كان مستقبل الأرض مليئًا بالكوارث والمجاعات والجفاف. لا توجد سوى طريقة واحدة لضمان بقاء البشرية: السفر بين النجوم. يسمح ثقب دودي تم اكتشافه حديثًا في أقاصي نظامنا الشمسي بفريق من رواد الفضاء بالذهاب إلى مكان لم يسبق له مثيل من قبل ، وهو كوكب قد يكون لديه البيئة المناسبة للحفاظ على حياة الإنسان.

Occupied France, 1942. Gilles is arrested by SS soldiers alongside other Jews and sent to a camp in Germany. He narrowly avoids sudden execution by swearing to the guards that he is not Jewish, but Persian. This lie temporarily saves him, but Gilles gets assigned a life-or-death mission: to teach Farsi to Head of Camp Koch, who dreams of opening a restaurant in Iran once the war is over. Through an ingenious trick, Gilles manages to survive by inventing words of "Farsi" every day and teaching them to Koch.

يذهب كريس وصديقته روز إلى شمال الولاية لزيارة والديها لقضاء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. في البداية ، يقرأ كريس سلوك العائلة المفرط في التكيف كمحاولات عصبية للتعامل مع علاقة ابنتهما بين الأعراق ، ولكن مع تقدم عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ، تقوده سلسلة من الاكتشافات المزعجة بشكل متزايد إلى حقيقة لم يكن يتخيلها أبدا.

Through a series of real and imagined encounters with angels, demons, and England's pagan past, a pastor's son begins to question his religion and politics, and comes to terms with his sexuality.

روحان ضائعتان تزوران طوكيو - الزوجة الشابة المهملة لمصور فوتوغرافي ونجم سينمائي مغسول يصوران إعلانًا تلفزيونيًا - يجدان عزاءًا غريبًا وحرية متأنية ليكونا حقيقيين في شركة بعضهما البعض ، بعيدًا عن حياتهم في أمريكا.

In the late 19th century, two Swedish emigrants, Lasse Karlsson and his son Pelle, arrive on the Danish island of Bornholm hoping to find work on a farm and save enough money to travel to the United States of America.

The lives of six German-Turkish immigrants are drawn together by circumstance: An old man and a prostitute forging a partnership, a young scholar reconciling his past, two young women falling in love, and a mother putting the shattered pieces of her life back together.

Dolly Levi is a strong-willed matchmaker who travels to Yonkers, New York in order to see the miserly "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire" Horace Vandergelder. In doing so, she convinces his niece, his niece's intended, and Horace's two clerks to travel to New York City.

مركبة فضائية تسافر إلى مستعمرة بعيدة وتنقل الآلاف من الناس لديها خلل في غرف نومها. نتيجة لذلك ، استيقظ راكبان قبل 90 عامًا.

After 30 years of searching, Harry has finally met the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately, before they even have a chance to go on their first date, Harry intercepts some chilling news: WWIII has begun and nuclear missiles will destroy Los Angeles in less than an hour!

مصير واحد. مستقبل الجميع. نجا جيلرت جريندلفالد من السجن وبدأ في جمع أتباعه لقضيته - رفع السحرة فوق كل الكائنات غير السحرية. الوحيد القادر على وضع حد له هو المعالج الذي أطلق عليه ذات مرة أقرب صديق له ، ألبوس دمبلدور. ومع ذلك ، سيحتاج دمبلدور إلى طلب المساعدة من الساحر الذي أحبط جريندلفالد مرة واحدة من قبل ، تلميذه السابق نيوت سكاماندر ، الذي يوافق على المساعدة ، غير مدرك للمخاطر التي تنتظره. يتم رسم الخطوط أثناء اختبار الحب والولاء ، حتى بين أصدق الأصدقاء والعائلة ، في عالم السحرة المنقسم بشكل متزايد.

Separated from his family in the Dutch countryside, young boy Jeroen crosses paths with Walt, a Canadian soldier who takes him under his care.

In a quirky, small town, situated in the outskirts of everything, 14-year-old Martin is getting ready for one of the most formal transitions from boy to man; the communion. It's 1976, music's in the air and hormones are blossoming. But in the midst of it all Martin's mother suddenly passes away and her tragic death trickers a series of events that not only changes Martin's life forever, but also affects everyone else in the local community. Overwhelmed with grief neither Martin's dad, nor his older brother, is capable to comfort Martin. He enters adulthood in a mixture of drunken happiness and immense sadness over the loss of his mother, and his relationship to both his friend Kim and girlfriend Kristine comes to its natural conclusion.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

An English mother and her teenage son spend a week preparing the sale of their remote holiday house in the South of France. Fifteen-year-old Elliot struggles with his dawning sexuality and an increasing alienation from his mother, Beatrice. She in turn is confronted by the realisation that her marriage to his father, Philip, has grown loveless and the life she knows is coming to an end. When an enigmatic local teenager, Clément, quietly enters their lives, both mother and son are compelled to confront their desires and, finally, each other.

تدور قصة الفيلم حول شاب مخترع يسافر إلى إحدى المدن الكبرى في دنيا الآليات وينضم إلى الشركة التي طالما يحلم بها، إلا أنه عقب ذلك يكتشف فساد إدارتها الجديدة مما يتعارض مع كل أحلامه وآماله.

Paul fishes out of the water the body of his greatest enemy. To avoid accusations that he is a killer, taking steps that will clear his good name.

After their partner swap experiment takes a turn, four friends arrive at a remote beach hut to face the fallout and purge themselves of deeper truths.

Two friends on a road trip pass through a town where aliens are landing and feeding upon the some of the civilians.