Cinderela, é uma jovem que é obrigada pela madrasta a vestir andrajos e forçada a trabalhar de empregada. Ela tem como únicos amigos os animaizinhos. A fada madrinha lhe dá um lindo vestido de presente, para que ela possa ir ao baile, mas a moça precisa estar de volta até a meia-noite, pois o encanto se desfaz. No palácio, Cinderela, dança com o Príncipe, que fica encantado com ela. Ao fugir do palácio na hora combinada, Cinderela, perde um sapatinho de cristal e o Príncipe, faz de tudo para encontrar a dona daquele sapatinho.

Stand-up comic Gabriel Iglesias delights audiences during his sold-out "Unity Through Laughter" tour, which spans more than 400 cities in 23 countries. During his set, Iglesias -- nicknamed "Fluffy" -- pounces on topics like communicating with his teenage son, struggling with his weight, performing his concert tour across India, and handling the reappearance of his father after a 30-year absence.

The ostensibly calm and courteous Gerald Ballantyne lives in and embodies modern suburbia. But he is haunted by the memory of a recent car crash and hounded by his estranged wife and her demands for divorce. Slowly, a festering insanity takes over and unwilling to face the outside world he embarks on a lunatic experiment. Confining himself to his middle-class home, he eschews contact with others and survives entirely off 'food' which he can find in his house. Based on JG Ballard's The Enormous Space.

Manny, Sid, Diego e Scrat regressam para mais gargalhadas pré-histéricas e unem forças com novos amigos: Ellie e os seus irmãos opossum, Crash e Eddie, para salvar o vale de um dilúvio épico.

O reencontro de Willy com o seu amigo humano, Jesse, responsável pela sua libertação do cativeiro. Desta vez, ambos terão de travar as ambições de um navio de caça ilegal de baleias, cujo capitão está decidido a fazer lucro fácil com a morte dos simpáticos animais.

A aventura começa quando Patch, um dos cachorrinhos filhos de Pongo e Perdita que não está feliz por ser apenas um dos 101, tem a oportunidade de conhecer o seu herói da televisão, Trovão, o Cão Maravilha. Quando Pequeno Raio, o fiel amigo de Trovão, revela que os produtores do programa estão à procura de uma nova estrela, Trovão, com Patch a seu lado, lança-se no mundo real para realizar verdadeiros atos heróicos. E quando a sempre obcecada por cachorrinhos Cruela de Vil regressa, é a camaradagem e a amizade entre Patch e Trovão que irá salvar o dia.

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

An escaped convict and a woman ponder what to do with a not-quite-dead body.

Found footage sequences from various obscure campy Austrian films assembled together with a very dark disturbing soundtrack.

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

"Maintenance by any Means" is about two maintenance men vying for the position of maintenance supervisor in an apartment complex. The maintenance men must compete with each other in order to get the job left open by the former Maintenance Supervisor. They need evaluations by the people who live at the apartments for every work order they finish. The problem is the renters themselves. Each one they run into has their own set of interesting problems. The maintenance men soon discover that a positive review may be hard to come by. Fixing broken down items in the apartments is the least of their worries. Finally one of the maintenance men must win the contest, by any means.

A video essay that despite, multiple delays, finally released to document the story and cancellation of solo-dev Heavenly Den!'s game, Blessed Realities, as a way to bring closure to the game and the studio's story. The story is over.

Jerry Mason, a young Texan, and Jake Benson, an old rancher, become partners and strike it rich with a gold mine. They then find their lives complicated by bad guys and a woman.

Branca de Neve (Helen Niedwick) é uma adolescente que prefere se divertir com os amigos a ajudar os camponeses. Quando seu pai se apaixona por Lady Vain (Cindy Robinson), uma bruxa que deseja controlar o reino, a jovem logo se torna uma ameaça em potencial. Lady Vain passa a espalhar boatos sobre Branca de Neve na cidade, o que a obriga a fugir. No caminho ela recebe a ajuda dos sete anões, com quem auxilia a reconstruir a casa dos três porquinhos. Após se recuperar, ela decide retornar à cidade para, com a ajuda de seus amigos Mambo (Jim Sullivan) e Munk (Kirk Thornton), desbancar Lady Vain.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

The Hotel Lunik is a refuge for a group of radical utopists. In the center of it all, are the Siblings Franz and Babette, who through their anti-capitalist guerrilla campaigns call into question the basis for a money-based society. On the other side Franz's cousin Toni, is setting up a nightclub on the ground floor of the hotel with an entrepreneurial spirit in diametric opposition to it's surroundings. Guests are to be lured with a high-class lounge act along with a quiz show developed by Franz's own father, Alfons. Toni and his loyal bartender Viktor have their hands full contending with the difficulties of an unmotivated workforce. Among Lunik's odd population are Tom, the bellman with a screw loose, Nora, the pretty cook peeling potatoes and dreaming of a world in show business, and Emilia, the chronically sick photographer who wants to spend her last weeks singing in the company of friends...

The next film in the Shrek franchise. Plot TBA.