About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Suzy Johnson (Tina Krause) and her boyfriend are adding some new kicks towards there sexlife. But Suzy ends up dead after an experiment with chloroform and electrocution. A deranged medical student clones Suzy 16 times. But they all escape and enters a house with a German butcher who only likes to violate them.

Hullabaloo: Live at Le Zenith, Paris (commonly referred to as Hullabaloo) is a live video album by English alternative rock band Muse. The video documents the band's two performances at Le Zénith in Paris, France on 28 and 29 October 2001 and features an additional disc of backstage footage.

Concerned parents hire a private detective to tail their son because they think he might be gay.

Amitz Dolniker, an Israeli politician who speaks way to much has a heart attack in the middle of his speech. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital the doctor orders him to "go someplace quite, rest, and don't make speeches". His young assistant immediately suggest they go to Switzerland, however Dolniker had taken a vow not to leave Israel unnecessarily, so he comes up with a different idea - going to a remote village where they have never heard of him, so he would not be asked to make any speeches. As they arrive, it turns out that not only the villagers have never heard of Dolniker, but they have also never heard of running water, electricity, phones, and most importantly: TV, Radio, and newspapers... so its only a matter of time before Dolniker or the villagers go bananas...

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

Sous un ciel changeant. Jean-Claude Rousseau uses his signature black frames to create Durasian elisions between painterly, Corot-conjuring tableaux.

Un generoso médico lleva a Bélgica a un joven marroquí, a quien educa como si fuera su hijo. Cuando el joven se enamora y decide fundar una familia, su esposa se encuentra encerrada en un clima afectivo irrespirable que tendrá un desarrollo insidioso. Con la llegada de los hijos, la pareja se hace cada vez más dependiente del médico. El altruismo sin límites del doctor se convierte en poder.

John Sawyer, once an eminent barrister, has slid into a life of cynicism and drunkenness since his wife left him. When his daughter's boyfriend is accused of murder, Sawyer decides to try to pull himself together and defend him in court.

Tunis, 1943. Battle-weary troops of Company C have orders to occupy a derelict Tunisian farmhouse. They are to establish an artillery observation post, reporting on enemy movements before the imminent offensive to liberate Tunis. However German infantrymen discover their operations. The ensuing battle for control of this small piece of land will decide who controls Tunis but more critically, the victors in the battle of democracy versus fascism.

Esmeralda, a beautiful gypsy street dancer, arouses the desire of men, especially of Claude Frollo, the archdeacon of Notre Dame. The latter asks Quasimodo, the deaf and deformed bell-ringer of the cathedral, to kidnap the girl. Quasimodo, who has been adopted by Frollo and obeys his every word, captures the gypsy but she is saved thanks to Phoebus, a handsome captain, and his archers. Arrested by Phoebus, the hunchback is condemned to be flogged at the pillory. When Esmeralada, moved to pity by his lot, gives him water to drink, Quasimodo falls in love with her. Later, Phoebus is stabbed to death and Esmeralda is wrongly accused of the murder. Sentenced to hang, she is saved by Quasimodo who offers her asylum and... the love of his heart.

Takes place in 1665 in New France at a time when a part of Canada was colonialized by France. Joseph Côté escapes from a prison in order to avoid death by hanging. Moreover, while some colonial soldiers are chasing him, Joseph takes the identity of a Jesuit and hides in the seigneury of Beaufort where most men are waiting for "daughters of the king." (French women who were sent to Canada in order to find a husband.) At night, Joseph finds out that there are werewolves that terrorize the village. Besides, things get complicated when he falls in love with Marie Labotte, a "daughter of the king" that no one wants to marry. All in all, by simply trying to protect his life and Marie's, Joseph will end up fighting against the werewolves.

Art critic Brian Sewell gives a persona insight into the private life of surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.

Rites and operation of the circumcision of thirty Songhai children on the Niger. Material of this film has been used to make "Les Fils de l'Eau".

Two 60s teenagers find work rather than pleasure when it turns out that the prostitute they desire now owns a horse farm.