一切的源头应该追朔到由于内战与连年乾旱爆发大饥荒的非洲古老的艾塞俄比亚. 在1984年圣诞节前原 Boomtown Rates 合唱团的团员、也是爱尔兰知名摇滚歌手 Bob Geldof 与英籍电子团Ultravox 的 Midge Ure 合写一首 "Do They Know It\'s Christmas" 并召集了当红的英籍歌手与团体如保罗。杨、文化俱乐部(主唱乔治男孩)、杜兰杜兰合唱团、史汀…组成临时超级团体 Band Aid 演唱,期望能募款七万五千英镑来帮助这些难民。


In a small Scottish town in 1974, factory workers refuse to carry out repairs on warplane engines in an act of solidarity against the violent military coup in Chile. 40 years after their defiant stand in protest against Pinochet's Air Force, Scottish pensioners discover the dramatic consequences of their solidarity.

Born Strong is the story of the four strongest men on the planet. Each year, the Arnold Strongman Classic crowns the winner in the purest test of strength on the planet. This year’s Arnolds are unique with each of these four weighing more than 400 pounds. Lithuanian Zydrunas Savickas, 40, is the acknowledged Strongest Man Ever, who may have passed his prime. American Brian Shaw is the defending champion, a 6’8’, 425-pound giant who seems poised to take the crown. England’s Eddie Hall is “the hungry wolf, ” knocking on the door. “I’ll do anything, ” he says. “I’ll die, if I have to. ” Finally, there’s Icelander Hafthor Bjornsson, who plays the Mountain on Game of Thrones. He’s the youngest of the group, but with perhaps the greatest potential. “It’s great to see these Monsters, ” says Arnold Schwarzenegger, the host of the competition and a former bodybuilding champion. Born Strong revels in the drama when these remarkable giants clash.

Rough Book is a hard look at the education system in contemporary India. Though one of the finest systems in the world, the lacunae in the system have created issues. The story is told to us through the eyes of a teacher, Santoshi Kumari, who rallies through a divorce with a corrupt income tax officer to become a teacher of Physics in a school. Her pupils are in the D division - 'D' sarcastically referred to as Duffers by both the students and other teachers. How Santoshi rebels against the system to fight for her students, forms the bulk of the simply told, yet completely thought provoking film. The rebellion of the teacher and her students are internalised to make their point.


It is a fiction movie about the background of one presidential election campaign. It is a real story, that never happened.


在寻找工作时,Aaron 看到了一则神秘的在线广告:“一天 1,000 美元。 拍摄服务。 谨慎行事受到赞赏。” 手头拮据又天真烂漫的他决定冒险一试。 他开车去了一个偏远山区小镇的小屋,在那里他遇到了他当天的电影主题约瑟夫。 约瑟夫是真诚的,这个项目似乎是发自内心的,所以亚伦开始拍摄。 但随着时间的推移,很明显约瑟夫不是他所说的那样,他的意图一点也不纯洁。


某个毗邻原始森林的小镇,一家伐木公司正在林中作业,这时白雪飘然落下,作业暂时停止,然而随即便发生了残酷血腥的事件。与此同时,警长保罗·希尔德(凯文·杜兰德 Kevin Durand 饰)和新来的搭档唐尼刚刚敷衍完几个报警事件,随后驱车来到前妻苏珊(Bianca Kajlich 饰)的家中,接走儿子亚当(Ethan Khusidman 饰)回自家居住。一夜无事,次日一早,保罗在门口发现硕大的脚印,而且脚印遍布小镇主干道,一直延伸到森林深处。巨大的脚印在小镇闹得人心惶惶,保罗起初绝不相信妖精怪物一类的传说,但是恐怖血腥的事件接二连三发生,让小镇陷入前所未有的恐慌之中。

玩具商店职员 Jamie 童年缺乏父爱,也不满自己的婚姻。她认为自己是个不能玩玩具的孩子,只能被玩。她成谜于和老男人玩“父亲和女儿”的游戏,并乐于其中。但是有位朋友一天安排了她和一位“父亲”的特殊约会……

Seven girls from the local Catholic school are chosen to go inventory the Wells estate. It sounds like a fun weekend until the girls hold a séance to try and contact Jennifer Wells, a 20-year-old who died mysteriously on the grounds in 1939. Their weekend gets even stranger when it is revealed one of the girls, Jackie, is a dead ringer for the deceased.

在父亲的生日宴会上,一面镜子的突然碎裂让吉娜(琳娜·海蒂 Lena Headey 饰)和众人感到了深深的不安。第二天,吉娜来到工作的医院,却被告知就在不久之前自己刚刚离开了医院。对于这一异象,吉娜只以为是同事眼花,但之后发生的事情却让她再也无法保持平静——无论是大街上正在行驶的红色越野车,还是车中所坐的女子,皆和吉娜完全相同。 无法控制自己好奇心的吉娜尾随女子来到了一幢公寓,过后,吉娜遭遇了惨烈的车祸。为了疗伤,吉娜开始和男友斯蒂芬(梅尔维尔·珀波 Melvil Poupaud 饰)同居,她将她的所见所闻告知了男友,后者却认为她不过是脑部受到了创伤,吉娜陷入了无尽的恐惧和怀疑之中。



Set in a run-down bar named "Pink," movie follows the lives of people surrounding the bar including its owner Ok-Ryun.

A group of high-school kids set out to play a Halloween prank at an abandoned house, but once they enter they become victims of a demonic witch who has set her wrath upon them.


A group of friends looking for an extreme weekend, get more than they bargain for when they mistakenly cross the land of the infamous Bone Breaker. What should have been a fun weekend has now turned into a fight for survival.