The students of Anubis House are on the eve of their graduation when they encounter a new group of underclassmen and a mysterious stone that leads them on a quest to save the world from evil.

Nagasaki in 1986. Hisada, who lives with her affectionate parents and her younger brother, although there are many quarrels between couples, is a fifth grader who loves Yuki Saito and Exogini. Hisada decides to go to Boomerang Island to "see the dolphins" with Takemoto, whose house is poor and avoided by his classmates. Drowning in the sea, getting entangled in the Yankees, and having a lot of trouble, but as the friendship between the two deepens as a result of this adventure, a sad incident that presages farewell occurs.

We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They do not care. We say we care, but we do nothing, and nothing ever changes. It is normal. Welcome to the post-truth world. How we got to where we are now…

The special was filmed at Bimbo’s 365 Club in San Francisco and centers on Leggero as she “elegantly examines the many reasons why having kids is problematic, the absurdities of Burning Man, Mormons, Hipsters and more. From conservative Republicans to her very own diamond p***y, Leggero’s special proves that no one and nothing is off limits.”

Suffering because of his father's departure to the big city, a boy leaves his village and discovers a fantastic world dominated by bug-engines and strange beings. An unusual animation with various artistic techniques that portrays the issues of the modern world through the eyes of a child.

Interpol Inspector Zenigata embarks to Egypt in hot pursuit of world's most wanted master thief, Lupin the Third, who is seeking a stone artifact with his partners, Jigen and Goemon. Notorious femme fatale, Fujiko Mine is also after the stone, lured by the promise of eternal youth and beauty by the sinister and enigmatic scientist known as Mamo. It all leads to Mamo's hideaway, where Lupin discovers the madman's dark secret and a fiendish scheme that threatens the entire planet! Now, it's up to Lupin to stop the insane Mamo before he can complete his 10,000 year-old plans of world domination.

16-year-old Jeanne awakens in a pool of her own blood, her hands and feet marked with stigmata and her forehead bleeding as if from a thorny crown. This creates conflict, greed and of faith in a community sewn with horrifying secrets.

A documentary film about session and touring musicians that are hired by well-established and famous bands and artists. These people may not be household names, but are still top-notch performers!

The year 2015 CE. The last era in which magecraft still thrived. The Chaldea Security Organization was founded to focus on preserving the continuation of human history. They observe a world which magecraft couldn't observe and science couldn't measure all to prevent the certain extinction of humanity. But one day, the future that Chaldea continued to observe disappears and humanity's extinction in 2017 becomes clear. Rather, it had already happened. The cause seems to be related to Fuyuki, a provincial town in Japan, in the year 2004 CE. There, an "unobservable region" that had not existed before appears. Based on the assumption that Fuyuki is the reason for humanity's extinction, Chaldea issues an order to explore, investigate, and possibly destroy this singularity – a quest for the Holy Grail, the Grand Order.

Rodinou přehlížený stařík Don Anselmo, domáhající se invalidního vozíku, který ve skutečnosti vůbec nepotřebuje, je ve své posedlosti získat vytoužený předmět předobrazem mnohých Ferreriho tragikomických antihrdinů v následujících filmech. Umanutost přerůstající postupně v chorobnou touhu zde dosahuje podobného stupně materiální závislosti jako erotický fetišismus, projevující se u postav v některých dalších snímcích jako Miluji tě (I Love You, 1986). Ve skutečnosti starý muž zpočátku touží po vozíku v rámci sociální soudržnosti se svými generačními vrstevníky i způsobu trávení volného času. Scéna, kdy hrdina otráví svou rodinu jedem a za odcizené peníze kupuje vysněný předmět, symbolizuje starcovu generační revoltu proti svým mladším rodinným příslušníkům, kteří jím nejen opovrhují, ale omezují jeho materiální potřeby

Three key events during three different time periods, in three seasons, and on three nights culminate to change the life of Zhang Dong Ling.

Ve snaze zachránit opilého bezdomovce, který spadl do dráhy metra, jsou studenti Kei Kurono a Masaru Kato sami sraženi a usmrceni. Jsou ovšem okamžitě přeneseni do místnosti bez nábytku, kde je jen černá koule uprostřed a několik dalších, stejně zmatených lidí. Koule se časem otevře a odkryje spícího muže s dýchací maskou, futuristické zbraně a speciální bojové obleky. Na kouli, známé pod jménem Gantz, se objevuje text, který oběti nehody z metra a ostatní informuje o jejich budoucnosti. Gantz bude od tohoto okamžiku ovládat jejich těla a může je kdykoliv poslat do boje s mimozemšťany. První boj začíná už za několik málo okamžiků. Předlohou filmu je stejnojmenná manga a anime.

V dubnu 1940 zaútočilo nacistické Německo na Dánsko a Norsko. V Norsku bylo hlavním cílem zadržet obě složky moci, tedy královskou rodinu a vládu, které se vydaly na ústup na sever. Třetím cílem okupantů byly norské zlaté rezervy uložené v Norské národní bance, na jejichž hodnotě závisela norská budoucnost. Skupina odvážných mužů, z nichž někteří neměli vůbec žádný vojenský výcvik a byli především bankovními úředníky, dostala za úkol evakuovat zlato jakýmkoliv způsobem na sever země. Množství beden se zlatým nákladem se dává do pohybu, pouhý krok před okupanty a se smrtelným nebezpečím číhajícím na každém kroku.

A bunch of British working class amateur filmmakers with nothing left to lose tackle one of Hollywood's greatest musicals in order to save their beloved Club. Britain’s oldest amateur filmmaking club struggles to survive, as its members grow old amid flickering memories and hardships. In the northern industrial town of Bradford, England, a handful of diehard amateur filmmakers desperately cling to their dreams, and to each other, in this warm and funny look at shared artistic folly that speaks to the delusional dreamer in us all.

Hobo Donald steals dinner off Pegleg Pete's table. Pete gives Donald a stick of dynamite. Then he puts Donald to work chopping trees. To say Donald is an inept lumberjack is understating the case. After several mishaps, Pete/Pierre chases Donald on railroad handcars.

For years Yellowbeard had looted the Spanish Main, making men eat their lips and swallow their hearts. Caught and convicted for tax evasion, he's sentenced to 20 years in St. Victim's Prison for the Extremely Naughty. In a scheme to confiscate his fabulous treasure, the Royal Navy allows him to escape and follows him, where saucy tarts, lisping demigods and some awful puns and punishments await.

Documentary on the Japanese boxer Unchain Kaji, who retired from the ring at the age of 30 with an eye injury and a losing record. He then tries to start a new life as a civilian.

Obrovský roj "Afrických včel" letí jihem USA. Vojenská základna, nedaleké městečko, tam všude již zabil spoustu lidí a pomalu se blíží k Houstonu... Je sestaven vědecký tým, který má za úkol najít způsob, jak roj zastavit...

A family from the city decide to spend a weekend away at a friend's country farmhouse. But a fluke accident sets off a chain of events that alters their lives forever and conjures up the ferocious spirit of the Wendigo.

A man struggles to beat a level of beat saber.