In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

Follows a youngster Kalai and his aspirations of becoming a 'Star' in the Tamil Film Industry. Born in a lower-middle-class family, will Kalai overcome all his struggles to emerge as a Star?

Family man Poul Berg is tempted by a questionable investement offer and indebts himself to a point where suicide seems like the only way out. His widow struggles to maintain even a simple standard of living for herself and their three children, who are fatally marked by their fathers deed. (

Po wydarzeniach z pierwszej części Strażników Galaktyki, mały Groot wreszcie opuszcza doniczkę i odkrywa, że pierwsze kroki potrafią być nie lada wyzwaniem.

A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.

Five old men and a kid are travelling in a train's cabin without purpose. They travel because it's free and they don't have another place to stay. From their conversations we learn the tragedies of their lives. Also the hidden interlockings of their faith will out slowly.

While settling into married life with Akiko, Ryu is brought into a case involving a woman named Katsuragi Aoi, a member of a pickpocketing ring with most of her teammates murdered from unknown masked vigilantes that Ryu fought as Accel. As the details of the case begin to unravel, Ryu is framed and Akiko believes that he may not be faithful to her. As the clock ticks down, Ryu must solve the case, clear his name, and save his marriage before everything comes to an explosive end!

Chow returns to play Ko Chun, a skilled gambler who now lives in retirement in France. Wu Xingguo plays an evil gangster who forces Ko out of retirement by killing his pregnant wife. Ko is forced to team up with a variety of other people to win out in the end. Wu Chien-lien plays Chow's romantic interest, Chingmy Yau plays a Taiwanese femme fatale, and Tony Leung provides much of the laughs.

Filmed over 3 years in Homs, accompanying 2 outstanding young men from the time they were only dreaming of freedom to the time when they are forced to change course. Basset, the 19yo national football team goalkeeper, who became an outspoken demonstration leader in the city, then an icon revolution singer, till he becomes a fighter... a militia leader. Ossama, his 24yo friend, renowned citizen journalist, cynical pacifist... as his views are forced to change, until he is detained by army secret service. It is the story of a city, of which the world have heard a lot, but never really got closer than news, never really had the chance to experience how a war erupted. a modern times epic of youth in war time.

Po oczyszczeniu się z zarzutów genialny mechanik Lino chce tylko jednego: zemsty na skorumpowanych policjantach, którzy zabili jego brata i mentora.

Laureaci Oscarów Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi i Jimmy Chin ("Free Solo: ekstremalna wspinaczka", "The Rescue") po raz pierwszy kierują obiektywy swoich kamer na niebo. Wyreżyserowany przez nich dokument opowiada o początkach firmy SpaceX i trwających niemal 20 lat wysiłkach Elona Muska, który postanowił wskrzesić amerykańskie ambicje związane z podróżami kosmicznymi. Film jest również zapisem pierwszej amerykańskiej załogowej misji kosmicznej od 2011 roku, kiedy to rząd Stanów Zjednoczonych wycofał się z programu promów kosmicznych Space Shuttle, oraz intymnym portretem inżynierów i astronautów, którzy zostali wybrani do udziału w tym historycznym momencie. "Powrót w kosmos" towarzyszy weteranom NASA Bobowi Behnkenowi i Dougowi Hurleyowi w przygotowaniach do startu oraz w ich fascynującej wyprawie na Międzynarodową Stację Kosmiczną, a także pracownikom centrum kontroli lotów, Muskowi i ekipie SpaceX, którzy tryumfalnie sprowadzili astronautów z powrotem na Ziemię.

When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has disappeared without a trace - and that nobody seems too concerned about it. As Simon probes deeper into the disappearance, the inhabitants of a forbidding estate called "Summerfield" take on more and more significance.

When a plane crashes at sea, dolphins rescue a little boy and raise him as family. He lives a carefree life beneath the waves until an evil monster seizes power over the underwater world. Banished to dry land, the boy is taken in by a kind-hearted captain. With his new companion's help, the boy embarks on a journey to solve the mystery of his true identity.

The Earth shortly before its end. The houses in the cities are deserted, the streets smashed. The sky shimmers dark gray.

Panie z grupy LETHAL chcą dopaść złodzieja. Typ ukradł komputer, w pamięci którego znajduje się mapa prowadząca do skarbu.

Światowej sławy podróżnik i poszukiwacz przygód Guliwer zostaje ponownie zaproszony do krainy Liliputów, którą wcześniej ocalił przed wrogą flotą sąsiedniego kraju Blefuscu. Dochodzi jednak do nieporozumienia, bowiem mieszkańcy oczekują, że u ich bram stanie olbrzym wielkości solidnego budynku, który samym swoim wyglądem odstraszy każdego wroga. Nic jednak z tego, bowiem Guliwer jest zwyczajnego wzrostu i niczym się w tym względzie nie różni od pozostałych mieszkańców. Rozczarowany król wtrąca przybysza do lochu. Tymczasem niezwyciężona armada Blefuscu pod komendą jej żądnego podbojów dowódcy przygotowuje kolejną inwazję. Los pokojowej krainy leży teraz w rękach Guliwera, jego dzielnego mysiego kompana i nowo poznanej przyjaciółki. Do pokonania licznej armii wroga potrzebna będzie nie siła, a spryt.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.