At the turn of the century on Prince Edward Island, Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla decide to take on an orphan boy as help for their farm. But they get an unexpected jolt when they're mistakenly sent a girl instead: Anne Shirley.

Set in Italy in the 1970s, VALLANZASCA is the true story of the Italian underworld’s most infamous outlaw. A criminal by age 9, Renato Vallanzasca grew up to become the country’s most notorious mobster before the age of 27. Vallanzasca and his gang wrested control of the Milan underworld with a string of high profile robberies, kidnappings and murders. In the process, he captivated the public and earned the nickname ‘il bel Renè’ – for his devilish charm and handsome face. Arrested multiple times, his daring escapes from prison enraged the government, angered his rivals and fed his legend.

Sebastian and Valeria are about to get married. Everything seems perfect but a woman tries to seduce Sebastian while Valeria is pregnant.

Frenks ir veiksmīgs advokāts un gādīgs ģimenes tēvs, taču vienā mirklī viņam ir lemts zaudēt visu - nežēlīga slepkavība pārvelk svītru viņa sievas un meitas dzīvībām. Taču nozieguma izmeklēšana nevirzās uz priekšu un izskatās, ka noziedznieki nekad netiks atrasti. Apņēmies pats atrast slepkavas un tos sodīt, Frenks pats sev dod neparastu zvērestu, kuru gatavs pildīt tik ilgi, kamēr ģimene netiks atriebta.

After ten years of dating, Chloe’s boyfriend Eric still hasn’t matured. Hoping to give him the push he needs, she dumps him; confident Eric will grow up and beg her to come back. However, six months later, Eric meets Chloe for dinner with big news: he’s getting married in a week. Needing a break to mend her broken heart, Chloe takes a vacation, but when she arrives, she learns that Eric and his fiancée are getting married at the same resort!

Beautiful Carmen Colson and her ironworker husband Wayne are placed in the Federal Witness Protection program after witnessing an "incident". Thinking they are at last safe, they are targeted by an experienced hit man and a psychopathic young upstart killer.

Following the outbreak of a virus that wipes out the majority of the human population, a young woman documents her family's new life in quarantine and tries to protect her infected sister.

Parental disapproval of two teenagers wrapped up in a passionate love affair causes a confusion of arson, death and insanity.

The parents of a girl who was killed by a savage dog are granted the opportunity to spend three days with their deceased daughter.

Local Pennsylvania polka legend Jan Lewan develops a plan to get rich that shocks his fans and lands him in jail.

Ed Stafford takes his wife and their two-year-old son on an epic adventure. They’ll be living off the grid on an Indonesian island for a month in search of a healthier family life.

A parolee becomes the target of a massive police manhunt after inadvertently picking up a rental car with a female whistleblower tied up in the trunk. Now, as the police attempt to silence the woman before she can testify about the city's rampant corruption, the ex-con who just regained his freedom must defend her life, and clear his own name.

Losandželosas privātdetektīva Stīva Forda karjeras ziedu laiki jau ir aiz muguras, taču, kad bandīti nozog viņa ģimenes mīluli – suņuku Badiju, viņa profesionālā un personīgā dzīve savijas vienā.

When a new dad has to return home to bury his estranged father, things take a turn for the complicated when the dead man's final wish is to have his ashes scattered on the field of his favorite professional sports team.

The story follows a team of highly trained operatives who find themselves trapped inside an isolated military compound.

A shipwrecked sailor stumbles upon a mysterious island and is shocked to discover that a brilliant scientist and his lab assistant have found a way to combine human and animal DNA—with horrific results.

In 2030 the world is in a permanent state of economic recession and facing serious environmental problems as a result of global warming.

Essex has been the central hub for many famous criminal activities. For generations Essex Boys have ruled the streets of Essex and East London in their underworld empires. Many people thought this ended in a Range Rover in 1995. They were wrong... Danny - an ex hooligan is driven back into a life of crime after his world is turned upside down on the streets of Essex.

After the deadbeat brother of a businessman is assumed to be in on his own kidnapping, his sibling must take action to rescue him.