A human body gradually reconstructs itself as its various component parts crowd themselves into a small room and eventually, after much experimentation, sort out which part goes where.

William Parrish, media tycoon and loving father, is about to celebrate his 65th birthday. One morning, he is contacted by the inevitable, by hallucination, as he thinks. Later, Death enters his home and his life, personified in human form as Joe Black. His intention was to take William with him, but accidentally, Joe and William's beautiful daughter Susan have already met. Joe begins to develop certain interest in life on Earth, as well as in Susan, who has no clue with whom she's flirting.

In 1666, a colonial town is gripped by a hysterical witch-hunt that has deadly consequences for centuries to come, and it's up to teenagers in 1994 to finally put an end to their town's curse, before it's too late.

One year after his heroics in Los Angeles, John McClane is an off-duty cop who is the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. On a snowy Christmas Eve, as he waits for his wife's plane to land at Washington Dulles International Airport, terrorists take over the air traffic control system in a plot to free a South American army general and drug smuggler being flown into the US to face drug charges. It's now up to McClane to take on the terrorists, while coping with an inept airport police chief, an uncooperative anti-terrorist squad, and the life of his wife and everyone else trapped in planes circling overhead.

The vicissitudes of three couples of newlyweds from the celebration of weddings to their respective honeymoons.

Eight months after the death of his wife, Frank Goode looks forward to a reunion with his four adult children. When all of them cancel their visits at the last minute, Frank, against the advice of his doctor, sets out on a road trip to reconnect with his offspring. As he visits each one in turn, Frank finds that his children's lives are not quite as picture-perfect as they've made them out to be.

A hospital nurse becomes an "international girl" — a prostitute who caters to foreigners with hard currency.

Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) on pisut kohmakas õde, kes peab pärast Pamile (Teri Polo) kihlusest teatamist veetma paar päeva vanemate juures, et nendega kohtuda. Nende esimene kohtumine ei ole eriti õnnelik, eriti kahtluste tõttu, mida Greg kasvatab sõbranna range isa (Robert de Niro) järele, kes on kaitsva isa heaks töötanud CIA-s, ehkki nüüd on ta pensionil, ja see on väga raske muljet avaldada. Algusest peale lükkab Jim Gregi täielikult tagasi, kuid teda paremini tundma õppides muutub ta tagasilükkamine absoluutseks põlguseks ja sellest saab mehe halvim õudusunenägu, et vaatamata oma tüdruksõbra armastamisele ja soovile jätta hea esmamulje, vajub ta sügavamale ja sügavamale omaenda saamatuse mudasse ja ta peab kõvasti võitlema, et muuta kohutavat arvamust, mis tema sõbranna sugulastel tema kohta on.

Selles uues seikluses on Miami narkodetektiivid Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) ja Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) määratud kuuluma kõrgtehnoloogia meeskonda, kes üritab paljastada Miamis ekstaasi kujundamise süžeed. Kuid nad paljastavad alateadlikult surmava vandenõu halastamatule uimastivalitsejale Johnny Tapiale (Jordi Mollà), kes on otsustanud oma impeeriumi laiendada ja võtta linna uimastiäri üle kontrolli, tappes igaüks, kes talle korda läheb. Olukorra halvendamiseks satub Marcuse kaunis õde, DEA varjatud esindaja Syd (Gabrielle Union) risttulesse, sundides meie kangelasi seaduma end seaduse serva. Kõik muutub veelgi keerukamaks, kui Amor hakkab lendama üle Mike ja Syd, provotseerides oma kaitsjavenna viha.

Peter LaFleur (Vince Vaughn) on keskmise pankrotti mineva keskuse Joe võimla omanik. Spordisaali klientuur on hõre ja sinna kuulub Steve "Piraat" - mees, kes arvab, et ta on piraat; Justin Redman, krapsakas poiss, kes unistab muljetada cheerleaderist, kes on tema võimalustest valgusaastate kaugusel; Gordon Pibb, rasvunud spordifänn; Owen, noormees ilma paljude tuledeta; ja Dwight Baumgarten, suitsetajast teadlik inimene, kellel pole õrna aimugi. Peetri alandlikule jõusaalile heidab pilgu White Goodman (Ben Stiller), spordistaar ja egotsentriline jõusaali Globe - jõusaali särava templi omanik Globe.

After being set-up and betrayed by the man who hired him to assassinate a Texas Senator, an ex-Federale launches a brutal rampage of revenge against his former boss.

David Callaway tries to piece together his life in the wake of his wife's suicide and has been left to raise his nine-year-old daughter, Emily on his own. David is at first amused to discover that Emily has created an imaginary friend named 'Charlie', but it isn't long before 'Charlie' develops a sinister and violent side, and as David struggles with his daughter's growing emotional problems, he comes to the frightening realisation that 'Charlie' isn't just a figment of Emily's imagination.

Neli aastat pärast seda, kui meditsiiniõel Gregil (teise nimega Gaylord) Fockeril õnnestus nädalavahetusel oma koduõues oma majas pagas kaotada, tulekahju süüdata ja kassi maalida, on tal lõpuks õnnestunud saavutada oma äia usaldus ja see on kõik pulmaplaanid. Ületamiseks on ainult üks väike takistus: tulevased seadused peavad veeta nädalavahetuse koos, et üksteist paremini tundma õppida ja ennekõike selleks, et pruudi isa Jack saaks Gregi vanemaid uurida. Tundub, et kõik läheb hästi, kuni Jack avastab, et Gregi vanemad (vastavalt jurist ja arst) on liiga liberaalsed: ta hoolitseb maja eest ja ta on vanem seksiterapeut.

Hapless museum night watchman Larry Daley must help his living, breathing exhibit friends out of a pickle now that they've been transferred to the archives at the Smithsonian Institution. Larry's (mis)adventures this time include close encounters with Amelia Earhart, Abe Lincoln and Ivan the Terrible.

Ruuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) on riski vastu, kuid tema korrastatud ja planeeritud elu on keeruline, kui mesinädalate ajal tunneb tema naine (Debra Messing) huvi lihaselise Kuuba sukeldumisõpetaja (Hank Azaria) vastu. Samal ajal astub lavale oma lapsepõlvesõber Polly (Jennifer Aniston), kes tutvustab talle riskantset sporti, vürtsikat toitu ja salsa tantsimist. Lühidalt, ta õpetab teda elama muretult ja nautima iga hetke.

When a young African-American woman brings her fiancé home to meet her parents, she's neglected to mention one tiny detail - he's white.

Two veteran New York City detectives work to identify the possible connection between a recent murder and a case they believe they solved years ago; is there a serial killer on the loose, and did they perhaps put the wrong person behind bars?

When best buds Rick and Fred begin to show signs of restlessness at home, their wives take a bold approach to revitalize their marriages, they grant the guys a 'hall pass'—one week of freedom to do whatever they want. At first, it seems like a dream come true, but they quickly discover that their expectations of the single life—and themselves—are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality.

A rising young attorney successfully defends a man accused of murder, only to have the same type of murder then happen again. Right away the previously defended man hires the attorney again, and although the attorney is quite certain that he is the killer, he agrees to again defend him... much to the consternation of his friends. However, he explains that by being his attorney he will be better able to catch the man in a mistake... and on this the rest of the film develops, with the killer playing a cat and mouse game with the attorney until, at last, they both must recognize that they are not all that different.

After being cut from the USA softball team and feeling a bit past her prime, Lisa finds herself evaluating her life and in the middle of a love triangle, as a corporate guy in crisis competes with her current, baseball-playing beau.