Atriebēju komandas izdzīvojušajiem un viņu sabiedrotajiem ir jāizstrādā jauns plāns, kurš palīdzētu stāties pretī Tanosa postošajai darbībai. Pēc pēdējās kaujas, kura bija pati masveidīgākā un traģiskākā visā Atriebēju cīņu vēsturē, katra pieļautā kļūda var kļūt liktenīga ne tikai Zemei, bet arī Visumam.

Tonijs Lips, mazizglītots bāra apsargs itāļu apdzīvotā rajonā Ņujorkā, saņem piedāvājumu kļūt par melnādainā pasaules līmeņa pianista doktora Dona Šērlija šoferi koncertturnejā no Manhatanas līdz pat Dienvidu štatiem. Viņi dodas braucienā, ņemot līdzi ceļvedi, kurā atzīmēti tie retie iestādījumi, kas ir droši afroamerikāņiem. Ceļojuma laikā viņi saskarsies gan ar rasismu, gan ar negaidītu cilvēcību, un, par spīti abu atšķirīgumam, abu starpā uzplauks patiesa draudzība.

Pirmo reizi uz lielajiem ekrāniem filma par ikonisko Gotemas ļaundari - Džokeru. Arturs Fleks ir vīrs, kurš cenšas atrast savu vietu pilsētas sašķeltajā sabiedrībā. Dienā strādājot par klaunu gadījuma darbos, bet vakaros cenšoties kļūt par atzītu stand-up komiķi, viņš nonāk pie atziņas, ka izjokots tiek viņš pats. Ierauts vienladzības un nežēlības cilkliskajā esamībā, Arturs pieņem vienu sliktu lēmumu, kas uzsāk ķēdes reakciju viņa transformācijā par Džokeru.

Pirmo reizi Zirnekļcilvēka filmu sērijas vēsturē mūsu draudzīgā apkaimes varoņa maska ir noņemta un viņš vairs nespēj nošķirt savu parasto dzīvi no riskantajām supervaroņa gaitām. Kad viņš lūdz palīdzību Doktoram Streindžam, likmes kļūst vēl augstākas, liekot viņam aptvert, ko patiesībā nozīmē būt Zirnekļcilvēkam.

A listless Wade Wilson toils away in civilian life with his days as the morally flexible mercenary, Deadpool, behind him. But when his homeworld faces an existential threat, Wade must reluctantly suit-up again with an even more reluctant Wolverine.

Purehearted teen Lazzaro is content living as a sharecropper in rural Italy, but an unlikely friendship with the marquise’s son will change his world.

Loving but irresponsible dad Daniel Hillard, estranged from his exasperated spouse, is crushed by a court order allowing only weekly visits with his kids. When Daniel learns his ex needs a housekeeper, he gets the job -- disguised as a British nanny. Soon he becomes not only his children's best pal but the kind of parent he should have been from the start.

Labākajām draudzenēm Bekijai un Hanterei dzīve ir saistīta ar baiļu pārvarēšanu un savu iekšējo robežu pārkāpšanu. Taču pēc tam, kad viņas ir uzkāpušas vairāk nekā 600 metru augstumā, nomaļa un pamesta radio torņa virsotnē, viņām vairs neizdodas atgriezties lejā. Tagad Bekijas un Hanteres draudzība un kāpšanas prasme tiks pakļautas vēl nebijušam izdzīvošanas testam.

The story of Usnavi, a bodega owner who has mixed feelings about closing his store and retiring to the Dominican Republic or staying in Washington Heights.

Emily Burton plays Kelly, an aspiring TV news reporter who is sent off to the town of Little Hope conduct marketing interviews with Linda (comedian Julie Goldman), a butch, talkative cameraperson who has aspirations of her own (she wants to be a tattoo artist). Unexpectedly stranded at a quirky youth hostel as the annual Chili Cook-Off hits town, Kelly just wants to get on to a career-changing interview while carefree Linda finds reasons to take her time when bored housewife enters the mix... Director Erin Greenwell takes us on a ride through humorous misadventures complete with snappy dialogue, sympathetic characters and intriguing relationships putting a Sapphic twist on the classic buddy comedy.

In the near future, a group of war journalists attempt to survive while reporting the truth as the United States stands on the brink of civil war.

The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen now presented as an over two-hour unabridged and seamless animated feature. Witness the no-holds-barred battle between the Justice League and an unstoppable alien force known only as Doomsday, a battle that only Superman can finish and will forever change the face of Metropolis.

Having cleared his name, genius mechanic Lino has only one goal in mind: getting revenge on the corrupt cops who killed his brother and his mentor.

A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices—and two strangers appear at their door.

Milo and Kida reunite with their friends to investigate strange occurances around the world that seem to have links to the secrets of Atlantis.

A New Jersey construction worker goes from regular guy to aspiring spy when his long-lost high school sweetheart recruits him for an espionage mission.

After retrieving the Crystal Skull in Utah, Flynn Carsen receives a map in the mail with the secret location of King Solomon's Mines. When the scroll is stolen, Judson explains the power of the Key of Solomon's book and assigns Flynn to retrieve the map. The map is useless without the legend piece to decipher it, which is located in Volubilis near the Roman ruins in Morocco. Flynn heads to Casablanca to the ruins where he is chased by a group of mercenaries leaded by General Samir. They too want to find the location of King Solomon's mines. Flynn teams-up with Professor Emily Davenport working in the dig and they escape from General Samir and his men. While traveling to Gedi, they save the local Jomo from death and the trio faces a dangerous journey through the wild Africa.

When the plots of reclusive author Elly Conway's fictional espionage novels begin to mirror the covert actions of a real-life spy organization, quiet evenings at home become a thing of the past. Accompanied by her cat Alfie and Aiden, a cat-allergic spy, Elly races across the world to stay one step ahead of the killers as the line between Conway's fictional world and her real one begins to blur.

20 years after three teenagers disappeared in the wake of mysterious lights appearing above Phoenix, Arizona, unseen footage from that night has been discovered, chronicling the final hours of their fateful expedition.