Najnovejši film kultnega Christopherja Nolana z Matthewom McConaugheyjem v vlogi vodje skupine Nasinih raziskovalcev, ki se podajo na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva. V času, ko se zaradi onesnaženja in prevladujočih peščenih viharjev, ki uničujejo floro in favno, naš čas na Zemlji bliža koncu, se skupina Nasinih raziskovalcev poda na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva: v največji tajnosti potujejo onkraj meja dojemljivega, da bi z raziskovanjem neznanih planetov dognali, ali ima človeštvo prihodnost kje onkraj našega ozvezdja.

Harry Potter je sirota, ki živi s svojo grdo teto in stricem, Dursleyjem in svojim groznim bratrancem Dudleyem. Bliža se njegov enajsti rojstni dan in ima malo upanja, da bo prejel kakršna koli darila, saj se ga nihče nikoli ne spomni. Vendar pa le nekaj dni pred rojstnim dnem niz skrivnostnih pisem, naslovljenih nanj in napisanih s škrlatno zelenim črnilom, razbije monotonijo njegovega življenja: Harry je čarovnik in tudi njegovi starši

Follow the shocking, yet humorous, journey of an aspiring environmentalist, as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and true path to sustainability.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

Zgodba govori o izkušenem glasbeniku Jacksonu Mainea , ki odkrije mlado umetnico Ally in se v njo zaljubi. Ally je tik pred tem, da obupa nad svojimi sanjami o pevski karieri, vendar jo Jackson prepriča v nasprotno. Ker pa se sam bori z lastnimi demoni, njun odnos ob njenem kariernem vzponu začne razpadati.

Fed Up blows the lid off everything we thought we knew about food and weight loss, revealing a 30-year campaign by the food industry, aided by the U.S. government, to mislead and confuse the American public, resulting in one of the largest health epidemics in history.

Carlos is a professionally frustrated screenwriter, and Irene is not sure what she wants to do with her life. When Irene meets Carlos at a coffee shop, she approaches him and, although she doesn't know him, proposes to play a game.

Režiser z oskarjem nagrajenega filma Igra imitacije nas popelje v vesoljske širjave, na ladji, namenjeni proti oddaljeni koloniji. Med 120-letnim potovanjem pride do računalniške napake, kar povzroči, da se novinarka Aurora in mehanik Jim zbudita iz hibernacije 90 let prezgodaj. Preostanek življenja sta prisiljena preživeti v osami, toda kmalu ugotovita, da plovilo pestijo številne druge težave. Med izogibanjem številnim smrtnim nevarnostim, ki prežijo iz vesolja, se z njima poigrajo tudi ljubezenska čustva, kar jima da novih moči za spopad z neskončno razsežnostjo prostora in časa.

Eva Arctander is born with hypertrichosis, meaning that she is covered from head to toe with fine blonde hair. Her father is so ashamed of her that he hides her away from the world in their apartment. However, Eva’s nanny fights for her right to be treated like everyone else.

Skupina osupljivih čarovnikov Štirje jezdeci se po letu dni skrivanja znova predstavi javnosti. Toda poleg pretentanega agenta FBI-ja Dylana in pronicljivega Thaddeusa, ki se želita Jezdecem maščevati za njuno preteklo ponižanje, se jim tokrat po robu postavi bogati prevarant Walter. S svojim poznavanjem sodobne tehnologije Jezdecem predstavlja nerazložljive uganke, toda neustrašna četverica se pod vodstvom premetenega Atlasa pogumno sooči z velikimi izzivi. S povsem novimi nemogočimi triki zabrišejo mejo med resnico in fantazijo in ustvarijo najbolj neverjetno potegavščino vseh časov.

When the beloved cellist of a world-renowned string quartet is diagnosed with a life threatening illness, the group's future suddenly hangs in the balance as suppressed emotions, competing egos and uncontrollable passions threaten to derail years of friendship and collaboration. As they are about to play their 25th anniversary concert — quite possibly their last — only their intimate bond and the power of music can preserve their legacy.

When a disc containing memoirs of a former CIA analyst falls into the hands of gym employees, Linda and Chad, they see a chance to make enough money for Linda to have life-changing cosmetic surgery. Predictably, events whirl out of control for the duo, and those in their orbit.

While undergoing heart surgery, a man experiences a phenomenon called ‘anesthetic awareness’, which leaves him awake but paralyzed throughout the operation. As various obstacles present themselves, his wife must make life-altering decisions while wrestling with her own personal drama.

Jack Hall je strokovnjak za podnebne spremembe. Njegove raziskave kažejo, da lahko segrevanje našega planeta sproži nenadno in katastrofalno spremembo podnebja ter prinese novo ledeno dobo. To se je pred deset tisoč leti že zgodilo. Jack posvari Belo hišo, da se lahko zgodi ponovno, če ne bodo hitro ukrepali. Vendar njegovo opozorilo naleti na gluha ušesa, dokler ni prepozno. Ko se velik kos ledu odlomi z ledene plošče na Antarktiki, to po vsem svetu sproži nenavadne vremenske pojave, ki napovejo velikanske globalne spremembe...

Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right, or a commodity that should be bought and sold like any other article of commerce? Stephanie Soechtig's debut feature is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. From the producers of Who Killed the Electric Car and I.O.U.S.A., this timely documentary is a behind-the-scenes look into the unregulated and unseen world of an industry that aims to privatize and sell back the one resource that ought never to become a commodity: our water. From the plastic production to the ocean in which so many of these bottles end up, this inspiring documentary trails the path of the bottled water industry and the communities which were the unwitting chips on the table. A powerful portrait of the lives affected by the bottled water industry, this revelatory film features those caught at the intersection of big business and the public's right to water.

Though it sounds incredible, little Ulises with only nine years old, from one day to another grows an enourmous mustache. This situation, appearing to be ordinary, starts a series of extraordinary events for him, his mother and his best friends. From this moment onward with the company of a bunch of very curious characters they will have to face this hairy adventure.

Chronicles the epic battle that several American mothers are waging on behalf of their middle-school daughters, victims of sex-trafficking on, the adult classifieds section that for years was part of the Village Voice.

Rocco Siffredi is to pornography what Mike Tyson is to boxing or Mick Jagger is to rock’n’roll: a living legend. His mother wanted him to be a priest; with her blessing he became a hardcore performer, devoting his life to one God only: Desire. Rocco Siffredi reveals all, even if it sometimes means busting his own myth: his true story, beginnings, career, wife and children… and the ultimate revelation that will change his life forever.

Amanda is a divorced woman who makes a living as a photographer. During the Fall of the year Amanda begins to see the world in new and different ways when she begins to question her role in life, her relationships with her career and men and what it all means. As the layers to her everyday experiences fall away insertions in the story with scientists, and philosophers and religious leaders impart information directly to an off-screen interviewer about academic issues, and Amanda begins to understand the basis to the quantum world beneath. During her epiphany as she considers the Great Questions raised by the host of inserted thinkers, she slowly comprehends the various inspirations and begins to see the world in a new way.

An artist sells his soul to the mysterious M in order to get revenge on the people who killed his girlfriend. Soon, he realises everything has a price, and he is transformed into a horned demon with a passion for killing.