Doi detectivi de de omucideri sunt într-o vânătoare disperată pentru a găsi un criminal în serie ale cărui crime sunt bazate pe cele „șapte păcate capitale” în acest film întunecat care îi poartă pe privitori de la rămășițele unei victime la cele ale alteia. Experimentatul detectiv Sommerset cercetează fiecare păcat într-un efort de a intra în mintea criminalului, în timp ce partenerul său începător, Mills, ia în râs eforturile lui de a dezlega cazul.

A photographer takes up newsreel shooting to impress a secretary.

Un scriitor rus, Gorceakov, pleacă pe urmele unui compatriot, un muzician exilat în Italia secolului al XVIII-lea, în scopul scrierii biografiei acestuia. Ajutat de o traducătoare, Eugenia, cu care consumase o poveste de dragoste, el parcurge Italia de nord, de la Roma la Arezzo. Dorul de casă, de Rusia natală macină sufletul lui Gorceakov, paralizându-i orice putere de acțiune, dar și inițiativa de întoarcere acasă. Peregrinările lui alternează între o capelă pictată de Piero della Francesca, Roma și zona piscinei termale a Sfintei Catherina, în care pensionarii hotelului din apropiere vin să se scalde. În acest loc Gorceakov îl descoperă pe Domenico, fost profesor de matematică, un mistic aproape nebun, care meditează la sensul existenței.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

A short kid from a Canadian army base becomes the international pop culture darling of the 1980s—only to find the course of his life altered by a stunning diagnosis. What happens when an incurable optimist confronts an incurable disease?

Muta Ada este lăsată pe o plajă din Noua Zeelandă cu fiica ei și pianul ei pentru a intra într-o căsătorie aranjată. Cu toate acestea, soțul ei refuză ca instrumentul iubit să fie transportat prin jungla impracticabilă. De asta se ocupă muncitorul pustnic Baines, care aduce pianul în casa lui și face un pact cu Ada: ea poate cânta la pian dacă își permite anumite libertăți. Încet, între cei doi se dezvoltă o legătură erotică intimă.

Although he hates dogs, Toni is engaged in finding lost animals and then sentimentally blackmails the masters in order to obtain beautiful large amounts of money. Because of an old and ugly Pekinese that Toni cannot succeed of getting rid of, feelings of affection awake in him that surprise even Toni.

The erotic novelist Taeko is writing a morbid story of a family destroyed by incest, murder and abuse. Her assistant, Yuji, sets on a mission to uncover the reality of this story, but the reality might be too much to bear.

Conducting clandestine experiments within the morgue at Miskatonic University, scientist Herbert West reveals to a fellow graduate student his groundbreaking work concerning the re-animation of fresh corpses.

Vicky recalls her romances with her exes Hao Hao and Jack in the neon-lit clubs of Taipei.

A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.

The film begins with a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a young age. The film uses flashbacks throughout and there are frequent parallels drawn with the past. We are unsure what Antoine has done with his life, however, we know he has fulfilled his childhood ambition, to marry a hairdresser.

On the day of his scheduled execution, a convicted serial killer gets a psychiatric evaluation during which he claims he is a demon, and further claims that before their time is over, the psychiatrist will commit three murders of his own.

A young girl lost in the loneliness and boredom of reality finds solace in an ill boy, whom she can visit in a surreal dream world that she drew in her school composition book.

When twin girls are found dead in their family’s barn, reality star turned TV-reporter Meredith Phillips and her de-facto camera crew are dispatched to rural Wisconsin to investigate the gruesome deaths. In their relentless drive to break the story, the reporters become entangled in a deadly mystery and uncover the small town’s shocking secret. Edited together from the crew’s multiple cameras, the film documents their struggle to survive the most terrifying night of their lives and becomes the only evidence of a crime too horrific to imagine.

The inspirational rise of SpaceX as well as Elon Musk's two-decade effort to resurrect America’s space travel ambitions.

When his young daughter's beloved companion — an android named Yang — malfunctions, Jake searches for a way to repair him. In the process, Jake discovers the life that has been passing in front of him, reconnecting with his wife and daughter across a distance he didn't know was there.

Grégoire Beaulieu learns that he has a twin brother: Anthony Girard. Gregoire is bourgeois, ambitious and promised to a great career, Anthony has no prospect and lives of shenanigans. The two brothers couldn’t be more opposite. Especially when one is white and the other is black !

Rahul and Riana meet each other for the first time, get drunk, and awake the next morning to find that they have gotten legally married to each other.

A motocross team on their way to trial a new super-fuel head out across the desert lead by Rachel, who, unbeknownst to the rest of the group, is a survivor of the cannibal clan which menaced the Carter family several years before.