Филм прати младог бизнисмена који се буди у хотелској соби закључаној изнутра, са лешом љубавнице у кревету. Унајмљује престижног адвоката и они током једне ноћи, у френетичној трци с временом, улажу заједничке напоре да докуче шта се догодило.

Three young men bond together to escape volatile families in their Rust Belt hometown. As they face adult responsibilities, unexpected revelations threaten their decade-long friendship.

A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility — skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.

Пошто је преживео скоро па смртоносни говеђи напад, унакажени радник кафића труди се да оствари свој сан и постане најзгоднији шанкер у Мејберију, а истовремено мора да научи да живи с губитком чула за укус. Не би ли некако себи забиберио живот, а у потрази за кондензатором флукса, Вејд мора да се бори против нинџи, јакуза и чопора сексуално агресивних паса, путујући по свету и откривајући важност породице, пријатеља и укуса. Оно што ће наћи јесте дашак авантуре и нешто за чиме је жудео, а то је шоља за кафу с титулом „Најбољи љубавник на свету“ на њој.

A heroic version of Lex Luthor from an alternate universe appears to recruit the Justice League to help save his Earth from the Crime Syndicate, an evil version of the League. What ensues is the ultimate battle of good versus evil in a war that threatens both planets and, through a devious plan launched by Batman's counterpart Owlman, puts the balance of all existence in peril.

An aspiring actor in Hollywood meets an enigmatic stranger by the name of Tommy Wiseau, the meeting leads the actor down a path nobody could have predicted; creating the worst movie ever made.

Ethan and Sophie are a married couple on the brink of separation when, at the urging of their therapist, they decide to salvage their relationship by escaping to a beautiful vacation house for the weekend.

37-year-old Italian-American widow Loretta Castorini believes she is unlucky in love, and so accepts a marriage proposal from her boyfriend Johnny, even though she doesn't love him. When she meets his estranged younger brother Ronny, an emotional and passionate man, she finds herself drawn to him. She tries to resist, but Ronny, who blames his brother for the loss of his hand, has no scruples about aggressively pursuing her while Johnny is out of the country. As Loretta falls for Ronny, she learns that she's not the only one in her family with a secret romance.

Двоје потпуних странаца, једини преживели након пада авиона у далекој планинској дивљини у САД-а, заједно ће морати да се боре за опстанак у екстремним, леденим условима како би пронашли начин да поврате своје свакодневне животе, у којима Алекс планира да се уда за свог дугогодишњег вереника и где је Бен, неуролог који је потребан својим пацијентима. Иако су њих двоје јаке особе, повратак неће бити нимало лак, и да би преживели једини начин јесте да се држе заједно. Како путовање постаје све мучније за обоје, њихова приврженост и везаност једно за друго, кулминирају последњим херојским напором који ће им показати танку линију између живота и смрти.

In a life full of triumph and failure, "National Lampoon" co-founder Doug Kenney built a comedy empire, molding pop culture in the 1970s.

Rachel is a divorced single mother whose bad day gets even worse. She's running late to drop her son off at school when she honks her horn impatiently at a fellow driver during rush-hour traffic. After an exchange of words, she soon realizes that the mysterious man is following her and her young son in his truck. A case of road rage quickly escalates, at horrifyingly psychotic proportions, into full-blown terror as Rachel discovers the psychopath's sinister plan for revenge. He is single-mindedly determined to teach her a deadly lesson.

Five years after the horrible bloodbath at Camp Crystal Lake, new counselors roam the area, not sensing the ominous lurking presence that proves that the grisly legend is real.

Terrence McDonagh is a New Orleans Police sergeant, who recieves a medal and a promotion to lieutenant for heroism during Hurricane Katrina. Due to his heroic act, McDonagh injures his back and becomes addicted to prescription pain medication. He then finds himself involved with a drug dealer who is suspected of murdering a family of African immigrants.

Без обзира где бежиш, без обзира где се кријеш, не можеш преварити смрт! У “Последњој екслурзији” Смрт је, као увек, свеприсутна и ослобођена након што предосећај једног човека спашава групу колега од застрашујућег рушења висећег моста. Али ова група безазлених душа, којој никада и није било суђено да преживи, у стравичној трци са временом фанатично покушава да побегне злокобном списку Смрти.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

A man has only three and a half days and limited resources to discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 20 years without any explanation.

When a teenager suddenly disappears without a trace, the case is assigned to an alcoholic police officer who maintains a complicated relationship with his own troubled teenage son, suspected of drug trafficking.

Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

A group of filmmakers sets out to make the first 3D found footage horror movie, but find themselves IN the first 3D found footage horror movie when the evil entity from their film escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage.