Discover the stunning locations of New Zealand with the cast and crew of The Hobbit Trilogy.

What if the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs struck again today? Would humans survive? Or would we go the way of the dinosaurs? Join me on a wild tour through a hypothetical apocalypse — and see what it would take for humanity to cling on through the worst disaster in the last 250 million years.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

The Australian pelican is built for long distance travel. One of the largest pelicans in the pelican family, with a light skeleton and a wingspan of over eight feet, it can be airborne all day and deep into the night, riding far and high on rising thermals. When rare weather systems bring heavy rains, huge numbers of Australian pelicans abandon the sea and coastal waters and embark on a mass pilgrimage to a place a thousand miles inland. It’s the last place you would look for one of their kind, the Australian Outback, one of the driest, hottest places on the planet.

Jurassic Fight Club, a paleontology-based miniseries that ran for 12 episodes, depicts how prehistoric beasts hunted their prey, dissecting these battles and uncovering a predatory world far more calculated and complex than originally thought. It was hosted by George Blasing, a self-taught paleontologist.

Mania jest nieślubnym dzieckiem dziewczyny z przedmieścia Krakowa i adwokata. Ulegając woli rodziny porzuca on dziewczynę, zostawiając dużą "rekompensatę" pieniężną. Dziewczyna umiera, zostawia jednak przed śmiercią niejakiemu panu Majcherkowi list i dokument, świadczący o tym, że Mania po osiągnięciu pełnoletności będzie mogła otrzymać pieniądze. Nieuczciwy Majcherek (znając treść listu) musi więc czekać 20 lat, aby móc ubiegać się o rękę Mani i tym samym wejść w posiadanie jej majątku. Niczego nieświadoma Mania mieszka na przedmieściu z Maciejową (która ją w dzieciństwie przygarnęła) sądząc, że jest jej córką. Kiedy Majcherek zaczyna adorować Manię okazuje się, że ma już dwóch rywali - chłopców z sąsiedztwa. Wtedy też pojawia się ten czwarty - przystojny Zygmunt. Mania traci dla Zygmunta głowę. Nie wie, że jest on w istocie wychowankiem jej prawdziwego ojca...

Three bank robbers on the run happen across a woman about to give birth in an abandoned covered wagon. Before she dies, she names the three bandits as her newborn son's godfathers.

Soul in vacuum, desert in expansion

Grim desperately needs one more soul to win his work competition, but his last scheduled collection at a rigorous bike race turns his world upside-down. At the finish line, he learns that life is not always about the trophy at the end of the race.

Chow Chong Fat and Wat Kam Heung, who knew each other since young, are coming to their 10th wedding anniversary. Fat always works as an accountant and also a handy man in the family business “Lo Wat Kei” founded by Heung’s father. Fat is ordered around by Heung’s family members every day. Bullied by Heung’s mom, uncle and aunt, Fat leads a very miserable life. The only thing that brings Fat out of his rigid and boring life in “Lo Wat Kei” is the reunion with his dream lover Ceci. Lacking the joy of life, Fat buys a lottery ticket which wins him the first prize of 20 million HK dollars. But this is just the start of the whole exciting story.

Despite the fact that production manager Kruse doesn't have the actors or the crew for the job, he recklessly boasts that he could direct a revue film. To prevent him losing face, Kruse brings together four people - a dramaturg, a composer, a writer and an architect - and gives them the thankless task of turning his idea into a film. Except for the relatively unknown composer Alexander Ritter, who is enthusiastically committed to the project, the other members of the team find themselves stuck in this mess.

After years away from home, and receiving news of his parents’ deaths, a disillusioned Occupier is forced from his tent in Zuccotti Park to upper middle class Texas, where he must repair his two sisters, his past, and himself.

Na peryferiach miasta, w budynku zamieszkanym przez margines społeczny - wszyscy przeistaczają się w zombie. Ich przywódca, niegdyś miły i spokojny nauczyciel chemii (Jack Kao), planuje doprowadzić miasto do zagłady. Na skutek jednego z ataku krwiożerczej hordy ginie chłopak Jenny (Jessica Cambensy) - Andy (Andy On). Aby przetrwać, dziewczyna musi rozpocząć walkę przeciwko byłemu ukochanemu. Jednoczy siły z miejscowymi kryminalistami i więźniami, by ocalić miasto.

"Even when we know the game is an illusion, the experience of Bleu Shut is entirely a pleasure: the ‘game’ is fun, the Nelson/Wiley debates, infectiously funny; and Nelson’s choice of imagery, quirky and amusing. Bleu Shut reveals, and allows us to enjoy, our gullibility within the pervasive absurdity of modern life." –Scott MacDonald

A punk rock romance portraiture of present day America. This teen / coming-of-age film utilizes iconic American imagery to examine the people's reaction to the campaign and inauguration of Barack Obama.

Joël, a small town journalist, goes to cover a case in the French countryside. When he stops after running over a dog on the road, he finds himself trapped in the stories he usually writes.

This documentary delves into the topic of sex: what it means and its history in humans.

Born within a year of each other, Michael and Seamus Sullivan have become very different men - just how much becomes apparent on the eve of their father's funeral.