Three years have passed, Antonio and Luca are seeing each other for the first time since Denis's death. Luca, who has hit rock bottom after the death of his friend, was lucky enough to meet Tancredi, his current boyfriend, ...while Antonio has focused on his work, so much so that he is now a well-known chef in a pastry shop. It is clear that there is still a special relationship between the two, but Antonio mistakes Luca's affection for something more and does everything he can to ruin his relationship with Tancredi, even though Cristina does not approve of his behavior. Will Antonio learn to leave the past behind in order to fully experience what the future has to offer him?

Middleton prepares for its bicentennial, and Grey House is to be the party venue. Good witch Cassie is remodeling it as B&B. her first and only guest, Nick Chasen, claims to be a distant relative. He produces papers to prove he's the heir of the builder, colonial era captain Hamblin, while the Grey lady was his mistress and stole it. Police chief and lover Jake Russell goes all the way to motivate her to fight and disprove the claim before she's effectively disowned. Brandon is dared to pass a rascals-initiation by local brat Steve and Duke. George's gardening skills lead to romance.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

În Kung Fu Panda 2, Po își trăiește visul ca Războinicul Dragon, apărând Valea Păcii alături de prietenii săi, maeștrii kung fu, Cei Cinci Furioși: Tigroaica, Maimuță, Călugăriță, Viperă și Cocor. Dar viața nemaipomenită a lui Po este acum amenințată de apariția unui super-ticălos, Lordul Shen care plănuiește să folosească o armă ultrasecretă pentru ca să cucerească China și să distrugă arta kung fu. Pregătit să devină Războinicul Dragon de mentorul său, Shifu, Po trebuie acum să caute în trecutul său și să scoată la iveală secretele misterioasei sale origini. Numai așa va reuși să descătușeze forțele de care are nevoie.

Margo, Edith, and Agnes spot an ice cream truck. The three of them go after the truck but Agnes falls as she attempts to pedal to the truck. The Minions, seeing her so upset by this, decide to build her a unicorn-themed motorcycle. Agnes goes for a little ride around town.

As Po looks for his lost action figures, the story of how the panda inadvertently helped create the Furious Five is told.

Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.

Two newlyweds on their honeymoon discover that they are different in almost every way — but can these opposites attract?

The Saint-Tropez police launch a major offensive against dangerous drivers. Marechal Cruchot (Louis de Funès) relishes the assignment, which he pursues with a manic zeal. Cruchot is after an offending driver, who turns out to be Josépha (Claude Gensac), the widow of a highly regarded police colonel. When they meet, Cruchot falls instantly in love....

Viața aparent normală a Helenei (Daisy Ridley) ascunde un adevăr sumbru: tatăl ei, Jacob (Ben Mendelsohn), cu care a rupt legătura, este infamul rege al mlaștinilor, care le-a ținut pe ea și pe mama ei captive în sălbăticie ani de zile. Când Jacob evadează din închisoare, Helena va trebui să se confrunte cu trecutul. Știind că acesta o va vâna, femeia trebuie să găsească puterea de a-și înfrunta demonii și de a-l învinge pe omul care a învățat-o tot ce știe despre supraviețuirea în sălbăticie.

After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

A man helps the victim of an auto accident, not realizing that the man has actually been shot. The men who shot him are now after the man who helped him, in order to eliminate him as a potential witness. Soon they are killing everyone he even comes in contact with in order to get him.

Probabil cel mai demențial film din seria care a consolidat definitiv statutul de mare comic al lui Louis de Funes, Jandarmul și extratereștrii propagă la fiecare secvență umor contagios. De această dată, pe inspectorul Cruchot pică sarcina de a-i salva pe rezidenții din St. Tropez de o invazie a unor extratereștrii însetați de ulei de motor. Pentru că sunt identici oamenilor, singurul mod în care jandarmii îi pot distinge este după sunet. Jandarmii trebuie să bată în pieptul suspecților din spațiul cosmic și să constate dacă sună asemeni unor canistre goale. În acest caz, înseamnă că au treabă și, cum vor avea parte din plin de așa ceva, Cruchot, Gerber și compania nu vor pregeta nicio clipă înainte de a trece la acțiune. Inutil de spus că o vor face în stilul lor propriu, adică vor semăna haos pe oriunde trec...

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.

In Lethal Crisis, the world's most uncouth private eye is framed for a crime he didn't commit in the riotous fourth installment of the Torrente series.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

A doomsday pepper is surprised to find a mysterious box appear in his living room with no trace as to how it could've gotten there.

The next film in the Shrek franchise. Plot TBA.