An insane therapist entangles a suburban novelist in a web of hypnosis, drugs, kidnapping, depravity and murder.

Lena owns a forgotten bar next to a highway where the trucks zip by but rarely stop. She is eight months pregnant and has been abandoned by her former lover, Colonel Mattos, of the São Paulo police. One day, she meets Vilela, a former policeman wanted for a crime he committed in São Paulo. Colonel Mattos was Vilela's superior, and his presence is continually felt by the pair. Two further elements add texture to the plot - the inhospitable landscape and the new baby's crying, which slowly makes life unbearable for the couple. Based on an original stage play by Fernando Bonassi, the film delves into the souls of two Brazilians isolated in one of the country's nameless reaches. A love story and a metaphor taken to extremes: a glimpse at an unequal society which excludes many of its citizens, pushing them into violent adventures of love and death.

Der Staatsmann Dolniker bricht mitten in einer Rede zusammen. Er braucht dringend Ruhe, die er in dem kleinen Dorf Kimmelquell zu finden hofft. Zusammen mit seinem Sekretär Ze’ev bringt er aber sehr schnell die dörfliche Ordnung und Ruhe durcheinander, indem er versucht, ein demokratisches Modellsystem einzuführen. Er spaltet das Dorf in zwei Lager und bringt sogar den Schuster dazu, sich selbst zu bestreiken. Mit der Ruhe ist es nun vorbei, denn die Geister, die er rief, lassen ihn nicht mehr los …

In his 70th year, Alfred Hitchcock came to the National Film Theatre in London to talk to fellow director Bryan Forbes and to answer questions from an audience of film enthusiasts.

Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.

A centuries-lasting relationship between Ayesha and her oft-reincarnated true love. She, H. Rider Haggard's fanciful novel about the immortal queen of a lost tribe, has been filmed at least 10 times, with seven versions emerging between the years 1910 and 1930.

A sociologist nearing middle-aged returns to Poland after several years of giving lectures abroad. The changing economy of the country and business successes of the people around him inspire him to venture out into the deep and unpredictable world of capitalism himself.

Nach einem fehlgeschlagenen Selbstmordversuch hat Claire nichts Besseres zu tun, als wieder zur Arbeit zu gehen. Während einer Zigarettenpause trifft sie auf Simon, der mit den selben Problemen zu kämpfen hat wie sie.

The film follows an emotionally harrowing journey endured by young gay photographer Alex, after he is diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. Abandoned by his brother and his on-again, off-again lover, Alex is forced to face his mortality and the loss of his sexual identity through sheer resilience. A devastating, but ultimately hopeful story of survival and resolve.

Art critic Brian Sewell gives a persona insight into the private life of surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.

When the mayor of a crime-ridden city and his opponent are both assassinated while seeking election, two FBI agents, John Archer and Mila Driver, reluctantly join forces to investigate the murder only to discover that City Hall holds more secrets than the identity of the killer.

A beautiful planet where the weather is always fine, money grows on trees and the traffic lights are always green. Yet there is something wrong.

Compilation of John Denver's most notable song performances.

A young man named Sebastian Murphy has spent a decade moving around the country with his mother after her company went bankrupt. Now that she has found a stable job the are living in Wexford Town for six months. Sebastian has become close with Sean Gerrad who has brought him into a new group of friends but nobody knows that Sebastian has a secret. He is a fantastic musician and he is hopelessly in love with Lara but too afraid to do anything about it.