When a hard-working single mother, Sara Diaz, has her children taken from her after she is suspected of injuring her son, Ally Fisher, a recent law school graduate, is assigned to represent her case before Judge Martha Schulman, a veteran of the Family Court System.

Three friends navigate mid-life crises: a blocked writer, a disillusioned doctor, and a charming man facing bankruptcy and divorce. As their struggles strain friendships, a younger man captures the attention of one friend's wife, complicating their lives further.

La sfârșitul anilor 1920, în nordul aspru al Australiei, aborigenul Sam Kelly duce o viață liniștită lucrând pentru un binevoitor predicator Fred Smith. Dar apoi veteranul de război Harry Marsh se întoarce de pe Frontul de Vest și devine noul șef al lui Sam. Împreună cu soția sa Lizzie și fiica sa, el ar trebui să renoveze un avanpost pentru Harry. Dar bărbații sunt din ce în ce mai ostili unul față de celălalt și în cele din urmă Sam îl ucide pe Harry în autoapărare. Nativul trebuie apoi să fugă de poliția condusă de sergentul Fletcher. Aceștia reușesc să se sustragă de mai multe ori de urmăritori, dar când situația soției sale devine din ce în ce mai rea, Sam se predă autorităților.

Dornică să scape de viața alături de tatăl ei depresiv și singuratic, o adolescentă în vârstă de 16 ani, Cyd Loughlin, decide să petreacă o vară la Chicago cu mătușa ei, Miranda, o cunoscută scriitoare. La scurt timp după sosirea ei, Cyd o întâlnește pe Katie, o tânără chelneriță. Cele două fac planuri să se întâlnească după schimbul de tura al lui Katie, și o relație nouă, controversată, începe. Pe măsură ce vara continuă, Cyd și Miranda dezvoltă o relație puternică bazată pe o deschidere comună și o critică sănătoasă a anumitor momente personale. Sensibil la contradicțiile și confuzia eului aflat în continuă schimbare, Stephen Cone a creat un film care reimaginează acel sentiment distinct de vară, când adolescența se strecoară, pielea este dezvăluită, emoțiile ies la suprafață și totul începe să se simtă mai complicat.

Set in a small town near the North Pole where roads lead to nowhere, the story follows Roman and Lucy, two burning souls who come together to make a leap for life and inner peace.

Un bărbat dornic să-și servească țara este respins de pușcașii marini, dar face echipă surprinzătoare cu un tânăr fugar într-o aventură nechibzuită.

By a little bay near Marseille lies a picturesque villa owned by an old man. His three children have gathered by his side for his last days. It’s time for them to weigh up what they have inherited of their father’s ideals and the community spirit he created in this magical place. The arrival, at a nearby cove, of a group of boat people will throw these moments of reflection into turmoil.

Making music means everything for the shy Zoë. But since her father left, she never played guitar again. When she is hit by the bus from Mik, superstar Bieber size, sparks fly allthough she is not a fan at first. Off course, people around the two love birds dont exactly cooperate to make things work...

Povestea se desfăşoară în China în timpul dinastiei Tang (618–907). O pisică demonică apare și rupe pacea capitalei, orașul Chang’an, provocând o serie de evenimente ciudate.

Într-o zi aparent normală din nordul Italiei, Simone se dă cu caiacul pe un râu frumos și se bucură de calmul serii. Însă liniștea lui e întreruptă de zgomotul unui accident de mașină. Simone e un chirurg renumit, așa că se grăbește la locul accidentului, ca să ajute, iar când ajunge acolo, vede un bărbat care sângerează abundent. El cheamă imediat o ambulanță și face un garou dintr-o centură de siguranță, ca să oprească sângerarea. Apoi Simone vede tatuajul de pe pieptul bărbatului: o svastică. Fiind fiul unor supraviețuitori ai Holocaustului, Simone are de făcut o alegere imposibilă: să salveze viața acestui neonazist sau să-l lase să moară. Filmul îl urmărește pe Simone după accident pe măsură ce încearcă să facă față consecințelor deciziei lui.

Henry is a loner and a night owl. His rare skin disease has kept him under the close watch of his fiery mother, who has sheltered him his entire life. One night, a young woman's car breaks down and Henry's life will change forever.

Robinson Crusoe flees Britain on a ship after killing his friend over the love of Mary. A fierce ocean storm wrecks his ship and leaves him stranded by himself on an uncharted island. Left to fend for himself, Crusoe seeks out a tentative survival on the island, until he meets Friday, a tribesman whom he saves from being sacrificed. Initially, Crusoe is thrilled to finally have a friend, but he has to defend himself against the tribe who uses the island to sacrifice tribesman to their gods. During time their relationship changes from master-slave to a mutual respected friendship despite their difference in culture and religion.

Mario Cavallaro is 50 and lives in the same district of always in Milano and fears changes until arrives Oba, a Senegalese seller of socks so he decides to kidnap Oba and take him back to Senegal.

When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not who she was pretending to be.

Amy Tyler has planned the perfect surprise vacation for her boyfriend Josh Merit. But the real surprise is on her when he breaks things off on their anniversary. Stuck with reservations in her ex-boyfriend's name, Amy's two best friends suggest if Amy can't change the tickets ... why not change the guy?

Agathe Langlois, Parisian until the end of the nails well varnishes, is delighted: she is going to be confirmed as a professor of English. The happiness of the good news will not last as she learns that she is deployed to the countryside.

Jack is caught with the wife of his employer, a Vegas thug. The thug sends goons after Jack, who convinces his best friend, Pilot, to flee with him. Pilot insists that they head for Seattle, but doesn't tell Jack why. The goons learn from Pilot's drug source where the youths are headed, and they follow, hell bent on breaking Jack's feet. On the road, Jack and Pilot give a ride to Cassie, a distressed young woman. She and Jack hit it off. They pick up an aging stoner headed to Seattle for Kurt Cobain's memorial, and they help a circus sideshow family. Why is Pilot so set on Seattle, will the goons catch Jack, and is there any way the friends' competing needs can be resolved?

Five random strangers find themselves trapped in an elevator in the World Trade Center's North Tower on 9/11. They work together, never giving up hope, to try to escape before the unthinkable happens.

The most turbulent five years in the life of a genius woman: Between 1905, where Marie Curie comes with Pierre Curie to Stockholm to be awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the radioactivity, and 1911, where she receives her second Nobel Prize, after challenging France's male-dominated academic establishment both as a scientist and a woman.

The Enos duo convince Cletus, aka The Bandit, to come out of hiding and help them promote their new restaurant. With a little coaxing, he agrees, producing an almost-creaky Trigger as his mode of transport. But his nemesis, Sheriff Buford T. Justice, is on the hunt, forcing Cletus and Trigger to hit the road. Can they steer clear of the vengeful sheriff?