენები ვითარდება ოქროს ტბის სანაპიროზე, სადაც პროფესორი და მისი მეუღლე ჩადიან (მათ სჯერათ, რომ ეს 48-ე ზაფხული ბოლო იქნება მათ ცოლ-ქმრულ ცხოვრებაში) და მათი ქალიშვილი მეგობართან და თინეიჯერ შვილთან ერთად.

ჰად ბენონი, ახალგაზრდა რანჩერი ტეხასში, მიჩვეულია საკუთარი თავის სიამოვნებას, გათხოვილ ქალბატონებს დევნას და სვამს იმას, რაც მამამისმა ოფლითა და სისხლით იშოვა. მოხუცი ჰომერი ღრმად სძულს თავის შვილს უზნეობისა და უპასუხისმგებლობის გამო. მხოლოდ ღმერთმა იცის, რას გამოიწვევს ამ ადამიანების ხანგრძლივი დაპირისპირება.

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.

Escaped convicts terrorize a suburban family they're holding hostage.

The intense rivalry between two police officers—CI Jayashankar and SI Karthik takes a dark turn when a body is found in Jayashankar’s house, and he becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation, which is led by Karthik, adding a layer of tension to their already strained relationship.

A film of the life of the renowned musical composer, playwright, actor, dancer and singer George M. Cohan.

Police Chief Jesse Stone, who was suspended by the Paradise, Mass. Town Council, begins moonlighting for his friend, State Homicide Commander Healy, by investigating a series of murders in Boston, leaving Rose and Suitcase to handle a crime spree in Paradise on their own. Jesse pours his energy into his work in an effort to push away his twin demons: booze and women. When his investigation leads to notorious mob boss Gino Fish, Jesse's pursuit becomes hazardous.

The story of a family of Quakers in Indiana in 1862. Their religious sect is strongly opposed to violence and war. It's not easy for them to meet the rules of their religion in everyday life but when Southern troops pass the area they are in real trouble. Should they fight, despite their peaceful attitude?

This satirical parody of William S. Hart's melodramatic films finds Buster in the frozen north, "last stop on the subway." He uses a wanted poster as his partner in robbing a gambling house. When he thinks he spies his wife making love to another man he shoots them both only to learn it isn't his cabin after all.

For years Yellowbeard had looted the Spanish Main, making men eat their lips and swallow their hearts. Caught and convicted for tax evasion, he's sentenced to 20 years in St. Victim's Prison for the Extremely Naughty. In a scheme to confiscate his fabulous treasure, the Royal Navy allows him to escape and follows him, where saucy tarts, lisping demigods and some awful puns and punishments await.

Two young Russian historians are going to Ukraine to take part in the reconstruction of the Lvov-Sandomierz operation in July 1944. On sight they fall into conflict with Ukrainian nationalists, and some magical twist of fate, move into the middle of real warfare from more than 60 years. Miraculously avoiding death at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists, caught in the middle of fighting between the Red Army and the Nazis.

Even uninhabited archipelagos may be subject to drawn out territorial disputes if they are rich in oil deposits. However, the filmmaker is more concerned with how ownership issues reverberate amongst nationalists in competing countries rather than in the history of the dispute or its resolution, making it possible to present the patriotic pathos-soaked ceremonies of the Japanese, the efforts of Chinese authorities to complicate diversionary activities, and the expressive protests and bizarre rituals of Taiwanese activists. The desire to understand the situation leads the director to participate in several futile attempts to land on the islands. Although he finds himself on the frontline during an escalation in the conflict, he is able to maintain his distance as an impartial observer.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

To achieve your dream and passion in a powerful industry without selling your soul. Many tears will fall.