Jules Winnfield ja Vincent Vega on palgamõrvarid, kes jahivad nende bossilt varastatud kohvrit. Lisaks tuleb Vincentil viia meelt lahutama bossi tähelepanuta jäänud naine Mia. Butch Coolidge on veteran-poksija, kellele makstakse kaotamise eest. Nende esmapilgul täiesti seoseta inimeste elud põimuvad sündmuste arenedes ootamatult koomilisel moel.

Derek Vineyardit karistatakse pärast seda, kui ta on 3 aastat vangistust kandnud kahe päkapiku tapmise eest, kes üritasid tema veokisse sisse tungida. Oma venna Danny Vineyardi jutustuse kaudu saame teada, et enne vanglasse minekut oli Derek nahapea ja vägivaldse valge ülipopulaarse jõugu juht, kes pani kogu L.A rassilise kuriteo toime ja tema teod mõjutasid Dannyt suuresti. Reformeeritult ja värskelt vanglast välja astudes katkestab Derek kontakti jõuguga ja saab kindlameelseks, et Danny ei peaks minema sama vägivaldset rada pidi.

After the insane General Jack D. Ripper initiates a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, a war room full of politicians, generals and a Russian diplomat all frantically try to stop the nuclear strike.

A Victorian surgeon rescues a heavily disfigured man being mistreated by his "owner" as a side-show freak. Behind his monstrous façade, there is revealed a person of great intelligence and sensitivity. Based on the true story of Joseph Merrick (called John Merrick in the film), a severely deformed man in 19th century London.

In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Facing cruelty as well as unexpected kindnesses Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon’s chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will forever alter his life.

Püha graali, nõud, millest Jeesus jõi viimase õhtusöömaajal, ihkavad enda kätte saada nii USA valitsus kui ka natsid. Ameeriklased pöörduvad selleks taas Indiana Jonesi poole. Indiana teab, et tema isa Henry on aastaid seda otsinud ning tema päevikus on olemas ka vihjed selle leidmiseks. Kuid põhjus, miks valitsus just noorema Jonesi poole pöördus on lihtne - natsid röövisid ta isa.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

From the mean streets of the Belleville district of Paris to the dazzling limelight of New York's most famous concert halls, Edith Piaf's life was a constant battle to sing and survive, to live and love. Raised in her grandmother's brothel, Piaf was discovered in 1935 by nightclub owner Louis Leplee, who persuaded her to sing despite her extreme nervousness. Piaf became one of France's immortal icons, her voice one of the indelible signatures of the 20th century.

Biograafia mitmetahulisest Howard Hughesist, kes pärandas oma isa ettevõttelt raha, et kolida Hollywoodi, kus ta kogus suure varanduse. Ta oli 1930ndatel ja 40ndatel Ameerika kino üks silmapaistvamaid produtsente, alustades karjääri nagu Jean Harlow ja temast sai RKO Radio Pictures omanik. Hughes oli lisaks produtsendile aga ka tunnustatud tööstur ja ärimees, kellel oli ka oma tähtsus lennunduse maailmas.

After 20 years abroad, Mark Renton returns to Scotland and reunites with his old friends Sick Boy, Spud and Begbie.

The story of a gang of children growing up in a community of banished criminals, in a forgotten corner of the former Soviet Union. This community rejects the world outside. The only law it obeys… is its own. Against this backdrop two best friends, Kolyma and Gagarin, gradually become fierce enemies as they find themselves on opposite sides of the strict code of honour of the ‘honest criminal’ brotherhood.

When North Korean ruler Kim Jong-il orchestrates a global terrorist plot, it's up to the heavily armed, highly specialized Team America unit to stop his dastardly scheme. The group, which has recruited troubled Broadway actor Gary Johnston, not only has to face off against Jong-il, but they must also contend with the Film Actors Guild, a cadre of Hollywood liberals at odds with Team America's 'policing the world' tactics.

Frederick Abberline is an opium-huffing inspector from Scotland Yard who falls for one of Jack the Ripper's prostitute targets in this Hughes brothers adaption of a graphic novel that posits the Ripper's true identity.

In response to political pressure from Senator Lillian DeHaven, the U.S. Navy begins a program that would allow for the eventual integration of women into its combat services. The program begins with a single trial candidate, Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil, who is chosen specifically for her femininity. O'Neil enters the grueling Navy SEAL training program under the command of Master Chief John James Urgayle, who unfairly pushes O'Neil until her determination wins his respect.

Countless wiseguy films are spoofed in this film that centers on the neuroses and angst of a powerful Mafia racketeer who suffers from panic attacks. When Paul Vitti needs help dealing with his role in the "family," unlucky shrink Dr. Ben Sobel is given just days to resolve Vitti's emotional crisis and turn him into a happy, well-adjusted gangster.

Mi Na opens her new beauty salon. However, Mi Na doesn't reseive customers even though she has opend her salon for a while. Therefore, she tries to attract customers by implementing a sexy concept, which proves to be a jackpot.

Pärast kohutavat aega - alati nii, nagu te sellele vaatate - on Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris) kahes eelmises osas valmis edasi liikuma. Nüüd on ta kaunis ajakirjanik, kes kavatseb leida loo, millega eristuda maailmas, mis on sama raske kui teleajakirjanduse maailmas, kus domineerib prügi. Kuid otsimisel leiab ta, et Maad ähvardavad mitmed terrorilised juhtumid, mis panevad kellegi juukseid otsani.

An entry-level employee at a powerful corporation finds himself occupying a corner office, but at a dangerous price—he must spy on his boss's old mentor to secure for him a multi-billion dollar advantage.

A group of friends are lured to an isolated cabin by a promise of heavy partying, only to find themselves in a nightmarish game of truth or dare.

A freak weather system turns its deadly fury on New York City, unleashing a Sharknado on the population and its most cherished, iconic sites - and only Fin and April can save the Big Apple.