Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...

Errol Morris's unique documentary dramatically re-enacts the crime scene and investigation of a police officer's murder in Dallas.

Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.

Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself and her pals to Charlie Brown's house for a REALLY big turkey party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - have so many reasons to be thankful.

A woman prepares for bed, but realizes that something may be lurking in the shadows.

Po ekonomickom a sociálnom kolapse priemyselného mestečka v izolovanej časti Nevady sa hlavnej hrdinky dotkne aj osobná strata – smrť manžela – a ona tak zostáva sama bez práce aj bez domova. A tak sa Fern rozhodne hľadať životnú silu mimo konvenčnej spoločnosti brázdením Ameriky vo svojej bielej obytnej dodávke a spoznávaním podobných novodobých „kočovníkov“. Prívetivý film s nesmiernou dušou.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Paris, 1967. Disillusioned by their suburban lifestyles, a group of middle-class students, led by Guillaume (Jean-Pierre Léaud) and Veronique (Anne Wiazemsky), form a small Maoist cell and plan to change the world by any means necessary. After studying the growth of communism in China, the students decide they must use terrorism and violence to ignite their own revolution. Director Jean-Luc Godard, whose advocacy of Maoism bordered on intoxication, infuriated many traditionalist critics with this swiftly paced satire.

Asterix, hrdina malého vzrastu, a Obelix, jeho tak trochu prerastený priateľ, sú obyvateľmi galskej dediny, ktorá stále ako jediná odoláva útokom zo strany Rímskej ríše. Tentoraz sa však musia dvaja priatelia vybrať na pomoc do zahraničia, za Asterixovým bratančekom z Veľkej Británie. Majú tam doručiť sud s čarovným nápojom, ktorý má britskej dedine pomôcť ubrániť sa pred Caesarovými vojskami. O všetkom sa, prirodzene, Caesar dozvie, a tak sa netreba čudovať, že sa usiluje našim galským priateľom celú ich výpravu prekaziť.

Suffering from acute kidney failure, Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave—the birthplace of his first life.

Inšpektor Clouseau sa dostane do hľadáčika francúzskej mafie, ktorá sa rozhodne na neho spáchať atentát, aby svojim americkým kolegom dokázala svoju silu. Clouseau však už podobných pokusov o jeho život zažil viac ako dosť. Bude tento naozaj tým posledným?

On a particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food restaurant, manager Sandra receives a phone call from a police officer saying that an employee has stolen money from a customer.

Ústrednú dvojicu spievajúcich kovbojov Dustyho a Leftyho bravúrne zahrali Woody Harrelson a John C. Reilly. V úlohách dvoch starnúcich kabaretných sestier Johnsonových, ktoré spievajú svoj duet, uvidíme Meryl Streepovú a Lily Tomlinovú. Všetci účinkujúci sa za tie roky veľmi dobre poznajú, preto nie je núdza o slovné prestrelky a britký humor. Ide totiž o ich posledné spoločné vystúpenie a preto všetci hrajú a spievajú ako o život.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom.

V našej obľúbenej dedinke Gálii sa stala veľká udalosť: Justforkix, náčelníkov synovec sa práve vrátil z Paríža a Asterix s Oblelixom dostali ťažkú úlohu, urobiť z neho pravého muža. Všetko sa skomplikuje vo chvíli, keď do Gálie dorazia Vikingovia, ktorí hľadajú niekoho, kto ich naučí lietať. Je ním práve Justforkix, ktorý je však už na ceste do Gálie. Počas cesty sa stretáva s krásnou a odvážnou Abbou, do ktorej sa zamiluje až po uši. Toto sa nemôže skončiť dobre.

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

Bologna, 1954. Taddeo, a young man of 18 whom everyone calls Kid, dreams of becoming one of the regulars of the mythical Margherita Café, located under the portico across from his family's home. Through a ploy, he manages to get work as the chauffeur for Al, the neighborhood's most glamorous and mysterious resident. Having been taken under Al's wing, Taddeo gets to witness the adventures of Bep, who is in love with Marcella the entraineuse; the trials and tribulations of Gian, an aspiring singer and the victim of a horrible practical joke; the crazy behavior of Manuelo, a small-time robber with a sex phobia; the meanness of Zanchi, inventor of the elastic necktie; and the bizarre manias of Sarti, a ballroom dancing champion who wears his tux day and night. And Taddeo's home life is no less out of the ordinary, considering his mother is being led on by the family physician while his grandfather has fallen head over heels for a well-built piano teacher.

François Gautier is stingy! Saving puts the joy, it causes pay sweats. His life is set for the sole purpose of never spend anything. A life that will switch in one day: he falls in love and discovers he has a daughter he did not know existed. Forced to lie in order to hide his terrible default, this will be the beginning for François problems. Because lie can sometimes be expensive. Very expensive…

Pätica študentov - Billy, Cuz, Lita, Gus a Julian - vyráža na Halloweena na hudobný festival vo Fairlake v Západnej Virgínii. V meste vrcholia prípravy na festival a celú akciu sleduje televízia. Televízna reportérka Kaleen si ide zabehať, ale je prepadnutá a ubodaná trojicou kanibalských zabijakov, ktorých vedie sériový vrah Maynard. Pätica študentov pokračuje autom na festival a cestou omylom zrazí po ceste idúceho Maynarda.