世纪之交,古老的中国正迎来前所未有的巨大变革。老态龙钟的大清王朝摇摇欲坠,六君子的鲜血无法阻止历史车轮的滚动,老北京城的上空风云变幻,波谲云诡。王利发(于是之 饰),北京城内裕泰茶馆的年轻掌柜。他谨记父亲的教诲,体面周全地迎送四方宾客。小小的茶馆内,三教九流各色人等穿梭 于此:提笼架鸟哀叹时运的松二爷(黄宗洛 饰);慨叹国之将亡的刚毅满人常四爷(郑榕 饰);一心谋求实业救国的秦仲义(蓝天野 饰);丧尽天良买卖人口的刘麻子(英若诚 饰);打算娶老婆的庞太监(童超 饰)……你方唱罢我登场,小小茶馆之内演尽世间的沧桑与凄凉……


The tourists have left behind lots of trash. Ranger Woodlore enlists his bears to clean up by turning the task into a game (and a dance), but when he takes to his hammock, they see through his ruse. Plan B: bribery no food until cleanup complete. But all the other bears put their trash in to Humphrey's section, so he resorts to a number of unsuccessful ruses to dispose of it


在一片郁金香花园中,住着一位小精灵--桑贝琳娜(Thumbelina)。她和其它的精灵快乐地生活在自然中。花园里就要有新的小精灵出生了,她和她的朋友对此非常兴奋。突然,一架挖土机开始破坏她 们美丽的花园!心宝莲娜被迫和朋友逃出花园,来到了一个奇怪的地方--一座漂亮的现代城市公寓!在那里,她们见到了一个叫麦姬娜的人类女孩,并与她交了朋友,但是她们到底能否拯救美丽的花园呢?你会发现,即使是再渺小的人,也可以战胜强大。

The filmmaker Jeppe Rønde has invited 10 of the world's foremost researchers - and a robot! - to rethink our relationship with technology and its dilemmas from the outside. Philosophers, anthropologists, archaeologists and programmers show us through their thought experiments that our relationship with technology is just as much about our relationship with ourselves.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

In this modern adaptation of the ancient Persian poet Ferdowsi’s epic drama, the puppets set out in search of Rostam, an ancient hero who was abducted. After great hardship they rescue ancient heroes’ puppets that are facing crisis due to a conspiracy by modern robot toys’. Adopting a frame story structure, the film unfolds tales of the puppets appearing in the puppet show in several different layers. Narratively, on one axis it attempts a modernized restoration of the traditional puppet show, on the verge of disappearing, while on the other axis it awakens the ancient spirit of the times, through all the ancient heroes on parade. Tradition and modernity, heroes and villains are not opponents, but harmonize in the film. The puppet shows begin with rap and dance, and actual images and animation are intertwined. Fantasy and reality co-exist in this interesting work in which all the great Iranian heroes appear. Ultimately, it is a heart-warming film that shows harmony and love.

这部纪录片探讨了泰迪·彭德格拉斯(Teddy Pendergrass)的崛起,他是第一位在20世纪60年代美国的背景下连续五张白金专辑的非洲裔美国男性艺术家,也是他在一场改变人生的事故后卷土重来。

I wouldn't answer if I were you' Hello is the story of a young lady who falls prey to an evil killer.. alone in her apartment, eagerly awaiting the return of her boyfriend, the phone rings...


Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

When Algie Allmore asks to marry Clarice, the young woman's father gives him one year to prove that he's a man.

After the murder of her husband, Amanda relocates with her daughter, Karli, and purchases a hotel in the countryside. Their fresh start is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious man who pleads for shelter, fleeing an unknown threat.
