A happy go lucky postman stumbles upon an empty house.

She is a 13-foot, 70-pound snake that combines size and strength with a strike faster than the blink of an eye. Meet Squeeze, an eight-year-old African rock python who's capable of hunting in any terrain at any time of day for virtually any prey. As a new mother, her single goal is to incubate her young and keep them from becoming someone else's dinner. Follow her as she discovers that motherhood in the cold-blooded world of the South African savannah is no walk in the park.

Киноповесть о кузнеце Шоахмеде Шомахмудове и его жене, усыновивших и воспитавших в годы Великой Отечественной войны четырнадцать осиротевших детей разных национальностей...

В окрестности города С-Петербурга, в дворцовом парке города Павловска стоит своеобразный памятник. Время не пощадило эту металлическую конструкцию, бывшую когда-то, видимо, фонтаном с неким обнаженным торсом на вершине. От фигуры венчающей фонтан осталась одна рука, воздетая к небу в решительном жесте. Это созданный временем памятник руке, как главному вершителю человеческих идей. Руками пекут хлеб и строят дома, учат детей и ласкают любимых, создают шедевры и ведут к свету. Рука, протянутая другу символизирует братство, сопернику - примирение. Однако, ею можно держать и оружие, подписывать смертный приговор, совращать, бить или даже убивать. Чему же, добру или злу, поставлен природой этот монумент? Этот вопрос стал катализатором идеи для создания фильма “Двое”, в котором на примере взаимоотношения двух молодых людей делается попытка пофилософствовать на данную тему.

The Living Need Light, The Dead Need Music is a visual and musical journey through the fantastical funeral traditions and rituals of south Vietnam.

Shot by movie maestro Peter Whitehead, this film features rare full length performances from the classic late 60's Pink Floyd line-up at Sound Techniques London & material from the legendary '14 hour Technicolor Dream' extravaganza in April '67 at Alexandra Palace.

Kato is an up-and-coming scriptwriter in the middle of a severe slump. He submits ideas for potential movies but makes no headway whatsoever, and spends his days downhearted and distressed. When he heads out to buy "Dog Man," food for his lover's beloved pooch Cerberus, one thing leads to another and he stumbles into "Ideal Mart," a convenience store where he can find everything his heart desires. There, he encounters a mysterious married woman named Keiko, who gets his creative juices flowing again, but...

The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell.

This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At the climax of their dispute they rip the family recipe book in half - one brother gets the starters and the other gets the main courses. They set up rival restaurants, across the road from each other, and spend the next twenty years trying to out-do each other. Neither brother will admit it but they both know they are not entirely successful in the 'other half' of the menu. It takes a daughter - a successful corporate lawyer marrying a man from a very different background - to reunite them. She is planning her marriage and is determined that they will both cook the wedding banquet.

An expedition goes in search of a party lost in the Arctic the year before. This is the English language version of the German film S.O.S. Eisberg (1933), made at the same time but with a slightly different cast and released later that year. The German film is approximately 10 minutes longer.

Filmed in IMAX, a young Mayan boy who lives close to the ruins becomes acquainted with an archaeologist (Guerra) and asks her to tell him about his ancestors. The crew travelled to over 15 locations in Mexico and Guatemala, including Tulum and Chichén Itzá.

Depicts the isolation and brutalization of humans in modern bourgeois society. Although being broadly in line with other art-as-propaganda of the era, censors felt it could easily be read as a criticism of the party, leaving this subversive short as the only animated film to be banned in the Soviet Union.