Los Peques live somewhere in the Andean Patagonian mountain range of Neuquén, in houses called small 𝘳𝘶𝘬𝘢𝘴, which are a kind of tree hut and are built with materials given to them by Mother Nature. They have an organization, the Mapu Armies, they have nothing to do with wars, but with the care of nature. When the youngsters enter what is known as the awkward age, they are sent to watch remote areas so that they do not hang around.

Patrick Morel has his limits tested when he's thrown in jail after a misunderstanding with the lovely Sonia and the brash Youssef, all three of them bound for deportation until a last-ditch escape frees them in more ways than one.

Documentary about the life and work of Carlos Inzillo, a cultural reference for jazz in Argentina, creator and coordinator of a series of jazz concerts that have been held every Tuesday in the City of Buenos Aires since 1984.

An aspiring YouTube influencer becomes convinced she's a channel to a high plane of existence when she receives an otherworldly visitation.

On an unusual day, a series of coincidences lead Eduardo to meet Monica at a party. A curiosity is aroused between the two and, despite not being alike, they fall madly in love. In 1980s Brasília, their love needs to mature and learn to overcome differences.

Rudá armáda se dostala tunely podzemní dráhy až na stanici metra Kaiserhof. Hitler ve snaze neustopit za žádnou cenu vydal rozkaz k zatopení podzemní dráhy v Berlíně, která sloužila jako úkryt před leteckými útoky pro civilisty. Zde Němci měli i svá shromaždiště raněných z bombových útoků na město. V podzemí tak zahynulo mnoho nevinných lidí. Hitler neunesl porážku a společně se svou ženou spáchal sebevraždu. Hrstka fanatických německých generálů se nehodlala vzdát a tak byl bílý prapor vyvěšen až 2. května 1945, kdy skončila bitva o Berlín...

A comedy about triplet brothers with only one birth certificate.

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.

At his father's request, Aditya attends a law college in the coastal metropolis of Visakhapatnam, although he actually wanted to become an engineer. On the first day he meets the beautiful Anjali. Over time, the female student slowly begins to become interested in the strange newcomer, who acts nice and friendly but doesn't seem to be interested in anything else. The college is notorious for its disobediently and disorderly students. It's not the professors who are in charge on campus, but rather the student leader Satya. He is also in love with Anjali and sees Aditya as a competitor who needs to be put in his place. So Aditya faces multiple problems as he tries to reform the unruly students while dealing with his terrible past that everyone doesn't know about.

With the victory against "The Beastly Beasts", "The Wild Soccer Bunch" showed it to everyone and then won every single game. Only one victory now separates them from the "Pott", the Freestyle Soccer Cup. For this they have to compete against the "Wolves of Ragnarök". But the wolves are not normal opponents! They have a dark secret - and behind them lurks a power stronger than all of them: the girl Horizon and the "Silver Lights" from the fog...

Two brothers wait for their father to come back from the front. When they saw the effect that black letters which were then called death notices had on the recipients they talked the postman into hiding those letters until the end of the war.

A blue collar man, inspired by his homeless friend, sets out to better his life by pursuing a more meaningful job going against his father's wishes. On his journey he discovers how important it is to believe in himself and with having hope and ambition magical things happen.