Petogodišnji dječak iz Indije izgubi se na ulicama Calcutte, tisućama kilometara od svoga doma. Preživi mnogo toga dok ga ne posvoji par iz Australije. Dvadeset i pet godina kasnije kreće u potragu za svojom izgubljenom obitelji koristeći Google Earth.

Dok se SAD borio da prije Rusije pošalje čovjeka u svemir, NASA je pronašla neiscrpan talent u grupi afro-američkih matematičarki koje su bile mozak iza jedne od najvećih operacija u ljudskoj povijesti. Temeljeno na nevjerojatnoj istinitoj priči o ove tri žene znane kao "ljudska računala", pratimo te žene i njegov brzi uspon unutar NASA-e uz neke od najvećih umova u povijesti. Njihov je zadatak da izračunaju putanju kojom će se astronaut John Glenn lansirati u orbitu i kojom će se sigurno moći vratiti.

Nakon osobne tragedije od koje se još uvijek nije oporavio, Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) nevoljko se vraća u rodni gradić Manchester u Massachussettsu. Tamo ga dočekuje 16-godišnji Patrick, koji je nenadano ostao bez oca pa je Leeju povjerena skrb nad nestašnim tinejdžerom.

Drama koja prikazuje tri faze života glavnog lika: djetinjstvo, pubertet i mladost te ukazuje na poteškoće s kojima se suočava u potrazi za svojim identitetom i prihvaćanju svoje seksualnosti, uključujući i psihičko i emocionalno zlostavljanje koje trpi tijekom svojeg odrastanja.

After meeting one day, a shy boy who expresses himself through haiku and a bubbly but self-conscious girl share a brief, magical summer.

A divorced dad and his ex-con brother resort to a desperate scheme in order to save their family's farm in West Texas.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson meet as boys in an English Boarding school. Holmes is known for his deductive ability even as a youth, amazing his classmates with his abilities. When they discover a plot to murder a series of British business men by an Egyptian cult, they move to stop it.

The story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple, whose challenge of their anti-miscegenation arrest for their marriage in Virginia led to a legal battle that would end at the US Supreme Court.

Zahira, 18, is close to her family until her parents ask her to follow Pakistani tradition to choose a husband. Torn between family customs and her western lifestyle, the young woman turns for help to her brother and confidant Amir.

The story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress, who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice.

Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virginia that results in a violent retaliation from whites.

An account of the days of First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, in the immediate aftermath of John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963.

Ferro and Cate, two kids trying to get to grips with an unplanned pregnancy, their families (rebellious Ferro’s hospitable, ‘normal’ family, and level-headed Cate’s unhinged, atypical one), exams at school, friends and a general lack of jobs.

When a U.S. Marine returns home from Afghanistan, he finds that the place he once called home is no better than the battlefields he fought on overseas. Accompanied by his best friend, he searches desperately for the whereabouts of his estranged son and wife. In their search, the two intercept a man carrying vital information about his family.

Anne and Bob, a well-to-do American couple, have just moved to a beautiful manor house in romantic Paris. To impress their sophisticated friends, they decide to host a lavish dinner party, but must disguise their maid as a noblewoman to even out the number of guests. When the maid runs off with a wealthy guest, Anne must chase her around Paris to thwart the joyous and unexpected love affair.

Pauline, a devoted and generous home help nurse, raises her two children alone, while also looking after her father, a former steelworker. Taking advantage of her popularity, the directors of an extremist political party suggest she become their candidate at the mayoral elections.

Nolan Mack, a soft-spoken bank employee, undoubtedly loves his wife Joy, though their cavernous empty house only underscores how disconnected they’ve always been from each other. Nolan finds himself drifting from his familiar present-day life in pursuit of lost time after meeting a troubled young man named Leo on his drive home. What begins as an aimless drive down an unfamiliar street turns into a life-altering series of events.

An ex-soldier with PTSD is hired to protect the wife and child of a wealthy Lebanese businessman while he's out of town.

Chronicles a single day in the summer of 1989 when the future president of the United States, Barack Obama, wooed his future First Lady on an epic first date across Chicago's South Side.

The controversial true story of a gay activist who rejects his homosexuality and becomes a Christian pastor.