Bugs is in drag as the Valkyrie Brunhilde, who is pursued by Elmer playing the demigod Siegfried.

Trgovska uslužbenca v New Jerseyju se skozi dolgčas prebijata iz dneva v dan: Dante dela v majhnem marketu, njegov prijatelj Randal pa vodi videoteko. Oba bi raje počela karkoli drugega in svojim strankam dasta to jasno vedeti. Med redkimi obiski nepredvidljivih čudakov se kratkočasita z igro hokeja na strehi prodajalne, obiski pogrebnega zavoda in svojima zavoženima ljubezenskima življenjema. Lastnikov trgovine tako ali tako ni na spregled, zato se lahko sprostita; s ciničnim humorjem in obešenjaškimi šalami bosta dala trgovskim storitvam čisto nov pomen. Lahko se zgodi karkoli.

Germain (Fabrice Luchini) je izmozgani srednješolski profesor francoščine in nikoli afirmirani pisatelj, ki je dolgo nazaj opustil svoje pisateljske ambicije. Njegova žena Jeanne (Kristin Scott Thomas) vodi manjšo umetniško galerijo na robu propada in obupno potrebuje uspešno razstavo, ki bi napolnila prazno blagajno in ji pomagala ohraniti službo. Pod rjuhami se že lep čas ne dogaja nič in zdi se, da nič ne more predramiti njunih dolgočasnih življenj. Nato Germain domov prinese naloge svojih učencev, ki so v kratkih spisih morali opisati, kako so preživeli vikend. Med kopico nezanimivih, slabo napisanih zgodb profesorjevo pozornost pritegne spis 16-letnega Clauda, učenca iz zadnje klopi, ki v nenavadnem eseju opiše nekaj uric, ki jih je preživel na domu svojega sošolca Raphe.

Za gimnazijko Adèle je samoumevno, da punce hodijo s fanti. Njen zasanjani sošolec Thomas je zatreskan vanjo, toda Adèle ne more pozabiti bežnega srečanja s študentko umetnosti modrih las Emmo. Dekleti se znova srečata, ko se Adèle prvič opogumi za obisk lezbičnega bara. Ljubezen med njima hitro vzplamti in ju popelje do vrhunca sreče in čutnih užitkov. Vendar se v nasprotju s starejšo, bolj svetovljansko Emmo Adèle ne vživi povsem v svojo spolno identiteto in jo še vedno previdno prikriva. Nekaj let pozneje par zaživi skupaj v krhki sreči. Adèle raste, se išče, se izgublja in se najde…

An arrogant Texas millionaire hires four adventurers to rescue his kidnapped wife from a notorious Mexican bandit.

Documentary about the art of film editing. Clips are shown from many groundbreaking films with innovative editing styles.

In the year 2044, time travel has not yet been invented but in 30 years it will have been. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target into the past where a looper, a hired gun, like Joe is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loop, sending back Joe's future self for assassination.

Consumed by jealousy, a woman takes an extreme step and undergoes surgery for a new face. Although her lover of 2 years misses her, he falls in love with the new face, not knowing it's the same woman.

When a bestselling celebrity biographer is no longer able to get published because she has fallen out of step with current tastes, she turns her art form to deception.

Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses.

Book superstore magnate, Joe Fox and independent book shop owner, Kathleen Kelly fall in love in the anonymity of the Internet—both blissfully unaware that he's trying to put her out of business.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

A British crime novelist travels to her publisher's upmarket summer house in Southern France to seek solitude in order to work on her next book. However, the unexpected arrival of the publisher's daughter induces complications and a subsequent crime.

The grandfather welcomes us into his blue grotto, there was still beautiful memories of childhood to tell Kirikou: the times when he helped the men and women of his village and elsewhere ... He tells us how Kirikou, thanks to his bravery and intelligence, came to the aid of the strong woman. He tells us by what trick the little hero found the grumpy old man, who had been lost in the bush, and how a cherry threatened by the witch was finally able to pass on his knowledge to the villagers. We also discover the secret of a mysterious blue monster, and finally through a flute linked to the family of our small and valiant heroes, the magical power of music.

A woman suffers from an unusual illness caused by a flower growing in her lungs.

Režiser akcijskih spektaklov Charliejevi angelčki, Terminator: Odrešitev in To je vojna! predstavlja zgodbo agenta tajne službe Ethana, ki skrbi za tihe odstranitve državnih sovražnikov. Ko se želi upokojiti in se posvetiti odtujenima ženi in hčerki, na veliko nesrečo spozna, da bo zaradi smrtonosne bolezni umrl. Šefi mu ponudijo eksperimentalno zdravilo, če za agencijo v treh dneh opravi še zadnjo nalogo. Ethan pristane in pripravi načrt, ki pa se izjalovi, kar povzroči neustavljiv vrtinec oboroženih spopadov, cestnih pregonov in akcijskega kaosa.

The story of an idealist's rise to power in the world of Louisiana politics and the corruption that leads to his ultimate downfall. Based on the 1946 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel written by Robert Penn Warren, loosely based on the story of real-life politician Huey Long.

A talent agent with a truly talentless client roster, Ercole Preziosi finds himself in trouble when a car crash injures his star comedian, so he turns to his young plucky driver to do stand-up duty.

When an in-flight collision incapacitates the pilots of an airplane bound for Los Angeles, stewardess Nancy Pryor is forced to take over the controls. From the ground, her boyfriend Alan Murdock, a retired test pilot, tries to talk her through piloting and landing the 747 aircraft. Worse yet, the anxious passengers — among which are a noisy nun and a cranky man — are aggravating the already tense atmosphere.

Aviation disaster-prone Joe Patroni must contend with nuclear missiles, the French Air Force and the threat of the plane splitting in two over the Alps.