There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

A college student deals with being stuck in quarantine by experiencing the five stages of grief.

Silence dominates the work, as does the screen rectangle, which cuts off the “image” from a life time-space continuum and imposes upon the image its particular character. Within it, there is a play between tonalities, textures, large and small shapes.

Dávid - a man living alone - one day receives an email. The email is about an unknown but also special software that is offered only for him, for free. Dávid's friend Oszkár tells him that the software is capable of rewriting reality, but also warns him to ignore the email, because it can be dangerous. Dávid doesn't listen to Oszkár, and downloads the software.

An Old traditional Kuwaiti Family, facing and new wife comes to home from Egypt as home maid, this is when the jealousy start between the old wife and the new maid.

A look at the unlikely community forged in the 200 degree heat of the last traditional steam baths in the U.S. From gamblers to "new age" masseuses, from poets to rabbis, the characters form a sometimes conflicting, yet often compelling voice. The film uses the baths to give a perspective on the evolution of city life, while bringing up issues of ethnicity, nostalgia, sexuality, spirituality and ritual. "When we sit in this intense heat", says one patron, "we're all the same - millionaire and pauper".

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.

Based on the true story of Canadian doctor Norman Bethune, this film traces his life from his beginnings with his deeply religious family in Ontario, through his medical studies in school, where he developed his overwhelming compassion for those less fortunate, and his driving desire to see that they get the medical attention they need. Most of his life after college was spent either working in war zones around Europe or developing new treatment techniques in his home country.

The stooges are working as bellboys in a large hotel when a side show promoter shows up with 'Lupe', a wild wolfman who promptly escapes. The stooges try to capture the wolfman by playing music to calm him, but music makes the wolfman go berserk and soon the stooges are the ones trying to run away. The boys end up caught in an elevator with the wolfman who shoots them into the sky.

One of the boys is a radical, one's a playboy, and the girls want to get jobs first before they think about marriage! Mom and Pop have their own #firstworldproblems.

Serenely resigned to his impending death but deeply afraid at the prospect of being cremated, an elderly carpenter seeks to have his last wishes carried out in this gentle, beautifully realized drama from director Li Ruijin. (TIFF)

Islam and terrorism have nothing in common. The lack of purpose in life encourages young people to join the radicals. The main goal of the film is to show the audience the reverse side of the romanticized life of ISIS fighters.

Three young women, who each have a sought-after commodity - their virginity. Kristina, Karina and Katya each try to make their way in a world ruled by fame, popularity and money.

Little Mariana is kidnapped and her teacher Brenda is willing to find her even if she has to work in a bar as an exotic dancer. There he meets 4 women with whom he forms a command that will aim to rescue the little girl.

On April 30, 1903, one hundred years to the day after the signing in Paris of the Louisiana Purchase agreement, President Theodore Roosevelt is in St Louis, Missouri, to dedicate the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which did not open until one year later. In this brief and choppy film, Roosevelt is visible in the center of the front row of a grandstand, which may also be the speaker's platform. He sits, talks to a neighbor, stands as if to salute the crowd, and seems to sit again. He keeps his right hand on the brim of his top hat. Meanwhile, open carriages go in front of the grandstand and stop.

A squadron of North Korean soldiers during the Korean war must scramble across dangerous terrain to cut off an American attack (with only the eponymous 12 hours in which to do it). With a commander whose health is failing him, a group of young but fiercely patriotic soldiers the DPRK army manage to hold off the Yanks (who foolishly informed the press of their planned attack before going through with it).

Terry is desperate to start a family. Unable to bear her own children, she must rely on adoption, which proves to be a difficult task.

Inspired by the original 1897 novel by H.G. Wells, the pilot film depicts Daniel Westin working for a company called the Klae Corporation, which is doing experiments in teleportation. He discovers the side effect of his work is the ability to turn objects invisible.