I was somewhere between the beggining and the end of life. After winter became spring, and summer became fall, and fall winter again. I always knew change would be constant.

The Rock and John Cena collide in the most anticipated WrestleMania face-off in history, an epic match that will forever define the legacies of these icons. The Deadman stakes his entire legacy on one battle with Triple H inside the nightmarish prison they immortalized, Hell In A Cell, with The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels as special guest referee. WWE Champion CM Punk faces off against Chris Jericho in the explosive clash of revolutionaries that will determine which man truly is “The Best In The World.” Daniel Bryan defends his title against a riled-up and ruthless Sheamus, who will have to fight through The Submission Specialist’s tactics to claim his first World Heavyweight Championship. Team Teddy takes on Team Johnny to determine which man will win total control of Raw and SmackDown. This was the twenty-eighth annual WrestleMania. It took place on April 1, 2012 at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. It is the highest grossing PPV event in professional wrestling history.

Godzilla has become a distant memory for Japan when the destruction of a US submarine raises alarms for Admiral Tachibana. His estranged daughter Yuri investigates the legend of the guardian monsters, who must rise to protect Japan against the vengeful spirits within Godzilla that seek to destroy both the nation and its people for the suffering they inflicted in the Pacific conflict.

Spider-Man and Daredevil team up to fight Kingpin.

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

WrestleMania 32 was thirty-second annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by WWE. It took place on April 3, 2016, at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. This was the third WrestleMania to be held in the state of Texas after 2001 and 2009, and the first to take place in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area.

Тоширо е бивш агент от специалните части, който се е оттеглил в дълбоката японска провинция. Въпреки привидно спокойното съществуване, на което се е отдал, Тоширо продължава да се бори с разрушителните импулси, които някога са го направили най-добрия войник от елитното подразделение професионални убийци, в което служи. Когато някогашният му началник – загадъчният Фантон изниква от сенките, за да търси отмъщение, Тоширо поема на кървава война срещу своите бивши колеги.

While under the guise of taking his family on a weekend winter getaway, Loid's attempt to make progress on his current mission Operation Strix proves difficult when Anya mistakenly gets involved and triggers events that threaten world peace.

Mothra and her fairies return to Japan to warn mankind that they must return Kiryu to the sea, for the dead must not be disturbed. However Godzilla has survived to menace Japan leaving Kiryu as the nation's only defense.

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

While Rena and Maki recover from their injuries, the other SORD members jet off overseas for a school trip. Within moments of their arrival, though, the Mihama gang are pulled into a manhunt for a SORD deserter, assisted by student Sylvia and Velvet of St. Aile's International School. Tohka's the star of the show this time round, but she's wrestling with her own issues - old memories of her parents, and a promise to a friend that she wasn't able to keep...

What would you choose: be a little rich now, or wait ten years and be filthy rich? Could you wait this long? Why? And most importantly, could you come to terms with your life partner? The protagonists will have to choose between the possibility of opting for 100,000 euros at the present time or obtaining a million euros after ten years... Adaptation of the work by Jordi Vallejo.

Джигсау и неговият чирак Аманда са мъртви. Сега, след новината за убийството на детектив Кери, двама опитни полицаи от ФБР, агент Страхм и агент Перес, пристигат в ужасената общност, за да помогнат на ветерана детектив Хофман да пресече най-новите зловещи останки на Джъсива и да събере пъзела заедно. Въпреки това, когато командващият SWAT Риг е отвлечен и вкарван в игра, последният офицер, недокоснат от Джигсау , има само деветдесет минути, за да преодолее серия от деменции и да спаси стар приятел ... или да се изправи срещу смъртоносните последици.

Проследяват се перипетиите на нова група деца. В навечерието на Хелоуин двете момчета се промъкват в старата къща на Стайн и неволно съживяват част от злокобните му герои.

Продължението на култовия хорър отново успя да взриви бокс офиса и да върне многократно вложения бюджет от 3 милиона долара, като само в Щатите приходите достигнаха 85 милиона. Даниел и Кристи са се сдобили с второ дете и решават да се преместят в нов дом. Няколко дни след това домът им е разбит, но нищо от вещите им не е докоснато. Мъжът решава да сложи камери, с които да наблюдава случващото се в имота им. Скоро наетата детегледачка започва сериозно да се притеснява за живота си и споделя на семейството, че в къщата има нещо странно и необяснимо, което я плаши. Семейството обаче на обръща внимание на бавачката и я освобождава от работа.

Палавите гимназисти от Ейнджъл бийч, този път искат да си отмъстят на група религиозни фанатици от ККК, които се опитват да провалят постановката им, защото главната роля се изпълнява от семинол.

Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.

Действието в третата част на изключително успешната испанска поредица се развива на съвсем ново място, като голяма част от епизодите са заснети на дневна светлина, нещо недопустимо в предишните две части. Инфекцията вече е напуснала сградата, в която върлуваше досега. Третата част следва логически първите две, като доизяснява фабулата досега, но все пак остават достатъчно въпросителни.