In Ghosts On The Go, the gang crosses the Atlantic Ocean and takes on Europe! In Large Dragon at Large, the gang attends a Renaissance Faire, where a dragon interrupts their fun. While traveling in Greece, an ancient myth apparently comes to life because of a medallion Shaggy wears in It's All Greek to Scooby. In Pompeii and Circumstance, the gang's Italian vacation is interrupted by misdeeds in teh ancient city of Pompeii, leading to an ominous visit into the mouth of th no so dormant Vesuvius. And finally, the gang goes to Paris to see Daphne's cousin become a model, but only to discover she's been abducted by a giant gargoyle in Ready To Scare.

When the gang goes on safari, they encounter a variety of freaky, glowing demon animals.

The Big Egg Wrestling Universe was a professional wrestling event held by All Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling (AJW) inside the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan on November 20, 1994 and was attended by 32,500 fans. However, some sources claim the event was attended by over 42,000 fans. The event featured representatives from joshi promotions GAEA Japan (GAEA), JWP Joshi Puroresu (JWP) and Ladies Legend Pro-Wrestling (LLPW), as well as puroresu promotions Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling (MPW) and American wrestling promotion the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). In addition to female wrestlers, the event also featured matches with male wrestlers, midget wrestling, female amateur wrestlers, female kickboxers and female shootboxers. The event lasted lasted ten hours and was promoted as the biggest card in the history of women’s wrestling, featuring 23 matches of various styles.

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?

Una serie de historias paralelas de la serie Donten ni Warau. Algunas de las historias tienen lugar antes y algunas después del final de la serie principal.

Sam meets a stranger while camping and invites him to spend the night with him. They will discuss a variety of topics and get to know each other until they discover who they really are and why they are there.

Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.

Tres estudiantes de Belmont mixto Highschool desaparecen sin dejar rastro de su paradero. La presión está en la policía para capturar a los culpables. La detective Maggie Rawdon entra en Belmont High como estudiante de intercambio en un intento por resolver la desaparición de los estudiantes.

La Federación de Comercio ha bloqueado el pequeño planeta de Naboo, gobernado por la joven Reina Amidala, como parte de un plan ideado por Sith Darth Sidious, que manteniéndose en el anonimato dirige a los neimoidianos, que están al mando de la Federación. Amidala es convencida por los Jedis Qui-Gon Jinn y su aprendiz, o padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi a viajar hasta Coruscant, capital de la República y sede del Consejo Jedi para intentar mediar esta amenaza. Pero esquivando el bloqueo, la nave real resulta dañada, obligando a la tripulación a aterrizar en el desértico y remoto planeta de Tatooine...

The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man. On the night before the fiftieth anniversary of Claudio, they changed places with each other.

Cortometraje dirigido por Philip Atwell y protagonizado por Paul Walker, retomando su papel de Brian O'Conner, en una corta serie de secuencias que une "The Fast and the Furious" con su primera secuela, "2 Fast 2 Furious". El cortometraje fue incluido en la segunda edición de la primera película, conocida como la edición 'Tricked Out', que fue lanzada el 3 de junio d 2003, antes del estreno en cines de la segunda entrega de la saga.

Riddick está en fuga. Huyendo de mercenarios decididos a cobrar el precio puesto a su cabeza, se encuentra metido en una batalla que no es la suya. Ante la amenaza que los conquistadores Necromonger suponen para el futuro del universo entero, Riddick podría ser el único, e inverosímil, héroe que salvara a la raza humana. Pero, ¿habrá algo que le interese salvar aparte de su propia vida?

Tercera entrega de la saga Paranormal Activity. Se remonta hasta 1988, cuando las hermanas Katie y Kristi eran solo unas niñas y tienen su primer encuentro con lo sobrenatural.

Harumi Hagiwara lands in the hospital after being involved in an accident. She hits it off with her nurse, Reiko Nishimura, and the two decide to move in together after she's discharged. However, Harumi begins to witness a series of mysterious events soon after noticing Reiko's strange behavior. Additionally, she fears for her own safety when Reiko starts referring to herself as 'Mari' as if she's become an entirely different person. Before long, the situation develops into a case of murder.

A young singer, Marge Dexter, becomes involved in trouble when she works in a nightclub in which two of the band-members are in reality undercover-police officers who believe that the club is the headquarters of a dangerous gang of crooks.