Lincoln Loud gears up for the ultimate Christmas, until he finds out that most of his sisters have plans to be elsewhere for the big day. Determined to remind his family that they all need to be together, Lincoln and his best friend Clyde McBride embark on a mission to preserve the family’s holiday traditions.
Lu has a perfect life. Or so she pretends to have. She meets the handsome, short-tempered Argentinian, Diego, who is on a visit to Mexico, and she is confident to get him head over heels in love with her. In order to win a wager with her friends, her life will take a turn when she does the impossible to win him over, including taking a trip to Argentina to look for him.
Kerstin floats stoically across the Mecklenburg Lake District in her red GDR kayak. Aimlessly, between tourism and dreariness, she glides over the water for days, striving to remain alone. The many rivers and lakes are familiar to her. But where does Kerstin come from? What is she fleeing from? Who is pursuing her? The evenness of this journey breaks when Alima appears, finally asking the paddling loner the right questions.
New summer adventure of the Crocodiles, who set up their detective skills to find out who is behind the accidents of the factory where Ollie and Mary's parents work , which could mean the closure of the plant, the move of the family and the dissolution of the gang.
伊戈尔·格罗姆 (Igor Grom) 是一名来自圣彼得堡的熟练警察,以其大胆的天性和对各种罪犯的不妥协态度而闻名。 难以置信的力量、分析的头脑和正直——这些品质使格罗姆少校成为完美的警察。 不知疲倦地工作,他总是挺身而出,迎接挡在路上的挑战。
小悟空(野泽雅子 饰)踩着跟斗云,穿越千山万水来到武天老师的住处,希望在此继续磨练武功。与之先后到来的,还有精于谄媚之道的小滑头克林。武天老师故意端着架子,声称只有救出魔神城的睡美人才同意收他们为徒。两个小家伙信以为真,正先恐后向魔神城进发,期间克林还为小悟空制造不少的麻烦。历经千辛万苦,他们终于来到了目的地。与此同时,布玛、乐平、普尔和乌龙来找武天老师玩,得知消息后也赶往魔神城寻找小悟空,途中却遭到恶魔们的袭击,布玛更被看似英俊实则凶残的恶魔城主路西法俘虏。 此时此刻,恶魔们正在进行一项邪恶的计划,小悟空他们能否拯救危机呢?
杰西(Jess)是一位刚刚与丈夫分居的母亲兼护士,她与十几岁的女儿泰勒(Tyler)和她八岁的儿子欧文(Owen)一起搬进了她老家的农舍。 一天晚上,家里的狗感觉到树林里有什么东西,就跑去寻找。几天后,它自己跑回来,在杰西还没来得及干预的时候,就猛烈地袭击了欧文。欧文被紧急送往医院,但他的病情恶化了,没人知道为什么会这样...直到杰西发现一种令人不安的治疗方法...
趁布玛和龟仙人不注意,色色的乌龙偷出龙珠探测器,与悟饭(野泽雅子 配音)前往寒冷的兹鲁麦普雪山寻找聚在一起的龙珠。此时此刻,邪气逼人的克勤博士早已捷足先登召唤神龙,许愿将沉睡在冰原下的威洛博士苏醒。伴随着巨大的响动,硕大神秘的建筑出现冰原,另有奇怪凶猛的生物接连袭击悟饭等人,关键时刻比克大魔王出现拯救悟饭,而比克却下落不明。未过多久,威洛博士的爪牙相继向龟仙人袭来。原来五十年前他以天才科学家的盛名为世人熟知,但其才能却遭到埋没。而今复活后他仅有大脑存在,为了实现向人类复仇的野望,威洛博士急需拥有世上最强者的身体……
In the summer of 2015, former US Marine and world record weightlifter Janae Marie Kroczaleski was publicly outed as being transgender. The reaction was universal: her sponsors abandoned her, she was disowned by her parents and banned from competing. This film follows Janae as she attempts to find her place in society. Initially wanting to strip off the muscle and become a much smaller looking woman, she found herself unable to lose the muscle she so desperately gained. She now finds herself living one day as an alpha male and the next day as a delicate girl. Will Janae be able to handle her muscle relapses? Will her passage from being a male bring her the peace she's looking for? Will society accept a 250lbs muscular woman? Is her path personal redemption or physical and psychological disaster?
An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.
After Antoine was fired from his job, he became a stay-at-home dad taking care of his four children, while his wife Isabelle restarts her career as a lawyer. For Antoine, the family's upcoming ski vacation is a godsend: he can finally take a break from parenthood and enjoy a luxury ski resort! But just as they are about to step on the train, Isabelle is called back to work for an emergency and Antoine has to deal, on his own, with his four mischievous kids going wild on the slopes and in the fancy hotel, as the trip turns into total chaos…
阿尔卡雄。八月。让 - 皮埃尔·萨维利,在互助保险克莱蒙费朗使用,发现瓦莱里,他的未婚妻,想休息一下。为了放松心情,找到和平与宁静,他决定改变的度假胜地......他降落在露营蓝波和帕特里克·希拉克和他的死忠营员带下降。假期可以开始了!开胃酒!